Better Conflict, default role-oriented spawn-in loadouts, supply changes, magazine changes, tracer changes, spawnable AI and FIA overhaul and more! All significantly affect the metagame!
Updated for the new v1.2.1.189 Update!!!
Overhauled Everon Conflict Scenario:
I added a lot more points and spawns, the usual supply depots, and new hidden supply caches; the only thing that this currently lacks is FIA-guarded checkpoints!
Better Starting Loadouts; the Default Rifleman spawns with:
- more essentials
- flashlight
- shovel
- no map or compass (this gives FTL, SL, PL, and Marksman more purpose and actively builds heirarchy structures for roles)
- no radio (FTL, SL, and PL get these)
- no binoculars (SL and PL get these)
- no morphine (this gives Medics more purpose)
- backpack (with 1 MG belt, 3 HE and 2 flares so they can help MGers and Grenadiers; the US Rifleman gets a M249 belt and the USSR Rifleman gets a PKM belt)
- camo
Spawn-Screen Loadouts:
I made custom loadouts balanced for teamplay: Team/Squad/Platoon leaders and Marksmen get compasses, maps, and radios, while the other Specialists, Assistants, and Riflemen get shovels; this will help keep radios clearer while creating a metagame more-reliant on teamwork. I wanted to remove the need to build an arsenal at the beginning of a match so that people can spend more time playing and less time setting up to play.
Supply Cost Overhaul:
Basically-everything costs something; most things are meaningless in supply costs (many things are cheaper) but where you will notice the supply cost overhaul the most is with 250-500rd MMG belts and HMG belts. Also, supply builds at double the rate until it hits 1500 with an increased cap of 3000 outside of the M.O.B.
Supply Overhaul:
All bases outside of MOB can generate up to 3000 supply and they generate at double their randomized rate until they reach 1500 supply; supply is still an issue but it's not a ridiculous pain if you're getting camped out.
Removed Suppressors until audio is patched!
Vehicle Rank Requirement Overhaul:
To create incentive for using a wider variety of vehicles rather than only spawning .50 cal turret Humvees as the on the US side.
Magazine & Belt Overhaul:
I modified the default Rifle magazines and default LMG belts into 4:1 Mix with the last 3 rounds as tracers to let you know to reload, this should be helpful for cohesion and especially helpful for newbies; MMG belts have that same change applied and now also have Armor-Piercing mixed into the belts (the PKM, PKT, & UK59 get Armor-Piercing Incendiary mixed into the belts), so MMGs are now nearly as scary as HMGs. Marksman Rifles are the only weapons which do not have tracers.
Vehicle Depot Restrictions:
I removed some vehicles which were arguably useless when compared to other variants. Also, we have Big Chungus's motorbike at Light Vehicle Depots for the US & USSR!
Building Mode Overhaul:
Unless it is the Small Living Quarters (req. Sergeant or higher) or Large Living Quarters (req. Lieutenant or higher), anyone can place and build this. Also, the helipad, since it takes a while to get supplies out to it, you can place that first at the MOB so that supplies always funnel toward it first, it now only costs 500 supplies to build instead of 560; it's still the most expensive but it's cheaper.
AI Overhaul:
The Default spawn-in loadouts are the AI loadouts, so it will no longer be obvious (apart from movement) as to who is a player and who is AI!
FIA Overhaul:
The FIA spawn with their typical uniforms and Type 56 vests and M70 Backpacks but also have Soviet armor, RPG packs, and painted camoflauge helmets available to them. Also you will see more of their Specialists present!
RPG7 Initial-Use Rework:
The RPG7 now spawns without a rocket in the tube which makes it easier to remain stealthy while being a RPG7 Specialist. Also, this will reduce the chance of the FIA instantly switching to a loaded RPG7 upon seeing a vehicle and killing that vehicle while the driver tries to avert; survivability is fun and this is a realistic modification from what I have gathered due to safety concerns with reloadable launchers.
Modified Tracers:
7.62x54mmR 7T2 tracers & 7.62x39mm 57N231P tracers are now green instead of red for historical accuracy. If I did not know the color of the tracers in reality, I did not make a change. I was surprised that the 5.45x39mm 7T3 tracers were actually red in reality upon researching this.
A huge thanks goes out to:
- Sven Martin and [FOR] Reason for the troubleshooting and guidance along the way
- CEO_of_Bacon for helping me set up the depencies and troubleshooting when I had panicked and thought that I deleted my entire project haha
- Jove Chiere for making a sweet new version of his ToH ReCharacters mod and teaching me some things as well
- Big Chungus, Degzii, TheOrangeDealer, YouAreBamboozled (WCS), Reforged Arms Studios, and Your401kPlan for granting me permission to utilize their awesome mods
- YOU for using my mod that I have put a lot of thought and hours into
If you use my mod and/or modify and reupload it, all I ask is that you give credit to me and the other modders who made it possible!
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)