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CRX Enfusion A.I.

by ATiM-


Bug where A.I. did not use "Force Stance" feature properly.
Wrong defend waypoint move and cover calculation lead to strange A.I. move and attack behavior mainly occurring if "AmbientPatrolSystem" ( CAMPAIGN or COMBAT OPS ) or any other A.I. with big defend waypoint radius was used. ( Still may will need some further additional investigation. )
Game Version
Sat, 31 Aug 2024 10:12:54 GMT
Last Modified
Sat, 31 Aug 2024 10:13:12 GMT


Bug introduced in version

A.I. Base System:
Added:    A.I. cover useless check for close range combat.
Improved: A.I. will try to find and use cover in close range combat.
Improved: A.I. suppression movement. ( A.I. which is suppressing will be allowed to randomly move and search cover to improve A.I. target detection. )

A.I. Feature System:
Added: A.I. will use smoke cover during combat if highly threatened.
Added: A.I. infoshare for better and faster A.I. respond to possible threats.
Improved: Friendly and Civilian A.I. reaction to "Damage Taken" and "Projectile Hit" danger events in idle and combat.

Fixed: Multiple various script errors.
Game Version
Sat, 10 Aug 2024 07:19:34 GMT
Last Modified
Sat, 10 Aug 2024 07:19:51 GMT


A.I. did ignore "Hold Position" for explosion danger event.

A.I. Base System:
Added: A.I. improved combat stance system.
Added: A.I. improved combat cover and movement system.

A.I. Feature System:
Added: A.I. extended threat system.
Added: A.I. "Group" and "Fireteam" combat movement.
Added: A.I. improved and extended danger reaction for "Explosion" "Damage Taken" and "Projectile Hit" danger events incl. A.I. in vehicles and civilians.

Game Master GUI:
Added: A.I. disable movement controls. ( Freeze A.I. movement )
Added: A.I. force weapon fire mode. ( HOLD/SINGLE/BURST/SUPPRESSIVE )
Added: Force A.I. simulation. ( Keep A.I. simulation enabled even if far away from any player or camera )
Changed: Steppings of "Weapon Fire Reaction Distance" from 1 to 5 for faster customization on console.
Game Version
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 10:55:35 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 25 Jul 2024 10:55:50 GMT


Game Version
Tue, 02 Jul 2024 04:43:31 GMT
Last Modified
Tue, 02 Jul 2024 04:43:44 GMT


Game Version
Sun, 30 Jun 2024 17:07:01 GMT
Last Modified
Sun, 30 Jun 2024 17:07:18 GMT


- Changed: Game Master A.I. character GUI category Tools to Utilities.
- Added: A.I. "Force Weapon Raised" feature and Game Master GUI to Utilities category.
- Added: A.I. "Force Movement Type" feature and Game Master GUI to Utilities category.
- Changed: A.I. investigate will be disabled automatically if "Hold Position" is used.
- Fixed: A.I. group with one A.I. agent ( holding a single A.I. character only ) did use wrong rank and skill.
- Changed: Disabled A.I. "Move From Danger" behavior on initial contact ( without target ) due to A.I. will already search for cover on initial contact by "Observe Position" behavior.
- Added: 1st step of improved A.I. cover search algorithm. A.I. find cover and A.I. combat movement algorithm will again become a huge re-write within the next couple updates where some of them are already part of this update.
- Added: 1st step of A.I. "Combat Movement Type > FIRETEAM. A.I. groups will move using their fireteams during cover to cover movement. A.I. "Combat Movement Type" GROUP/FIRETEAM/INDIVIDUAL will be selected randomly and depending on A.I. group size.
Game Version
Fri, 05 Jan 2024 07:04:04 GMT
Last Modified
Fri, 05 Jan 2024 07:04:47 GMT


- Fixed: A.I. perception SAFE and VIGILANT.
- Changed: Several various adjustments to make A.I. behave more dynamic but still smart and responsive during combat.
- Added: A.I. "Random Patrol Waypoints" feature and Game Master GUI setting. Note: Due to still missing cycle waypoint A.I. will not cycle waypoints created by this feature. 
- Improved: A.I. using "Observe Position" behavior will try to find cover during observation. This will not only help A.I. to find a safe position for observation but also help A.I. to be able to detect possible enemies better by changing their observation position.
- Changed: A.I. cover search distance ( position ) will now be determined by A.I. threat suppression level where high suppression threat level will make A.I. search for cover starting at their current position and up to 30 meters and low suppression threat level will make A.I. search for cover randomly within 30 meters to their current position.
- Changed: A.I. "Move From Danger Chance" setting from 50% to 100%. A.I. "Move From Danger" behavior will mainly be controlled by A.I. "Move From Danger Threat Threshold Modifier" setting and should mainly be used to modify A.I. "Move From Danger" behavior.
Game Version
Thu, 28 Dec 2023 17:10:50 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 28 Dec 2023 17:11:33 GMT


- Added: A.I. "Force Stay In Vehicle" feature and Game Master GUI to Tools category.
- Added: A.I. "Move From Danger Chance" setting and Game Master GUI to Tools category.
- Improved: "Danger Event" conditions to decrease A.I. "Move From Danger" behavior usage.
- Added: A.I. "Move From Danger Threat Threshold Modifier" setting and Game Master GUI to Tools category.
- Optimized: Removed all unused and still remaining vanilla nodes from "Combat_MoveAttack" behavior tree.
- Added: A.I. "Combat Movement Type > GROUP and INDIVIDUAL" group feature and Game Master GUI. Note: A.I. "Combat Movement Type > GROUP" A.I. will try to keep and move using their selected formation and search for cover nearby their individual formation position. 
- Added: A.I. "Force Stance" feature and Game Master GUI. Note: Sometimes due to terrein surface ( Rocks/Stones any kind of object very close to A.I. ) it may happened that A.I. will not be able to change its stance properly and remain in its current stance.
- Changed: Moved all A.I. "Force" and "Hold Position" settings from "Character" to "Tools" category.
- Changed: Increased cover search duration ( duration between A.I. move and cover search ) from 1 - 3sec. to 3 - 5sec. to reduce A.I. moving.
- Changed: A.I. cover search will now always start from agent current position and will be increased everytime the agent was unable to find cover up to a distance of 30m. This should help A.I. to use/find cover closest to their current position.
Game Version
Sun, 24 Dec 2023 13:48:53 GMT
Last Modified
Sun, 24 Dec 2023 13:49:37 GMT


- Added: A.I. "Hold Position" feature and Game Master GUI.
- Added: "Force Weapon Fire Mode" feature and Game Master GUI.
- Changed: A.I. cover search radius from 0 - 15m to 5 - 30m for better cover utilization.
- Changed: Condition for A.I. "MoveFromDangerPosition" to be use when projectiles impacted very close only to prevent A.I. from moving too much.
Game Version
Thu, 21 Dec 2023 09:12:17 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 21 Dec 2023 09:13:03 GMT


Initial Release.
Game Version
Wed, 20 Dec 2023 07:37:51 GMT
Last Modified
Wed, 20 Dec 2023 07:38:06 GMT


Game Version
Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:49:21 GMT
Last Modified
Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:49:32 GMT


Game Version
Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:32:01 GMT
Last Modified
Tue, 19 Dec 2023 08:32:09 GMT

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