Welcome to the Resistance, Soldiers!
We're proud to release the Arma Reforger 1.1 Update: Resistance Ops. This major update introduces new playable content, civilian clothing, weapons and optics, vehicles, and more. It also includes a multitude of fixes and improvements. Players can now play as the guerilla resistance faction and collaborate together to liberate the island in a new scenario called Combat Ops: Everon.
Combat Ops: Everon
On the island of Everon, the local resistance has been beaten into submission by the invading Soviet forces - but they will not accept defeat sitting down.
In this game mode, join the FIA and collaborate with up to 5 friends to liberate the island of Everon. Players can battle it out against improved AI in a dynamic scenario that offers a different experience every time. Raid camps, destroy objectives, seize arms, and break the enemy's stranglehold on the island.

New Weapons
All three factions have received new weapons, reworked models, and upgraded weapon variants. Introducing the all-new US M16A2 Carbine, enhanced optics for both US and Soviet factions, and an expanded arsenal for the FIA, which now includes the UK-59L machine gun, NSV turret, and even an armed UAZ.

Civilian Assets
The FIA now has a selection of civilian clothing to help conceal themselves and build their guerilla resistance. Join their cause and cruise around the islands in style with the Šárka S1203 and S105, two civilian vehicles based on popular Czech automobiles from the 80's.

AI Improvements
This update has introduced two crucial improvements to AI behavior making non-human players more formidable adversaries on the battlefield. They now demonstrate improved tactics like seeking cover from fire and employing smoke grenades when aiding downed comrades. These new behaviors are very noticeable in-game, and we think you will find your AI opponents (and teammates) to be much more effective combatants.

Lighting Improvements
Lighting both indoors and out has been significantly improved. Overall, the lighting is more vibrant, which is especially noticeable during the picturesque sunrises and sunsets of Arland and Everon. New clouds with more authentic and variable shapes cast more explicit shadows in cloudy weather. In addition, the lighting coming into buildings from the outside is more explicit, and foliage obstructs sunlight much more naturally, even from a distance.

Gameplay Improvements
A plethora of new fixes, tweaks, and enhancements have been integrated. Below are some key improvements aimed at boosting your gameplay experience:
Radios must now be deployed to spawn on them - This limitation requires you to strategically deploy radio backpacks to prepare for offensive maneuvers.
Fast travel is now limited to deployed radios - While it used to be fun to teleport across the map at will, the previous implementation of fast travel detracted from the game's realism and immersion. Now, strategically deploying radios is crucial.
Living quarters can only spawn a set number of AI - "Living quarter spam" is no longer an issue as the number of AI per base is now limited. Not to mention, spawning AI costs a decent amount of supplies.
Spawning at bases under attack takes longer - Defenders can no longer quickly and repeatedly spawn into a base being captured, which previously gave them an unfair advantage and made capturing bases extremely difficult.
Supplies spawn more slowly and are capped at lower amounts in bases - Logistics is more important than ever, and if your team isn't running supplies, you will find it even more difficult to gain an advantage and hold your points.

We hope you enjoy the latest update to Arma Reforger. Please read the full changelog below for a detailed breakdown of all the new additions, changes, and tweaks.
Visit our Dev Hub to read about Known Issues. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. Changelog
Added: M16A2 camouflaged variants
Added: M16A2 carbine
Added: Carry handle red dot sight
Added: AK-74N assault rifle
Added: RPK-74N light machine gun
Added: NSV heavy machine gun and 6T7 tripod
Added: 1P29 rifle scope
Added: PGO-7V3 launcher scope
Added: SPP scope for NSV machine gun
Added: UAZ-469B armed vehicle, version with PKM and version with UK-59
Added: KLMK oversuit
Added: KZS blouse and pants
Added: SSh-68 helmet with KLMK, netting, and KZS cover
Added: UK-59L machine gun
Added: TAZ83 blouse and pants
Added: RF-10 radio backpack for FIA
Added: Orlik watch for FIA
Added: Civilian clothes - denim jacket, turtleneck sweater, pants, suits, raincoat, hats
Added: Civilian items to FIA Arsenal
Added: Civilian vehicle Šárka S1203
Added: Civilian vehicle Šárka S105
Changed: M203 grenade launcher model
Changed: M16A2 model
Changed: M21 materials and textures
Changed: 4x20 carry handle scope model
Changed: GP-25 grenade launcher model
Changed: AK-74 model
Changed: M9 pistol model
Playable Content
Added: Combat Ops: Everon
Added: More defensive positions for FIA bases
Added: Game Master can now enable and disable supplies on entities with supply usage as well as globally
Changed: Rank limitation for Requesting AI and building Barracks has been changed to Sergeant
Changed: Vehicle request no longer affected by enemy presence in the base
Changed: FIA supply caches will no longer be depleted on session start
Changed: The rate of progression through ranks has been significantly reduced when transporting troops by helicopter
Changed: Requests for transportation are now limited to deployable radios positioned by the player's group.
Changed: The victory timer no longer fades out when the game is paused
Changed: The rate of progression through ranks has been increased for killing enemies
Changed: The rate of progression through ranks has been increased for deploying radios
Changed: Vehicles requested in a base without a fuel supply point now start with only a limited amount of fuel
Changed: Fuel supply points built-in bases no longer affect the seizing timer
Changed: Defending radio relay stations in an enemy's radio range now also triggers rewards for the defender
Changed: Friendly bases will no longer generate supplies while under attack
Changed: Increased deploy time on bases under attack
Changed: Supplies are no longer generated more rapidly when the stored amount is low
Changed: It's not possible anymore to place an AI or composition when an enemy is inside the building perimeter
Tweaked: Rules for supplies being generated in bases
Tweaked: Supply storage placement in the vicinity of military bases
Fixed: Building and dismantling support structures in bases now has a real-time effect on the seizing timer
Fixed: Enemy faction can no longer observe map icon flashing when you start capturing a base
Fixed: Wrongly calculated budgets Game Master/Free Roam Building when more players were in building mode
Fixed: Tutorial: Take long-range radio was not available
Fixed: Combat Ops: Support Attack in Saint Pierre could not be completed
Fixed: Conflict: Objectives should now correctly reflect the current base owners
Fixed: Helicopter placement was often impossible due to obstruction
Fixed: Icons of finished or canceled tasks were still present on the map when loading a save
Fixed: Objectives list can now be closed with the Escape key
Removed: Respawn on non-deployed radio backpacks
Added: Some of the furniture is now destructible
Added: When walking in deep water, character tries to keep weapon above the surface
Added: Saved loadouts are now available after a disconnection or a kick
Added: JIP functionality for after-death deactivation of character
Added: Character can now be forced into fall by applying enough up impulse
Added: Player's movement speed and stamina consumption are influenced by the slope of surface they move against
Added: Arsenals with repair kits to Tool Racks in the world
Added: Server restart timer to end screen
Added: Game Master (GM) mode now allows for placing vehicles with crew and/or passengers using the toolbar buttons when placing a vehicle
Added: Vehicle ground and water collision VFX and SFX
Added: Free Roam Building mode is now used for requesting vehicles and AI soldiers. Possibility to command AI in base via Free Roam Building
Added: Parallax projection for picture-in-picture (PIP) sights
Added: Rotor collision particles and sound effects for helicopters
Added: Static compositions are blacklisted from Game Master asset browser and are only available at specific places in world
Added: All weapons have a tailored depth of field intensity when using Bokeh
Added: Spawning with loadout takes the cost of the entire loadout
Added: Synchronization of physical weapon drop
Added: ScreenShake for occupants effect when crashing any vehicle
Added: Game Master now supports Replicated Visibility setting where if enabled, when the visibility of an Game Master Entity changes, it is replicated to all Clients
Changed: Vehicle inventories have been changed. Items have been updated, and some vehicles now have arsenals with specific items
Changed: Optimizations around InteractionHandlerComponent
Changed: Relays now only work if the encryption matches the transmission
Changed: Default fuel consumption multiplier reduced from 12 to 8
Changed: Game Master Content browser now supports entries from the Entity Catalog and is used to spawn vehicles and groups in build mode
Changed: Increased the Fuel Support Station range of fuel pumps to make refueling with larger vehicles easier
Changed: Arsenal items in catalogs can now have separate costs for arsenal items depending on which system asks for the cost. Magazines in resupply kits, for example, will have a separate cost from magazines in arsenals to balance out use cases
Changed: Rotors now take collision damage at lower speeds
Changed: Inspect Casualty Widget now disappears after 5 seconds
Changed: Vehicle ramps in the world now can repair vehicles fully with the Repair wrench
Changed: Ragdoll simulation is now independent of server FPS
Changed: Arsenal contents, now all weapons start without attachments
Changed: The garbage collection behavior was adjusted to minimize the impact on gameplay.
Items on the ground will not be removed while a player is within a 5-meter radius of it
Vehicles loaded with at least 25% of their supply cargo capacity have twice the lifetime (40 instead of 20 minutes)
Getting within a 25 meters radius of a vehicle will reset its lifetime to at least 5 minutes and will only start to count down once no more players are nearby (T177753)
The Game Master clean map button no longer removes items dropped, or vehicles exited within the last minute to e.g. reduce disruption to players working on their loadout
Tweaked: Prone weapon deployment offset of buttstock from shoulder has been changed to prevent weapon clipping into the head
Tweaked: Unconscious ragdoll parameters, so it doesn't end so quickly
Tweaked: Significantly reduced secondary fire damage and removed impulses from them
Tweaked: Increased reload time of M60 and PKM on tripods to 7.5 seconds
Tweaked: AI perception light curves
Tweaked: Adjusted swimming collider size
Fixed: False positive weapon deployment positions, where the weapon would undeploy in next frame
Fixed: Character would be teleported on top of another character if they run into each other
Fixed: When a character enters fall and is unconscious, it doesn't interrupt it but makes it ragdoll instead
Fixed: When a character becomes unconscious when falling, it didn't exit fall command
Fixed: Freezing of game when player ejected from flipped vehicle
Fixed: Dropping ALICE Automatic Rifleman with machine gun ammo and picking it up will place magazines outside of pockets
Fixed: Character was slowly sliding away from the turret at certain angles
Fixed: Character orientation in unconscious animation is now calculated using normal surface
Fixed: Particles were not paused anymore
Fixed: Character can no longer fall through small gaps
Fixed: Character doesn't get pushed away from surface when landing during jump
Fixed: Jerrycan could be desynced if left inside vehicle while in hand
Fixed: Character turning at a spot on a slope leads to continuously interrupted turning animation
Fixed: User actions were sometimes hard to access/view
Fixed: Character exiting from a turret propped up on sandbags would exit in the air and drop down
Fixed: Equipped gadget was sometimes still attached to character's hand when pointing
Fixed: Character could interrupt continuous action and continue it right away, breaking animation
Fixed: Selecting an item/gadget while loitering will equip that item once loiter is canceled
Fixed: Street lamps were not correctly disabled when playing during daytime
Fixed: Replication flags of throwing did not reset on the server, leading to bugged-out throwing animations
Fixed: Ragdoll started inside/on top of the vehicle when a character dies at the beginning of getting out animation
Fixed: Aim down sights (ADS) toggle in rejected while obstructed in third-person view
Fixed: Flickering powerline shadows on world leaf boundaries
Fixed: Streamed in dead bodies didn't have their physics destroyed
Fixed: Dropping your clothes while a tool is in your hands won't leave you stranded with the tool stuck to the hand, visible to everyone
Fixed: Character stuck in the falling animation after jumping off a ladder
Fixed: Character got stuck in item changing when they started falling right after exiting a vehicle
Fixed: Server Browser - Stuck in a password loop when displaying details
Fixed: Climbing on a ladder and running away could cause a character desync
Fixed: Character got stuck if they started using an item immediately after using the previous item had finished
Fixed: Dropped jerrycan cannot be refueled
Fixed: Vehicle third-person camera offset was too extreme
Fixed: Host would lose mouse control of character when a client dies
Fixed: Ladder command was not canceled when character was teleported away from it while climbing
Fixed: Hide gadgets in hand when doing a picking up animation
Fixed: Helicopters involuntary take-off when ground assist is enabled
Fixed: Player could get stuck in inspect animation
Fixed: Magazine/Grenade stuck to player's hand when reloading is interrupted
Fixed: Collimator sights were jittery
Fixed: Character preview was very slow
Fixed: Major character shaking during weapon deployment while moving weapon using A/D in first-person view
Fixed: The grass was flattened under helicopters even when it was high in the air
Fixed: Game Master button being visible in debriefing menu when it should not be
Fixed: Destruction multi-phase component plays duplicate destruction effects when destroying it with RPG in multiplayer
Fixed: Moving inventory items within character inventory while virtual arsenal was open would cause them to get refunded
Fixed: Opening virtual arsenal within character storages caused it to become bugged
Fixed: Supply explosion VFX for vehicles was paused until vehicle appeared on screen
Fixed: Turret freelook was influenced by weapon elevation
Fixed: Fall damage is now applying damage to physical hitzones and can be healed
Fixed: Listen Server - Dropping weapon as the Host would drop them for connected clients
Fixed: "Clear dead or destroyed entities" Game Master action is available for client Game Master
Fixed: Moving Items directly to a vehicle while the vehicle storage is opened and the trunk is full will now move the item into cargo if it is available and has space
Fixed: Arma vision player character effects are not applied to enemy faction
Fixed: Windows were not destructible
Fixed: Random Weather Changes parameter in mission header is now working correctly
Fixed: M72 launcher had an excessive depth-of-field effect in ADS when using Bokeh
Fixed: Vehicle refund action works properly now
Fixed: Character/Soldier/Group refund action works properly now
Fixed: Supply count not updating properly on build mode
Fixed: FIA arsenals did not have the system filter assigned to them
Fixed: Supplies not updating correctly when Game Master moved compositions with supply storages
Fixed: Game Master: Updated entities in the game master to have a default Entity name instead of a placeholder name
Fixed: SCR_ResourceSystem.OnUpdate VME when deleting a vehicle
Fixed: Conflict: FIA enemies should no longer appear in player's close proximity
Fixed: Conflict: Transporting dead crew members no longer awards rank progression
Fixed: Conflict: "Base seized" jingle playing when connecting to a match
Fixed: "Trucker Joe" achievement would not be unlocked even when the condition was met
Fixed: Tasks were not able to be assigned via map marker
Fixed: PIP Sights - Reticle lines were significantly thicker compared to 2D sights, despite using the same texture
Fixed: Car engine stop sounds were not being played
Fixed: Players couldn't spawn on a base that doesn't have enough supplies
Fixed: Smoke trail of a rocket disappeared right at the moment the rocket exploded
Fixed: Building preview could be possibly spawned to player who doesn't use his shovel or the preview is out of his reach
Fixed: Arsenal did not refund dropped weapons
Fixed: Moving items after interacting with Arsenal caused them to get refunded
Fixed: Sandbox resource container decay and gain grace/timeout periods now take effect
Fixed: Empty groups on Game Master are no longer visible
Fixed: Debriefing screen Chat and Game Master buttons could not be used via keyboard/controller
Fixed: Debriefing screen could not be opened via keyboard/controller
Fixed: Tasks with unassigned faction threw VME on UpdateMapTaskIco
Fixed: U.S. Command Post now properly shows up when searched through Asset Browser within Game Master
Fixed: Character's stance wouldn't reliably change when character was colliding
Fixed: Character was sometime falling straight down from flying helicopter
Fixed: CWU-27/P Pilot Coveralls have spots on the rear of the characters that clip through the model
Fixed: Removing uniforms and/or helmets in a vehicle will no longer make your backpack reappear
Fixed: Shells were not getting replicated over long-range distances
Fixed: Slot selection with mouse wheel was changing character speed
Fixed: Characters were sometimes sitting sideways in vehicles
Fixed: Soviet medical bag was causing shouldered weapons to create a gap between weapons and body
Fixed: No animation was played when jumping unarmed
Fixed: Supplies were shown incorrectly when opening inventory container
Fixed: Character should not jump up/down when manning static turrets
Fixed: Objective description was not visible when using controller to select task
Fixed: No refund when disassembling a composition
Fixed: Hosting a listen server now properly stops ongoing addon downloads
Fixed: Freelook was reset when opening pause menu
Fixed: Chat window was still visible in Armavision when UI was turned off
Fixed: Freelook was behaving incorrectly in some vehicles
Fixed: Single deaths sometimes counted as multiple deaths
Fixed: Sight zeroing could be unaligned for newly equipped weapons
Fixed: Missing sound of turret hitting aiming limits
Added: Cover system
Added: Agents received basic training in the use of smoke grenades in medical situations
Added: Agents reactions to explosions
Added: Group investigation of potential sources of detected grenades
Changed: Door links now use navmesh agent radius for pass and intersection checks
Changed: Renamed AILimit methods so they make more sense
Tweaked: Rules for selecting targets for AI
Tweaked: Now AI will not attack enemy vehicles that are already burning
Tweaked: All vehicles now utilize SCR_VehiclePerceivableComponent instead of VehiclePerceivableComponent. NOTE: This change might break vehicle prefabs. Please ensure you have backed up your work.
Fixed: Incorrect shifting to the right of paths generated using road network
Fixed: AI character was not able to aim while reloading
Fixed: Animals could get triggered by disabled AIs
Fixed: Birds flying in place
Fixed: Crash when AI is switching weapons and is put into the unconscious state
Fixed: AI shooting at disabled AIs
Fixed: Birds not being visible
Fixed: PerceptionComponent now properly determines its FOV
Changed: RegionalDestructionManager and DestructibleEntity replication is safer in case of errors
Fixed: Removal of dead bodies, abandoned items, and vehicles not working correctly (T177376)
Fixed: Crash caused by reloading while a turret was being deleted
Fixed: Possible crashes where TurretControllerComponent expected presence of BaseWeaponManagerComponent
Fixed: Crash when leaving compartments of a vehicle without a physics component
Fixed: Crash when death ragdoll ends on remote proxy
Fixed: Crash on navmesh when building Compositions
Fixed: Crash on turrets with no sight component
Fixed: Navlink edges falling out of bounds of heighfield causing crash
Fixed: Possible server crash when mass killing AI on ladder
Fixed: High memory consumption when using large enum value in ECommonItemType
Added: First iteration of simple controller keybinding
Added: Inventory - Press F/Y to equip, and hold F/Y to use an item directly. Thanks to Scalespeeder for the suggestion!
Added: Game Master now features a "Create Player" action and the associated Controller input is to double tap "a"
Added: Allow rebinding lean and stance adjustment modifiers
Fixed: Controls - Radial menu does not block aiming with mouse
Fixed: Keybindings - Missing input filter preset names on Game Master category bindings
Fixed: Keybindings - Missing input filter preset names on Manual Camera category bindings
Fixed: Keybindings - Missing input filter preset name on Common - Perform action binding
Fixed: Forced freelook now does not reset toggle freelook input
Fixed: Character movement uses mouse wheel speed adjustment even when input type is analogue
Server Administration
Added: RCON - Configurable limit for max connected RCON clients (maxClients)
Added: Server config parameter to completely disable AI (disableAI)
Added: Command line parameters for controlling number of worker threads in job system
Changed: RCON - Exposed logs to normal log level
Fixed: RCON - Minimum length for password (3 characters) was missing in config validation schema
Fixed: RCON - Update interval for better responsiveness when processing commands
Fixed: RCON - Removed null-terminator in response packets for Protocol Compliance
Fixed: RCON - Whitelist and blacklist params could not be defined with empty arrays
Fixed: Server will now shutdown with proper error message when it is launched with blocked addons (T178708)
Scenario Framework
Added: SlotWaypoint with extended waypoint API for SlotAI
Added: New attributes for SlotAI, such as formation, combat type, and perception factor
Added: AI actions for SlotAI
Added: Action Spawn Objects Based On Distance with many options
Added: Action On Compartment Entered Or Left
Added: Audio Voiceline Actions and processing based on spawned objectives
Added: Action Show Popup notification
Added: Action to feed string parameter according to the prefab display name
Added: New vehicle actions to start/turn off engine, Set Fuel, OnEngineStarted/Stop events, and DamageWheels
Added: Randomize ragdoll attribute for Kill Entity action
Added: SpawnPoint Plugin API
Added: Better descriptions, new prints to inform scenario creators about improper setup, and simplified getting entities
Changed: Wait and Execute action extended by randomization and looping settings
Fixed: Action Show Hint not working on dedicated servers
Added: Properties to systems at the project level
Added: Access to LOD index in anim expressions
Added: HijackDamageHandling, a function that gives a large control of DamageHandling to script
Added: DamageManager.ShouldCountAsHit, moddable function to ignore hits on damage managers
Added: UpdatePosition/UpdateAAB/UpdateRadius to respective grid maps
Added: RegisterEntity/UnregisterEntity to TagSystem
Added: DamageContext class interface
Added: Visual warnings when entities with damage managers are missing hitzones or a default hitzone
Added: Entities with damage managers without hitzones will not be spawned when going into play mode
Added: Workshop: Script API to get the list of contributors
Added: SetIKTarget and SetIKTargetPlane functions on CharacterAnimationComponent
Added: Event for showing/hiding player loadout gear during vehicle get-in/out animation
Added: Anim event for spawning/despawning prefab with RplComponent in L/R hand prop bone
Added: BaseCompartmentManagerComponent.GetOwner to script
Added: ItemUseParameters can now specify the Binding Name to which the item's animation graph should be bound
Added: Support for Event_Item_Action_MakeItemInvisible to make an item invisible during ItemUse
Added: SetMaxHealth forces health sync to clients
Added: GetHitZoneByColliderID and GetHitZonesByColliderIDs
Added: Getters for finding actions of provided type in AIBaseUtilityComponent
Added: Script getters for various components in BaseTarget class
Added: Ability to change IKPoses per magazine and ability to provide IKPose override based on stance for weapons and items
Added: InventoryStorageManagerComponent.CountItem to count the number of items from a predicate inside the inventory
Added: AIWeaponTargetSelector.HasWeaponOfType
Added: AIWeaponTargetSelector.FindWeaponOfType
Added: AIWeaponTargetSelector.GetMagazineCount
Added: InventoryOperationCallback.GetItem to be able to know which item is used in the operation
Added: Optics - Ability to standard reticle colors via attributes of SCR_2DOpticsComponent
Added: AttachmentSlotComponent.ShouldSetResource/ShouldSetAttachment API
Added: On SightComponents on weapons you can force the nearby DOF to be the simple depth of field for this sight
Added: Option to lower player weapon when using SCR_ScriptedUserAction.OnActionStart
Added: Graph API
Added: SCR_ContainerBudgetManager class for managing budgeting on game systems or frame-dependent logic
Added: Save In Loadout property on BaseInventoryStorageComponent, to decide if the storage should be saved in the loadouts
Added: Vehicle overall drivetrain damage can now be retrieved using the GetMovementDamage method
Added: SCR_WheeledDamageManagerComponent which can take into account wheel damage
Added: NwkPhysicsMovementComponent to synchronize generic physical objects in multiplayer
Added: Systems can now decide if they are only on client, only on server, or on both
Added: Systems can now save and load replication data between client and server
Added: Systems can now send broadcast RPCs from server to clients
Added: UpdateBlacklist, OnInsertRequested, and OnBeforeDelete to provide scripted control over the GarbageSystem (T176454)
Added: Script: vanilla keyword
Added: Accessing base class methods from inherited class using "super"
Added: Also print variable name in null pointer VME
Added: ScriptAPI: FileIO.MakeDirectory to make dir tree
Added: ScriptAPI: ShapeEntity.IsClosed
Added: GetResolutionScale to RenderTargetWidget
Added: WorldSaveApi - exposed SetCurrentSave to script
Added: Serialization now has the possibility to keep binary format in memory and read it later
Added: Support for multiple sight components on turrets
Added: Game modes can now have supply resource system disabled, and spawn cost now has a multiplier dictating how many supplies it costs to spawn
Changed: The GarbageMananger was replaced by the GarbageSystem. It is now configured only through the ChimeraSystemsConfig.conf. The config layout has been adjusted to give mods finer control over rule priority
Changed: TagManager entity is now the TagSystem. Any usage of the old entity class in custom maps needs to be fixed.
Changed: Renamed ScriptedHitZone to SCR_HitZone
Changed: EWheelDamageState renamed to SCR_EWheelDamageState
Changed: Renamed SCR_DestructionBaseComponent to SCR_DestructionDamageManagerComponent
Changed: HitZoneContainerComponent is now sealed
Changed: SCR_WheelHitZone now inherits from SCR_VehicleHitZone
Changed: ActionManager in the PlayerController isn't assigned if the PlayerController doesn't belong to the locally controlled character
Changed: Renamed PlayerController.OnPlayerRegistered to PlayerController.OnLocalPlayerRegistered as it better describes when the method is called
Changed: Reworked functionality of SCR_AdjustSignalAction to support click, click and hold as well as hold and scroll actions
Changed: SCR_ResourceContainer.SetResourceValue to SetResourceValueUnsafe
Changed: SCR_ResourceContainer.SetResourceValueEx to SetResourceValue
Changed: PIP Optics - Parallax m_fProjectionDifferenceScale replaced with m_fVignetteParallaxScale that accounts for optic FOV
Changed: Integrated rest of muzzle attachment classes (pistol and 308) present in Attachments Compatibility addon with vanilla game
Please remove any dependency on the Attachments Compatibility addon in your mod, since it will clash with vanilla classes. Names of the muzzle classes are the same so it is not necessary to change it in the data itself.
Changed: Game Master now takes character Groups, Characters, and Vehicles from the Entity Catalog rather than the Game Master-specific list
This means that the two lists are now merged into one, and the catalog entry requires the editor data type to show up in the correct modes. The old list is still supported (and stays for things such as compositions, systems, and props), but any new entities of the named types will be added to the catalog only.
Changed: Invalid "new ref" syntax is now compile error
Changed: ScriptInvoker's now automatically remove null handlers
Fixed: Previous params fetch fail when publishing an addon for the first time was logged as an error
Fixed: BaseContainer.Cast was always returning null
Fixed: Crash in anim editor when adding event to very long animation
Fixed: SCR_Shape.DrawCircle precision issues with small radius
Fixed: It was not possible to call super method in overrides of PerformReaction of SCR_AIDangerReaction-derived classes, which made it hard to mod those methods
Fixed: Obsolete addon could be incorrectly marked as removed instead of obsolete in UI
Fixed: Scenario Framework: Slots were not sending invoker when entity was already spawned
Fixed: ScriptAPI: Widget.AddChild crashed when given null
Fixed: Calling super method together with method overloading would cause compile error (T172052)
Removed: SCR_HitZoneContainerComponent
Removed: BaseScriptedDamageManager
Removed: EMISSIVE_GLASS_SLOTS property from StreetLampComponent. This is not supported anymore.
Removed: SCR_FuelNozzleComponent is not needed anymore
Removed: InventoryItemComponent.SetCanBeGarbageCollected method and attribute, replaced by UpdateBlacklist calls to the GarbageSystem directly
Added: Solution for using Peer tool - Linux, Windows game, server, and Workbench binaries with "Diag suffix"
Added: Split view support for Script Editor
Added: Create and manage window layouts at runtime
Added: Resource Manager: "Duplicate to Addon" action for duplicating subscene worlds
Added: Resource Browser: Multiple addons support for "Override", "Duplicate", and "Inherit" actions
Added: Resource Manager: TortoiseSVN actions Blame, Diff, ShowLog, and CheckForModifications to the context menu
Added: Confirmation popup when user is added as an addon contributor
Added: Option to automatically register FBX files as models without animations (To skip the question dialog on every FBX import)
Added: Step property support not working for UIWidget.Slider
Added: ScriptAPI: WBModuleDef.GetPlugin
Added: MetaFile.GetSourceFilePath
Added: Process handling methods (Workbench.IsRunningProcess/WaitProcess/FinishProcess)
Added: Script Editor: auto-connect after changing debug target
Added: World Editor: Entities validation
Changed: "Open with addons" dialog now shows addon names instead of IDs
Changed: Curve Editor: Input field labels now correspond to axis labels
Changed: Improvements of diag menu
Changed: Workbench Script API refactor
Changed: Refactored all WorldEditorAPI methods to use IEntitySource
Tweaked: Resource manager - Improvements of "Transfer to addon" action
Tweaked: Mesh and Prefab preview - Added indicator of current collider visualization mode
Tweaked: BI-account handling - renamed Login -> Link, Logout -> Unlink, Abandon Identity -> Logout
Tweaked: World Editor: Hiding/showing 3D debug texts together with shapes on G key
Tweaked: World Editor: RigidBody component - Center of mass is now editable through a gizmo in scene
Tweaked: World Editor: Pasting whole config objects in property grid now affects all selected entities
Tweaked: World Editor: Project name removed from title bar information
Changed: World Editor: "Save As" action enabled as an alternative option for duplicating subscene worlds
Changed: World Editor: Creating and deleting config objects in property grid now works for all selected entities at once
Fixed: World Editor: Invalid behavior of "Restore to prefab value" action in property grid on object array that is inherited from prefab
Fixed: World Editor: Crash when opening prefab edit mode while an edited world is already loaded in fullscreen
Fixed: World Editor: Crash when drag and dropping invalid prefab into the scene
Fixed: Curve Editor: moving curve points right after selection
Fixed: Scalar slider had big step value by default
Fixed: UIWidget.Slider precise mode (dragging while holding shift)
Fixed: Several issues in Font Viewer
Fixed: Crash when resizing surface terrain textures
Fixed: Broken color picker in color dialog
Fixed: Script Editor - Closing tabs sometimes changed the currently active tab