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Don't Underestimate Logistics, Soldier!

Supplies win wars. And victory in Arma Reforger often hinges on which team runs logistics more effectively. Of course, having a strong presence on the battlefield with capable fighters is important. However, not having just as dedicated squads tasked with obtaining, delivering, and utilizing supplies makes holding these points near impossible.

So, don't run into the command tent of a freshly captured base to build an armory just yet. Be methodical, calculate your options, know your priorities, and most importantly, coordinate with your fellow soldiers. Ultimately, a unified platoon is stronger and has a higher chance of dominating the island.

The Basics

Supplies are a currency in the world of Arma Reforger. You obtain and spend them in order to reach your ultimate goal of winning the war. But it's not as straightforward as using money. Supplies have to be obtained from supply depots, capturing points of interest, even stealing from enemies. Once you have a comprehensive enough network, your bases can generate supplies in the background to keep you in the fight. Everything you request at any base or depot costs supplies. Spawning at bases or on deployed radios costs supplies. Every service you build costs supplies too, but the more services you have, the more supplies your base is capable of holding, which in turn makes your base more formidable.

Obtaining Supplies:

  • Supply Depots

    • Scattered throughout the map

    • Some marked on your map with a green marker, and some hidden around the islands in towns, villages, houses, warehouses, etc.

    • More often than not defended by FIA fighters armed with small arms and RPGs

    • Hold medium to large amounts of supplies, but can be depleted

    • Usually marked with a "ZÁSOBOVACÍ STANICE - ZÁKAZ KOUŘENÍ" wooden sign

  • Points of Interest / Capture Points

    • Each base to capture comes with a small number of supplies, usually not enough to build any service unless adjacent to a supply depot

    • Supplies from these points can be taken to more important bases at the cost of the inability to spawn

  • Enemy Supply Vehicles

    • Usually found behind enemy lines, but can belong to an advancing force

    • Can be stolen upon eliminating the occupants

    • Can be destroyed along with the vehicle

  • Decommissioning

    • When you're low on supplies and need them ASAP, decommissioning unnecessary equipment like vehicles or services is always an option

    • To decommission vehicles, you need a maintenance point

    • The more expensive to obtain, the more supplies will be given back upon decommissioning or disassembly

    • Even damaged, captured, and/or civilian vehicles can be decommissioned

  • Generated Supplies

    • Up to 1500 supplies can be automatically generated (Only MOB has no cap on generated supplies)

    • This can only happen to the bases within radio signal range of a Main Operating Base and with a Radio Relay Station built (Connection via a radio tower such as Entre Deux, Régina, or Signal Hill does not count towards supply generation)

    • The rate depends on the number of bases linked via radio signal up to 5 bases. Forward Operating Bases (key capture points) generate +10 individually when within the network so they can get up to +15.

As you can see, supplies can be obtained in a multitude of ways. It is up to you, which tactic you'll choose. Bear in mind you don't have to do it alone. Get a squad together and make it your mission for the current match to keep all of your bases stocked up and built up. This can prove essential to holding the island and eventually winning the war. 

Helpful tips:

  • Keep your team in the loop. Once you find a hidden supply cache, mark it on your map so the rest of your platoon can utilize it.

  • The FIA defends supply points to the death. When approaching a supply cache with a vehicle it is safer to park it further away and out of sight, clear the area of enemies, and then bring your vehicle to load up.

  • Read base stats. Each one of your bases has its stats displayed on the map. In the picture above, Calvary Hill currently has 370 supplies available and is able to hold up to 3200 supplies. The number in parentheses (+5) shows the rate of automatically generated supplies.

Vehicle supply capacity:

  • US

    • M151A2 Off-Road

      • Open top - 30

      • Closed top - 100

      • Armed M2 - 30

    • M998

      • Light utility vehicle open top - 180

      • Light utility vehicle canopy - 315

      • M1025 Armed M2 - 200

      • M997 Ambulance - 180

    • M923A1 truck

      • Transport - 600

      • Arsenal - 450

      • Ammo - 450

      • Construction - 550

      • Repair - 350

    • M934A1 truck

      • Command - 450

    • UH-1H "Huey" helicopter

      • Transport - 290

      • Armed - 290


    • UAZ-469 Off-Road

      • Open top - 120

      • Closed top - 180

      • Armed PKM - 120

    • UAZ-452A "Buchanka"

      • Ambulance - 160

    • Ural-4320 truck

      • Transport - 600

      • Arsenal - 450

      • Ammo - 450

      • Construction - 550

      • Repair - 350

      • Command - 400

    • BTR-70

      • APC - 230

    • Mi-8MT helicopter

      • Transport - 400

      • Armed - 400

  • Civilian

    • Šárka 105 - 80

    • Šárka 1203 - 270

    • UAZ-469 Off-Road

      • Open top - 120

      • Closed top - 180

    • Ural-4320 truck

      • Transport - 600

Quick Tip:

Supplies can either be loaded or unloaded by utilizing the contextual menu at the trunk of the vehicle or by using the inventory screen.

Composition/services supply capacity:

  • US

    • Command post

      • Holds 600

    • Ammunition supply depot

      • Holds 2100

    • Light vehicle maintenance point

      • Holds 600

    • Heavy vehicle maintenance point

      • Holds 3400

      • Three separate storage points in the composition

    • Living quarters

      • Small

        • Holds 400

      • Large

        • Holds 4500

        • Three separate storage points in the composition

    • Hospital

      • Holds 2000

    • Helipad

      • Holds 1300

    • Radio relay station

      • No supplies stored

    • Fuel supply point

      • No supplies stored

    • All of the above allow for up to 14500 supplies in storage

      • The storage space effects stack

  • USSR

    • Command post

      • Holds 600

    • Ammunition supply depot

      • Holds 2100

    • Light vehicle maintenance point

      • Holds 500

    • Heavy vehicle maintenance point

      • Holds 3400

      • Three separate storage points in the composition

    • Living quarters

      • Small

        • Holds 400

      • Large

        • Holds 3200

        • Three separate storage points in the composition

    • Hospital

      • Holds 1600

    • Helipad

      • Holds 1300

    • Radio relay station

      • No supplies stored

    • Fuel supply point

      • No supplies stored

    • All of the above allow for up to 13100 supplies in storage

      • The storage space effects stack

  • FIA

    • Command post

      • Holds 500

Spending Supplies:

  • Building Services and Structures

    • Radio relay towers, armories, vehicle depots, barracks, hospitals, bunkers, defensive positions, helipads, refueling stations, and more

    • Some structures run a risk of supplies being depleted quickly by other players, so they are best built last and when the base has enough stock (armory, vehicle depot)

    • Not all can be built from the start, some are rank-protected

    • Most expensive of all player-requested content

    • When decommissioned, they generate the highest returns

  • Vehicles

    • Provide mobility and fighting ability at a cost

    • Some can even provide additional services like mobile spawn points, mobile construction points, casualty extraction, and fuel transfer

    • Can store additional equipment and ammo in trunk to be kept near a battlefield

    • Some are rank-protected

    • Can be destroyed, but also decommissioned (even the civilian ones found on the island)

  • Spawning

    • Each player spawn costs supplies

    • The cost is determined by multiple factors

      • Your saved loadout

      • Presence of certain services (i.e. living quarters)

    • AI units also cost supplies

    • Deploying at your Main Operating Base does not cost supplies

  • Loadouts

    • Every weapon and subsequent ammo for it obtained in the armory costs supplies with the exception of basic magazines for the default AK-74 or M16 rifles

    • Different uniforms, vests, backpacks, helmets, bags, and grenades cost supplies

    • All can be saved as a custom loadout to have equipped the next time you have to respawn, but the cost can then be significantly higher than spawning as a basic infantryman

Helpful tips:

  • Choose what you build wisely. Building an armory immediately at the beginning of the match or at a recently captured base can quickly deplete supplies.

  • Don't go wild with your loadouts. Spawning at a base and gearing up with tons of ammo, explosives, and weapons can be detrimental to other players who want to spawn at the same point.

  • Default loadouts are often more than enough. Consider using a default loadout when spawning at bases with low supplies.

  • Don't underestimate AI base defense. Spawning AI defenders is often a more useful investment than equipping an expensive loadout and leaving to capture more bases.

The Battlefield Is Yours

In the end, how you choose to approach the task at hand is entirely up to you and your platoon. Running your supply points dry and stretching your forces thin can be a viable tactic if you're certain your comrades can stay alive, well-equipped, and fight formidably. This way works best if you're after a quick and decisive victory. It can also backfire if you're up against an enemy playing the slow and steady approach of a fully supplied network of bases and POIs. Those can prove nearly impossible to crack and defeat. Once you have enough of everything, you can even start building up key locations, roads, and towns with roadblocks, bunkers, and defensive positions to funnel enemies into kill boxes. This will draw out their advances, deplete their supplies further, and even demoralize the troops. 

Arma Reforger is a complex sandbox military simulation. Whichever tactics you choose to play can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of the match. Experiment, try out all the different ways of fighting, explore new strategies, and learn as you go. The worlds of Everon and Arland are yours.

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