Welcome to the Arma Reforger Boot Camp!
This article has been written as an orientation for both new recruits and returning veterans of the game to prepare them for the fight ahead for Everon and Arland. In this article, you will find some useful information and resources to get you started, covering gameplay fundamentals, assets, systems, game modes, as well as tactics.

Basic Training
The starting point for any new recruit or even a grizzled veteran looking for a refresher or information on new systems – the in-game Training scenario will teach you the fundamentals of the game. During your basic training at the US military training base on Arland, you'll acquire fundamental skills necessary for deployment on a multiplayer server. This includes mastering basic movement, interaction systems, weapons handling, and vehicle usage. Additionally, you'll gain insights into the Conflict game mode, its supplies, and the base-building systems.
You can access the tutorial scenario from the main menu by going to Scenarios and then selecting Training.
For a quick overview of Arma Reforger's controls, functions, game modes, servers, the Workshop, and Workbench, check out Ironbeard's Quickstart Guide for Arma Reforger:
Game Modes
The three primary game modes of Arma Reforger are Conflict, Combat Ops, and Game Master.
Conflict is a core PvPvE experience in which US and Soviet forces fight for control over the island of Everon or Arland while the FIA defends against both of them.
Players can fight for either the United States (US) or Soviet Union (USSR) factions, while the FIA, an independent third party, is AI-controlled.
Both the US and Soviet teams start with a Main Operating Base on the island and must secure a specific number of capture points from the FIA and, eventually, the opposing player faction.
Capture points marked with magenta text are the strategic military sites that players will need to capture to win. These points must be connected through either controlled sites or within your radio signal range to seize. These points will then be used to open supply lines to the team's Main Operating Base.
When one team controls a majority of these key objectives, a timer starts. Once that timer hits zero, that team wins the game.
For more on this game mode, watch through Senior Community Manager Nillers' Conflict Overview video:
Game Master, much like the Zeus Game Master of Arma 3, puts one player in control of the environment and on-the-fly mission design, while the rest of the players experience whatever the Game Master has in mind. This game mode gives the Game Master a high degree of creative freedom for creating PvE, PvP, or PvPvE scenarios. From more straightforward cooperative combat missions to highly coordinated military operations involving multiple factions, Game Master allows players to customize and curate their gaming experience for maximum immersion and engagement.
To get started creating your first scenario in Game Master, head on over to Senior Technical Designer Emre Bugday's in-depth tutorial:
Combat Ops is a cooperative scenario for 1-6 players.
In Combat Ops Arland, you'll play as US Forces tasked with infiltrating Arland, completing a number of mission objectives, and reaching the extraction.
In Combat Ops Everon, you play as the FIA resistance and complete objectives to help liberate the island of Everon from the Soviet occupiers.
Arma Reforger features three different factions: the United States (US), the Soviet Union (USSR), and the FIA.
In general, each faction has its own variants of the following weapons, each with their own strengths and weaknesses:
Assault rifles - Light rifles with both semi-automatic and automatic firing modes, as well as variants with grenade launchers.
Machine guns - Automatic weapons for laying down suppressive fire.
Hand grenades - Fragmentation grenades thrown by hand.
Smoke grenades - Used for signaling, screening, and target marking
Anti-tank (AT) landmines - Static explosives for destroying vehicles.
Anti-tank launchers - Shoulder-mounted anti-tank launchers.
Pistols - Small arms used as secondary weapons.
Sniper rifles - Sniper rifles are effective at engaging enemies at long ranges.
In addition, each faction has its own radio backpack, upon which troops can respawn on the battlefield. Radio backpacks can be worn on the backs of soldiers or deployed on the battlefield (resulting in a limited number of respawns per radio backpack).

Each faction has its own versions of various vehicles. These include:
Light vehicles - Used for transporting troops and supplies, and running reconnaissance.
Light armored vehicles - Lightly armored and usually armed vehicles for transporting troops and supplies.
Armored Personnel Carriers - Armored and armed vehicles used to transport troops and supplies or for combined arms tactics.
Transport trucks - Larger vehicles used for transporting more troops and supplies.
Repair trucks - Trucks capable of repairing vehicles on the battlefield. Remember, repairing any vehicle also requires supplies either within the truck or within close proximity.
Fuel trucks - Trucks capable of refueling other vehicles.
Construction trucks - These vehicles can build support structures and fortifications outside of normal bases.
Command trucks - These trucks serve as mobile spawn points and also extend radio range, allowing for the connection and subsequent capturing of points.
Medical vehicles - Used to transport and heal casualties.
Helicopters - Used for transporting troops and supplies around the battlefield.
In addition, each faction has its own radio backpack, upon which troops can respawn on the battlefield. Radio backpacks can be worn on the backs of soldiers or deployed on the battlefield (resulting in a limited number of respawns per radio backpack).
Utilizing supplies found at bases, FIA depots, and around the battlefield, players may gather and deliver aid to build utilities, fortifications, and even defenses across the map. Supplies can be loaded into all ground and air vehicles for fast transportation. Construction can occur at base command posts or with the help of construction vehicles anywhere on the map.
Transporting supplies and utilizing them effectively is crucial to secure victory in Conflict mode.

There are plenty of utilities that players can build. Here are the primary base structures that you'll want to know:
Command Posts are the most important structure for a base - as they allow you to construct all other structures.
Ammunition Supply Points are where you and your team can outfit yourselves with weapons and equipment before you deploy into the battlefield. You can also save your own custom loadout. Be aware that specific weapons and pieces of gear cost supply points to equip, so be sure to choose your loadout wisely so as not to waste too many supply points for your team.
Radio Relay Stations generate supplies and increase the radio signal range to capture bases.
Light Vehicle Maintenance Points allow you to spawn light vehicles like the M151A2, UAZ, and ambulances - as well as repair them.
Heavy Vehicle Maintenance Points allow you to spawn heavy vehicles like transport trucks, armored personnel carriers, fuel trucks, construction trucks, and more - as well as repair them.
Helipads allow you to spawn helicopters, plus repair and refuel them.
Living Quarters will spawn AI teammates to help defend your base.
Refuel Points allow you to refuel your vehicles as well as portable refuel containers. You can also refuel from civilian gas stations around the map.
Field Hospitals allow extracted casualties to be fully healed.
You can also construct a number of defensive positions, emplacements, and roadblocks/checkpoints to help fortify positions against the enemy.
Health System
Arma Reforger features a health system for players. Different types of wounds and injuries can be sustained on different parts of the body and will require specific medical supplies to treat.
There are five medical items that can be used in-game:
Tourniquet - A band that can be tied around limbs to stop blood loss from an open wound. A tourniquet wrapped on the arm negatively impacts weapons handling, while a tourniquet on the leg hampers movement.
Bandage - A fabric dressing that will stop a wound from bleeding.
Morphine Injector - Administered after treating incapacitating injuries, speeding up the recovery process.
Saline Solution - An intravenous solution administered to maintain blood pressure levels after major blood loss.
Medical Kit - A general-purpose first aid kit for treating combat injuries and sharing medical items. The Medical Kit can partially heal injuries in the field or fully heal them when near a Field Hospital or Ambulance.
A physics-based protective armor system has also been implemented in the game, with faction-specific helmets and vests that protect to varying degrees against small-arms fire and fragmentation.
For an in-depth look into the Health System read our Boot Camp - Health System article.
To truly be an effective element on the battlefield and achieve victory, we recommend all players consult the in-game Field Manual for more in-depth information. Below are some fundamentals on how to be a more effective player in Arma Reforger.
Be aware of your surroundings and the terrain. Ensure your movements always provide you with the best advantage in a firefight. Be on the lookout for areas of cover and concealment constantly, and use approaches that reduce the chance the enemy will see your movements.
Stick with your squad. Teamwork is essential to winning an engagement or capturing an objective. Communicate to them when appropriate what sectors you are covering, when you are moving or halting, your current status, or if you have visual or in contact with the enemy. If you are leading your squad, communicate with other other teams to formulate plans. This will give you the best chance of overcoming the enemy.
Communicate effectively! Be clear and succinct when relaying information - especially on a radio. Maintain communication discipline and only use the radio when relevant. Radios can be set to different frequencies, and by default, you will have set frequencies for your squad and faction. When you are speaking about objectives in Conflict, use capture point code names. Your enemy will not know the location of these names by default, and you never know if the enemy has a captured radio and is listening in!
Use vehicles properly. Both ground and air vehicles are essential to transport supplies and infantry around the map and shouldn't be used as personal transport just to be abandoned or recklessly used in engagements. Armed and armored vehicles, like the BTR-70, should support infantry during assaults and vice versa - achieving combined arms superiority on the battlefield.
Positively identify (PID) targets. You will want to check the uniform and equipment of a potential target before engaging - just in case they are friendly units.
Map Navigation
Navigating the islands of Everon and Arland is done using your paper map, a compass, and a protractor. Utilize the surrounding landmarks, figure out your position, and keep your squad effective in battle.
To precisely determine your current location and the correct path to your next objective some basic orienteering is needed to not get lost. Watch Ironbeard's video Navigate Like a Pro in Arma Reforger:
Congratulations - you now know the basics - but you are just getting started, soldier! We hope that the information and videos in this article were helpful. However, we acknowledge there is still much for you to learn and master from firsthand experience in the field. Apply what you have learned in-game, and we will see you on the battlefield!
For more information about Arma Reforger, visit the game's website here and Arma Platform's website here. Be sure to follow Arma Platform on X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for future updates about Arma Reforger. For more information on the Enfusion engine, visit this website.
Other In-depth Boot Camp Articles:
How to set up your own server
Advanced look into the in-game supply system
How to keep yourself and your teammates alive and effective
Advanced course on voice, text, radio, and map communication