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Improved Blood Effect

by supermilsim
Improved Blood Effect


This mod improves the blood particles in the game.


This mod improves the blood particles in the game.
It is currently under development. New features and improvements will be made soon.

!- If you are a server owner -!
This mod works well on 128 player modded servers.
It is currently compatible with many effect modes and compatibility mods are also available.

If you have performance issues while using the mod, please check that there are no conflicts with other effects mods.
If you still have a problem, please contact me via discord.

Discord : supermilsim0
Discord Server :

Compatible Versions:
for Better Hits Effect 3.0 Alpha:
Improved Blood Compatible - Arma Reforger Workshop

Version 1.0.5 Initial test to public.
Version 1.0.6 More blood update.
Version 1.0.8 Particles reduces for optimization And some bloods are sticky.
Version 1.0.9 Decal system Removed for performance issues Only Particles available for now.
Version 1.0.10 Blood Trails and blood pool added. Hit particles changed. Thanks For .snek and ZioPao.
Version 1.0.13 Blood Tails texture changed. Blood Droplet textures changed. Some performance improvements have been made. New pictures have been added for the workshop.
Version 1.2.0 Particle effect tweaked. New decal system added. New decal system performance improved. Pool, droplet, wall splash and blood trail additions and fixes.
Version 1.2.3 Performance optimization. Old files cleaned up.
Version 1.2.6 New 2 blood textures, More blood on bullet hit, Polished blood rendering system,Removed blood splashes inside the vehicle, Removed blood splatter on dynamic objects.
Version 1.2.8 New droplet textures added, fixed blood droplet glow in the evening, fixed issue with blood not forming, fixed decals disappearing (will disappear after 6 minutes).
Version 1.2.10 Made the blood trail look more natural, blood now stays on the ground for 7 minutes,fixed wall splashes, removed the particle limitation (experimental. may change later), cleaned up unnecessary code.
Version 1.2.11 New textures, New codebase (cleaner and more readable) Many thanks to Cyborgmatt for his help, New Data storage method now minimal resource usage on servers, A few minor bug fixes.


Arma Public License (APL)

Game Version
Version size
2.12 MB
Last Modified