Enhanced group management by controlling visibility, preventing attribute modifications, and streamlining group access for Gamemasters, while organizing groups by frequency for easier navigation.
- Predefined Group Flags:
- Added keepPublic, keepPrivate, and keepAsCreated flags for predefined groups in the editor.
- Groups with keepPublic/keepPrivate cannot toggle privacy settings.
- keepAsCreated restricts changes to group attributes (WIP).
- Enhancements
- Group Management:
- Empty predefined groups are not forced to be public anymore.
- Group list is now sorted by radio frequency.
- Join Group Button Behavior: Adjusted to disable/enable based on request status and group join permissions.
- Gamemaster Privileges:
- GMs can bypass locked groups and join them without a request.
- GMs can promote themselves to group leaders.
- Group Creation:
- Player may create new groups if empty ones (likely predefined ones) are present
- Private Group Behavior:
- Groups with the keepLocked flag stay locked even if empty.
Arma Public License (APL)