Modpack with various drugs, drinks, food, and misc items for Metro RP servers.
60 items in total. All items can be found in the USSR box.
Bandit beer
Bandit water
Bandit hallucinogen
Bandit Mushroom soup
Bandit Ramen
Bandit Vodka
Bandit weed
Fried Fish
Fried Lurker
Fried Nosalis
Fried Watcher
(Hanza) Galaxy Gas weed
Hanza Beer
Hanza Hearty Stew
Hanza MRE
Hanza Weed
Hanza Pork n Stuff
Hanza Pure Water
Hanza Soda
Hanza Tea
Hanza Vodka
(Bandit) Heart Attack
(Bandit) Kilo of Speed
(Bandit) Monk’s Punch
(Bandit) MDMA
Mushroom and Nosalis stew
Mushroom and Pork Stew
Polis Beer
Polis MRE
Polis Pop
Polis Pure Water
Polis Tea
Ranger MRE
Rat Burger
Rat n Roach Slurry
Red Line Beer
Red Line Dirty Water
Red Line MRE
Red Line Officer MRE
Red Line Pure Water
Red Line Vodka
Red Line Root Beer
Red Line Tea
Simonov’s Red Wine
Reich Beer
Reich MRE
Reich Pure WAter
Reich Tea
Reich vodka
(Bandits) Smuggler’s Secret whiskey
(Bandits) Speed Vial
Wild Whiskey
Hanza Checkpoint Clipboard
Volkov’s Bar Menu
Reich Mutant Check clipboard
4 Faction ID Cards, 1 Non-Faction
GameDevNick for Dusty Beer Bottle
Eperson for Dirty Water Bottle
Tolu for Phantocil
Yury Misiyuk for Can of Stew
Horu3dart for food can "post-war"
Sergeilihandristov for Vodka bottle
ToxaGrom for Food: fish, chicken, meat
Fochdog for Meal Ready-to-Eat
Helyeouka for Whiskey and Wine bottles
streetpharmacy for Drug pack
OlegPopka for Burger
CheBe for Chicken
Mehdi Shahsavan for Clipboard
Maxitaxx for Metal Credit Card
Arma Public License (APL)