simple fishing mod
Simple Fishing Mod
- While holding the Rod in your Hand press: PC = R // XBOX = X
- Enables fishing while standing in water
- Possible loot includes Carp, Tuna, Shiny Fish, Boots and Turtles
- Fishing time varies with each turn
- Loot has different percentage chances
- Higher tier rods increase the chances of rare loot
- All Chances and Loot Prefabs can be edited in the component
- You can add 3 Custom Prefabs to the loot table
- The Rare Loot Table is completely seperate and prepared for your custom prefabs
- No Fishing Zone can be placed in World Editor to restrict areas from fishing (B_FishingZoneDEBUG)
- Rare Fishing Zone can be placed in World Editor to enable players to catch e.g fish or you custom stuff from a seperate loot table (B_FishingZoneRARE)
- Always Fishing Zone can be placed in World Editor to enable players to always fish no matter if they are standing in water or not
- credits for the fishing rod @Gator
- thank you Lagschnitte for helping out with rpl
Any Issues or Questions @ben.obj (discord)
Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)