Various Utilities:
Currently only includes whitelisting
Whitelist Usage:
Host the Guid Utility scenario, anyone who joins the server will be added to the whitelist.json created in "profile\ZEL_Utilities\".
Now all you have to do is add ZEL_Whitelist_UtilityComponent to your game mode.
The json has to exist in the correct location. I.E.("ArmaReforgerServer\profile\ZEL_Utilities\whitelist.json")
The world used in your scenario has to have a game mode with a ZEL_Whitelist_UtilityComponent.
The Guid Utility scenario is just used to populate your whitelist.json, without the need for manual input.
The allowedfations array in the json will be used in the future. Currently it does nothing.
Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)