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by TomKaffekopp


- Enemy AI reinforcements may now arrive by vehicles.
- Made use of editor waypoints, so that AI's orders are visible in Game Master.
- Added a couple missing loot points.
- Use correct "explosion" icon for Destroy truck task. (Keeping the new "car" icon for delivery of stolen truck for Steal truck task.)
- Again fixing the one free available friendly reinforcements on game start.
- Fixed so that enemy reinforcements doesn't occur due to AI spawning only to die or other faults.
- AI defenders on side missions now have a Defend order so that they don't leave their post in case of fights near by.
- Load-balanced spawning of reinforcements to mitigate some frame stuttering (spawn one unit per second, as "normal" units in areas.)
Game Version
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 21:53:29 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 21:53:35 GMT


- Fixed so that, after FIA capture, any friendly reinforcements despawn once the last player leaves the area they arrived.
Game Version
Fri, 26 Apr 2024 16:48:43 GMT
Last Modified
Fri, 26 Apr 2024 16:48:48 GMT


- Everon added.
- Side mission Ai and assets (trucks) now spawn/despawn only if a player is nearby.
Game Version
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 22:59:36 GMT
Last Modified
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 22:59:42 GMT


- Fixed an incorrect state that caused FIA to always have one friendly reinforcement available from the start.
Game Version
Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:38:11 GMT
Last Modified
Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:38:19 GMT


- Fixed vehicles in a "spawn - despawn" loop due to players being too scattered on the map.
- Fixed use of correcet navmesh for the AI.
- Added back binoculars as standard issue gear (it was accidentally dropped after modifying FIA player character in previous version.)
- Improved order giving to Ai so that they patrol before attack (first Ai death) and more agressive orders during attack.
- Ai in areas that's not been attacked may now also de-spawn if no players are nearby.
- Removed an unlootable scope. ("Optic SPP")
- Side missions now give rewards:
--- Weaponized vehicles.
--- Friendly reinforcements on next attack. This stacks: If you got this twice, the next area and the area after will get the reinforcements.
Game Version
Sat, 20 Apr 2024 21:07:35 GMT
Last Modified
Sat, 20 Apr 2024 21:07:43 GMT


- Fixed so that random loot can actually stack and doesn't have broken icons in the inventory anymore.
- Randomize car models that spawn
- Implemented a system that only spawns vehicles that are within ~700 meters, despawns those that are out of range. Vehicles that (previously) was occupied will not be despawned.
- Couple more cars added to the world.
Game Version
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:21:58 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 18 Apr 2024 20:22:05 GMT


- Revamped all loot placements.
- Revamped vehicle locations (Planning in the works for randomizing these as well.)
- Fixed loot that seems to "rotate" when approaching it.
- Fixed respawning of loot between games.
- Added side missions, which for now doesn't add anything other than extra gameplay.
-- Steal truck.
-- Destroy truck.
Game Version
Sat, 13 Apr 2024 16:16:36 GMT
Last Modified
Sat, 13 Apr 2024 16:16:43 GMT


- New areas in Arland: Bald Ridge Lighthouse, Gull Bay Cabin, Arleville Docks, Heifer Pond.
- Randomize which areas to capture for each game.
- Randomize which area that FIA (You) begins in.
- Arsenals are removed since their presence everywhere is way too overpowered.
- Increased loot rates in favour of removal of arsenals.
- Improved the random loot:
-- Items in general doesn't float around.
-- Weapons now spawn together with the approperiate ammo.
-- Ammo and medical items comes in multiples.
-- Small properties (in which FIA begins at) will always have some weapons, armor and medicals.
Game Version
Sun, 07 Apr 2024 18:53:11 GMT
Last Modified
Sun, 07 Apr 2024 18:53:19 GMT


- Chose loadout arsenal based on the area's faction.
- Loadout box added for FIA base.
- Added random loot spawns: Weapons, ammo, medicals, wearables and respawn tents.
Game Version
Sat, 06 Apr 2024 21:14:15 GMT
Last Modified
Sat, 06 Apr 2024 21:14:22 GMT


Game Version
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 18:16:06 GMT
Last Modified
Fri, 05 Apr 2024 18:16:12 GMT

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