Pre-Alpha WIP
Pre-Alpha WIP
Currently in map: Center of city, US Consulate, CIA Annex, University of Benghazi, Benina Airport, Beach Resort, Oil Rigs, Aircraft Carrier, Cargo ships, Beach access, Port of Benghazi, Stadium, Large Urban areas, 2 rural villages, caves, Wadis, Camp Thunderbolt 4,5,7,8, and 12 story buildings.
Things to come: Oil Rigs, more city & rural areas.
Thank you to BI, Necrowolf, --JustMichael--, Erfue, Intrasosseous and MarshmallowLike for all the assets! Special thanks to Blackheart_Six too!
All Models have been purchased by myself through CGTrader. Receipts available if necessary.
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)