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by Mbfjeld


[BFL]-Guided Ordnance Navigation Engine (BGONE)

Components for launchers/projectiles that enable guidance.

Default Weapon Lock button is left control or RB while ADS.

Heavy WIP, expect bugs.


For Feedback, Request and Suggestions I can be reached in the ArmA Discord server.

An attempt to adapt the ACE3 missileguidance framework from arma 3 into reforger.

Current Locktypes:
PLOS (Predicted Line of Sight): Aim at target, hold LOCK button while tracking the target for 4-8 seconds. While still holding the LOCK button, fire the missile. The missile will follow the predicted path of the target.

SACLOS (Semi Automatic Command Line of Sight): Aim at target and fire, missile will follow where you are aiming, if you try and manouver too much, the missile wil llose track.

VIS (Visual lock): Aim at target, hold LOCK button. A taret indicator should appear on the target when the seeker can see it, a locking on sound is also played. Keep aiming at the target, if line of sight is broken, the lock is lost and will have to be restarted. Once locked on, indicated by a change in the reticle as well as the sound, fire the missile. The missile will fly towards the target by itself.

PLOS supports both direct and flyover attack modes, you can swap in between attack modes and proximity arming distances with the inspect weapon actions.

VIS supports direct and top down attack and you can choose what unit types can be locked onto, for example only aircraft.

WIP howto:

BGONE_GuidedMissileLauncherComponent is added to launcher.
LockType is selected.

BGONE_GuidedMissileComponent is added to projectile.
Seeker, AttackProfiles and engine is selected.

Initial velocity and time to live must be set for projectile in both the MissileMoveComponent as well as the BGONE_MissileEngine within the BGONE_GuidedMissileComponent.

Actions can be added to the launcher using the BGONE_ArmingDistanceSwitchUserAction and BGONE_AttackProfileSwitchUserAction for selecting attack mode and armingdistances.

Example implementations for all lock- seeker- and attackprofile types are provided as prefabs that get added to the US arsenal with a cost of 0.

Known bugs:
Picking up a launcher dropped by another player will not work properly if the launcher was "pulled out / equipped" by the first player.

Keybindings for the "Weapon Lock" action is not tested and most likely wont work.


Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)

Game Version
Version size
192.84 KB
Last Modified