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by NotSocrates


Game Version
Fri, 23 Aug 2024 12:26:38 GMT
Last Modified
Fri, 23 Aug 2024 12:29:05 GMT


## 1.3.53

### Additions
- Ability to spawn ambient events and supports via Game Master
- Separate UI category for Escapists entities in Game Master

### Changes
- By common demand, setup menu is enabled by default on dedicated servers, to disable it use "m_bUseSetupMenu": 0 in mission header
Game Version
Fri, 23 Aug 2024 11:42:18 GMT
Last Modified
Fri, 23 Aug 2024 11:44:43 GMT


temporary excessive logging for loops
Game Version
Thu, 22 Aug 2024 10:35:33 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 22 Aug 2024 10:37:57 GMT


## 1.3.51
### Additions
- Patrol location type - lightweight location type for guaranteed patrols in certain zones
- Ability to select escape start type (hideout, prison or random) in both setup menu and server's mission header
- Ability to spawn supply crates for each faction via game master
- Random starting time mission header setting

### Changes
- Reworked time randomization
- Correct preview images for explosive barrels
- Immensely reduced freeze on defend radio task initialization
- Some measures to make ambient patrol spawns to actually show up
- Locations spawned on random positions will take it's rotation into account
- Fixed occasional removals of QRF vehicle on support despawn
- Numerous ambient vehicle patrol event improvements
- Temporary additional debug-level logging for loops
- Small support and ambient event systems performance improvements

### Removals
- Removed some unnecessary ambient patrol points and checkpoint locations on all supported worlds
- Removed ambient patrols increase after defend radio task as non-working feature
Game Version
Wed, 21 Aug 2024 17:12:57 GMT
Last Modified
Wed, 21 Aug 2024 17:15:23 GMT


- mission header faction hotfix
Game Version
Wed, 14 Aug 2024 08:35:58 GMT
Last Modified
Wed, 14 Aug 2024 08:39:25 GMT


- mission header faction hotfix
Game Version
Wed, 14 Aug 2024 08:31:46 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 15 Aug 2024 08:32:36 GMT


## 1.3 - Dynamics Update

### Additions
- British Forces mod support
- (British Forces) UK faction, could be both players and antagonists
- (British Forces) NATO faction as antagonists only, US+UK merge faction
- Chernarus Reforged terrain support
- Ambient Events system - random events that may occur around the players
- Helicopter Flyby ambient event - helicopter that flies near the players, it's crew might notice the players and call for help, so make sure you're hidden enough when they're close
- Vehicle Patrol ambient event
- Insurgents faction - FIA will join the fight against both enemy and escapees, could be disabled by ticking the parameter
- New location type - FIA hideout, 3 compositions
- Explosive barrels - some locations on the level may have dark red barrels with somewhat unstable liquids, incendiary and tracer round may ignite them which will lead to catastrophic discharge, ordinary bullets may do that too but it will require more shots that way
- Additional station radio station control tower composition
- Additional hideout start type - abandoned houses and airfield bunker (the latter is Arland-only), it will have player faction initial equipment
- New magazine types - SVD magazine with 7T2 tracer rounds and M14 magazine with M62 tracer cartridges, could be found on enemy snipers and sharpshooters, also added to random loot pool

### Changes
- Escapees will get initial flashlights in hideout starts after sunset
- Exposed some parameters for configuration via mission header (mostly spawn chances of various game objects)
- Fixed inability to use epinephrine on a patient with active morphine damage effect
- Fixed inability to put unconscious characters inside the vehicles on any passenger slots
- Fixed an issue when RANDOM faction mission header option might pick the CIV faction thus breaking the game mode
- Fixed error in support notification system that always shown ordinary QRF value for every support type
- Fixed uniforms with clipping elbows by using vanilla belted variants of uniforms
- Fixed unintentional reach extraction point task failure on *any* vehicle destruction
- Fixed incorrect colors on imported textures (mostly icons) due to incorrect color format on Enfusion import, texture size reduction
- Fixed despawn bug of empty vehicle from QRF Vehicle support
- Fixed inability to call for support in Soviet groups
- Fixed incompatibility with ACE Trenches mod due to disabled player controller component
- Static locations no longer guaranteed to spawn
- Increased all ammoboxes volumes from 800 to 3000
- Increased chances to spawn squads and fireteams with radioman by 5-10 percents per each group type
- Reduced map item spawn chance from 30% to 20%
- Improved performance of car alarm flip-flop lights at the cost of hazard/headlights sync due to engine and script environment differences
- Reduced AI prison guards desire to abandon their posts inside the prison and go for a walk outside by giving them individual groups and defend waypoints with higher priority
- Small chance to spawn specops on infantry QRF
- Map markers network optimization and JIP fixes
- Random location holders location picking optimization and network consistency fixes
- Vehicles are no longer guaranteed to spawn on vehicle spawn points on location compositions (except vehicle checkpoints)
- Armored vehicles will no longer appear on vehicle checkpoints
- Excluded commanding and construction trucks from vehicle pool
- Reduced appearance chance of scopeless SVD and M21 in prisons as they weren't intended to appear too frequent as it was in previous version
- Magazine stacks instead of singular magazine could be found in containers
- Player faction UI element in setup menu
- Tuned vehicle and pedestrian count in Everon cities
- Civilians will have disabled AI as other factions too until game start
- Regenerated navmesh patches for all locations and fixed BTRLike AI World (the latter might fix some yet unknown driving issues)
- Increased chance to find a map in enemy loadout from 20% to 35%
- Ambient Events should appear a bit more frequently
- Fixed broken lighting due to wrong start area composition  
- Fixed broken win conditions
- Increased vehicle QRF support chances
- Increased frequency of ambient events
- Fixed FIA hideouts faction affiliation
- Louder radio messages
- Fixed missing radio voice messages on clients and other yet unknown issues due to improper game configuration network translations
- Slightly reduced critical damage threshold for slightly increased and moderate health types
- Unblocked additional entrances in castle near St.Pierre and regenerated navmesh patch for this location
- Fixed stuck Helicopter Flyby ambient events if helicopter got destroyed
- Fixed unnecessary Replication.BumpMe() call in Escapists config
- Fixed bad OnPilotDamage event configuration
- Increased number of simultaneous Helicopter Flyby ambient events from 1 to 3
- Temporarily disabled ambient vehicle patrol system due to huge server issues
- Gunner will be randomly picked from faction character catalog instead of using default character
- Epinephrine 2.0 - ability to apply on conscious indviduals to provide some usefulness in single player runs, post-effect tweaks, autofill of 8 quickbar slot, other tweaks and fixes
- Disabled name tags for civilians
- RANDOM weather support in mission header config
- Location character managers merge
- Slightly increased ambient event chances
- Fixed mission header faction pick issues
- Car Alarm will automatically turn off after engine start within 10-20 seconds range
- Defend Radio Task refactoring to fix some network issues

### Removals
- Removed unused textures to reduce size of the mod package
- Removed some objects from the terrain to reduce navmesh size
- Removed some meaningless custom locations on Everon to reduce workload and size of the mod
Game Version
Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:49:53 GMT
Last Modified
Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:52:16 GMT


## 1.2.24 - Reactivity Update

### Additions
- Support system - various enemy squads may have radiomen, if they feel that they're threatened too much they will try to take cover and send transmission to HQ and ask for help thus calling the support on imprecise player position, players may kill radioman before he makes the transmission, infantry QRF and mechanized QRF support types for now 
- Loot 2.0 - interactable loot containers (weapon racks, safes, cabinets, military crates) that can be found on locations and various military facilities (barracks, stationary radio stations, prisons), more accurate positioning of spawnable items, weighted item randomization, loot pool unification under entity catalogues, performance improvements, reduced memory footprint, fixed identifier collision issue with proper hash generation algorhitm, weights for loot
- Car alarms - some vehicles might have armed car alarms that will be enabled if players will try to interact with vehicle, may attract additional enemy patrols, could be disabled via special action, armed vehicles are locked
- New Defend Radio task - enemy will attack escapees after they send a distress signal, they have to hold the point until new orders from HQ will arrive
- New ammo types - 5.45x39 7BT4 AP-T ammo, 5.56x45 M995 AP ammo and 7.62x39 57-BZ-231 API ammo, could be found in some enemy loadouts (senior riflemen, ammo carriers, squad leaders) and loot points, can reliably penetrate most unarmored vehicles and some light covers, Soviet AP-T ammo has slight incendiary effect while US Army AP rounds have a bit more penetration than Soviet counterpart, 57-BZ-321 has lowest penetration amongst these ammo types but very distinct incendiary effect (this one is not yet available due to nonexistence of FIA in Escapists for now)
- New item - epinephrine injection, instantly wakes up an unconscious soldier and refills his health pool a bit, could be found in medic bags on enemy medics and various loot containers
- New item - ammoboxes, could be used to fill new magazines (limited use, 2 ammobox types per faction)
- New location type - Hospital, contains box with the medicine and sometimes a military ambulance car, could be encountered on random location markers or as static barracks hospital building
- New location type - outpost, reinforced enemy presence location, may contain some military loot crates and/or vehicles, could be encountered on random location markers
- Additional dynamic radio station composition variants (+1 per faction, 3 total per faction), static radio station composition
- More checkpoint composition varaints (+3 per faction, 4 total per faction)
- First aid cabinets in various buildings will have basic medicine
- Civilian presence in cities - pedestrians and drivable cars
- Added Arma Reforger 1.2 update items to loot pool (flares, bayonets, explosives, blasting machines, AKS-74Us etc)
- Added additional military policeman unit armed with carbines for each faction (3 total per faction)
- Added new patrol points in cities, helipads and military bases
- Additional fireteam and squad composition variants for both factions (heavy, suppression, radio, AT, SF)
- Additional prison on Arland in Arleville to provide more variety between runs
- Radio improvements - HQ responses voice acting, additional actions and audio feedback cues for them
- Static radio stations in buildings - 2 on Arland, ~5 on Everon
- Setup menu handover to admin support on dedicated servers, m_bUseSetupMenu mission header option should be enabled
- Music in key gameplay moments
- Gameplay hints

### Changes
- Increased maximum player count from 10 to 12
- Disabled supply actions on vehicles
- Removed ammo trucks from vehicle pool due to ability to provide unlimited access to arsenal
- Removed unintentional arsenal boxes in some compositions
- More chances of available vehicle near player starting prison
- Find radio station task will be also assigned on timer (45-90 seconds) to reduce some confusion about gameplay goals
- Location system extensive rewrite (potential performance improvements and ease of adding more features to locations later)
- Group and character pool refactoring (usage of entity catalogues, increased quantity of group/character variants used in game mode, weighted approach for more variety in enemy group compositions)
- Small escape launch network optimization
- Character spawn improvements
- Checkpoint network and performance improvements
- Weighted catalog entity system for location compositions
- Added new patrol points in cities, helipads and military bases
- Enemy faction vehicles will not spawn if there's no location near them
- Fixed some cases when calling for help through radio station will not finish the find radio station task
- Fixed non-localized subtitle for partial victory game over screen
- Fixed missing radio manager entity, it's absence blocked handheld radios from working
- Fixed inability to keep mission header settings between mission restarts
- Fixed inability to use enemy radios
- Fixed crash that might occured on full patrol group obliteration due to bad patrol group reference
- Fixed null reference error on marker reveal for joined-in-progress (JIP) players in case if they're too close to marker at the beginning of the game
- Fixed null reference error on escape helicopter destruction
- Fixed (or at very least immensely reduced) swap/freeze on location spawn by spawning one location component per frame 
- Composition entities will be aligned to terrain individually instead of just for the entire composition
- US machinegunner assistant will carry one box of M60 AP rounds, machinegunners will carry additional box of tracer rounds
- Added missing music manager on Everon and Arland worlds
- Used radio station device will memoize it's state between spawns
- More ambient patrols will be encountered after Defend Radio task completion
- Location turret manager introduction (small performance improvements due to ability to disable turret detection for turretless locations)
- Important locations (helipads and radio stations) around initial player spawn will be removed
- Disabled unintentional unlimited arsenals in vehicles and gadgets
- Cosmetic changes to some location compositions

### Removals
- Removed custom compositions from one city on Everon to reduce total navmesh size packed with the mod
- Removed old way to setup faction loot, characters, groups and vehicles in game config component due to full migration to entity catalog system
Game Version
Thu, 04 Jul 2024 13:37:12 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 04 Jul 2024 13:40:50 GMT


- mission name fix
Game Version
Thu, 04 Apr 2024 15:13:49 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 04 Apr 2024 15:15:04 GMT


1.1 - Everon Update
- Everon support
- Dedicated server support, mission header support
- Difficulty tab - ability to tune amount of enemy points of interests, patrol probability, survivability of escapists and AI skill level  
- Ambient faction vehicles (enemy faction vehicles may spawn near enemy locations)
- Load incapacitated soldier into vehicle action
- Random locations support (foundation for more location types in the future)
- Localization support

- Increased maximum player count from 4 to 10
- Ability to use chat, see server notifications and leave the game in start and wait for host screens 
- Auto restart time reduced to 30 seconds
- Tab layout for starting menu
- Increased fade-to-scene duration to 6 seconds to reduce LOD issues on initial load  
- Limited fuel for spawned vehicles - from 10 to 40% fuel tank capacity
- Survivability of escapists difficulty option - affects bleeding threshold, increased overall blood pool, hitpoints on various hitzones
- Ambient vehicle spawnpoint performance increase (moved checks from update to init reducing number of checks from many to just one)
- Additional items in loot pool - wrenches, saline bags, backpacks
- Small improvements to starting camera
- Fixed ability to do simultaneous lockpicking of same door by multiple players
- Fixed unintentional screen fade effects when someone disconnects while game is not started yet 
- Fixed presence of supplies system from Conflict in some cases
- Fixed short freeze on search radio station task assignment
- Radio sound refactoring - potential performance and network improvements with the usage of native sound components, improved radio station audio feedback
Game Version
Thu, 04 Apr 2024 14:54:33 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 04 Apr 2024 14:56:03 GMT


Game Version
Thu, 14 Mar 2024 18:03:18 GMT
Last Modified
Thu, 14 Mar 2024 18:04:00 GMT


Game Version
Wed, 13 Mar 2024 21:05:17 GMT
Last Modified
Wed, 13 Mar 2024 21:05:52 GMT


Game Version
Wed, 13 Mar 2024 21:01:27 GMT
Last Modified
Wed, 13 Mar 2024 21:02:02 GMT

Showing 1 to 13 of 13 results

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