CRF <Mode><Playercount> <Name>
- Scenario ID
- {3D094352621EA88C}Missions/CRF_BaseMissionConfig.conf
- Game mode
- <Mode>
- Player count
- 128
Njpatman, RandAlThor1
No description only pain
ION forces begin a search for a brownwater pilot
Prejoin - v0.5
BLU 3:2 OPF | US move to detonate explosive device in pair of Soviet controlled towns.
A British Army Armoured Infantry Company assaults the Pyramids of Giza.
American force desperately hold out against the last effort attack from the Russians
Littlebird quick fite
Groups of competing treasure hunters search for a Pharaoh's mummy.
Blufor defends it's interests in Anizay
Blufor transports a HVT
Blufor assaults a disabled tank fortification at Zarichne
Blufor is on a goodwill mission to Khas.