King Of The Hill Reforged (still in BETA) is a 3 team sector control mission. Each team must control the sector by having the majority amount of players inside it.
King of the Hill Reforged (still in BETA) is a three (blufor/redfor/indfor) team sector control mission. Each team must control the sector by having the majority amount of players inside it and keep control of it to reach 100 points and win the game.
Players have a saved profile between games and shared on all officials servers with money, xp and levels that will unlock weapons and vehicles to use at shops.
Here is a list of current features available in the mod :
- player profile system (level, xp, money)
- shop system (weapons and vehicle)
- base protection
- limit armed vehicles to 3 per team
- 10 different playable areas on 3 maps
- each zones has the spawns randomized between factions (meaning that a faction will not always have the same base spawn for a each scenario)
- custom 3d model of a tower (thx to JustMichael)
- custom factions (blufor, opfor, indfor) with custom uniforms
- custom UI to display team points, player profile and some notifs
- end game bonus
- randomized next scenario
- priority area randomly moving (yellow zone gives you double presence and xp/money)
Official Servers :
- There is now an US and EU official servers that have more than this single mod (modded weapons and vehicles)
- They all share the same database for players progression
- Modded weapons
- Modded maps
- Some QOL mods like player map marker and better effects ...
What about the future ?
- come check the roadmap on discord my
Credits :
Aqkwa many UI, textures, Maps and other various work
SpyBob for the high quality tower
Havoc for shop images and mod choices
RESS& Fabi for some scripts and help on dev
Arma Public License No Derivatives (APL-ND)