Attention soldiers,
We're going to update the Steam and Xbox versions of the game. The game will be updated today, March 23rd. There will be server downtime between 12:00 - 15:00 CET.
Importantly, the version is bringing a VFX update! You can watch the video below to see what the update includes, or just read the description.
3D Particles with efficient physics
Thanks to the upgraded technology of simple and effective particle physics, we've improved effects across the game, including destructions and ammo casings. Enjoy them in interaction with complex geometries.
VFX Lights are driven by particles
Explosion effects now use new VFX lights, which improves their visibility at night. This new light system based on emitter parameters can create complex color and intensity patterns which is also the foundation for upcoming updates.
Particle sounds triggered by collision
A reaction to a 3D particle collision can now be fully customized using an Enforce script.
Based on this new system, we've introduced Particle Contact Component.
Particles such as ammo casings produce sounds when they collide with the environment.
The component also allows for the spawning of other particle effects at the position of contact.
Particle shading improvements
We're constantly upgrading the shading system for particles. This time you can enjoy a polished algorithm for artificial light shading. In particular, smokes lit by flame lights or street lamps will feel more volumetric and will fit better in the scene. Changelog
Added: Free Roam Building Composition direction indicator
Changed: Optimized colliders on Sandbag_01_bunker
Changed: Free Roam Building - New implementation of the ranks limitation
Tweaked: Tripod prefabs + compositions which uses them. Also assigned correct anim graphs to tripods and tweaked compartment accessibility
Fixed: Quick regenerating navmesh tiles could lead to incorrect final result
Fixed: Make log-scopes infinite recursion bulletproof.
Fixed: Closing stream not having prio record added when it's last frame was ACKed
Fixed: Free Roam Building - It's not possible to place composition into the water. A more precise placement check added
Fixed: Null pointer to instance in SetAIWaypoint function.
Modding - Enfusion Blender Tools
Added: Automatically register & import TXA files upon export
Added: Support for importing structures prefabs to blender.
Fixed: Bug with importing materials that has space in a path
Modding - General
Added: Version of MpTest world without game mode and any other prefabs which can be used by the community to test their custom game modes
VFX Update
Added: Particle FX light
Added: Particles - possibility to disable collision until certain distance
Added: Weapon case 3d particles
Added: 3D vehicle debris and explosions
Added: Light into explosion
Added: Lights into flash
Added: SCR_ParticleEmitter - CreateOriented(), CreateAsChildOriented() and CreateOrientedEx() methods
Added: Collision-enabled particle interaction layer settings
Added: Case for 762x39PS, tweaked material
Changed: Metal bullet casing impacts, generic attenuation curves
Changed: Better particle FX collisions
Tweaked: SCR_ParticleEmitter - deperecated CreateWithTransformAsChild(), CreateWithTransformAsChildEx() and CreateAsChildEx() methods
Tweaked: Default values for particle material/prefab.
Tweaked: Particle editor - new emitter is always created with the default material/prefab
Tweaked: Disabled lens flares for particle lights
Tweaked: Firearms particles
Tweaked: Polish of muzzle smokes
Tweaked: Particle FX - ConeAngleMinDist and ConeAngleRndRange
Fixed: Instability/oscillation/drifting of nearly static particles, sliding particles (oscillation and speed issues), adds more options for controlling bounce direction and sliding friction
Fixed: Disabled some invalid combinations of particle settings Collisions for local-space-simulation particles, local-space for prefab particles (the option is unavailable in the editor, but it was loaded and used anyway)
Fixed: Particle FX - random emit angle distribution for ConeAngle.x < 360
Fixed: Particle FX - emit cone visualization for ConeAngle.x < 360
Removed: PI division for diffuse lighting
Removed: Casings on vehicle roof impact bank
Fixed: Linux DS crash on bleeding particle FX
Fixed: Crash in font rendering
Fixed: Render Crash - Loading GM save with character holding RHS AN/PRC-152 radio
Fixed: Crash while loading configs when lot of mods were enabled
Fixed: Flickering shadows
Fixed: Loading of offline available addons, corrupted addons shouldn't prevent the game from starting