Cover image of Update

Attention soldiers,

We're going to update the Steam and Xbox versions of the game. The game will be updated today, July 20th. This is a Major Update. There will be server downtime between 12:00 - 15:00 CET.

Make sure your mods are optimized for this update. Check the Modding Update 0.9.9 article for solutions.

This update brings a Health System overhaul, containing a new character state, new actions, new items, and more. You can also get your hands on the Weapon Deployment feature. Watch the video below to get a fuller picture of the Health System update!

And here is a complete list of features this update brings:

  • Ballistic Protection - Characters are now protected from projectiles and explosions by helmets and vests.

  • Basic Deployment of Weapon - Characters can use the environment to stabilize their weapons.

  • Conflict: Cleansweep Refactor - Refactoring the system to improve sandbox functionality, reliability, and performance.

  • Medical Vehicles - 2 new vehicles added, allowing medics to heal patients while traveling.

  • Basic Health System -  3 new health items: Saline bags, tourniquets, morphine, improved interface for healing yourself and patients.

  • Reviving - A new feature that allows soldiers to have another chance at survival when they suffer serious injuries and become unconscious.

  • Respawn System Refactor - The process of spawning players has been made more reliable and streamlined for ease of use.

  • Keybinding Menu - Players can bind various key combinations and are informed about conflicts with existing key bindings. (There are some bugs that will be fixed in upcoming patches)

  • Radial Menu Refactor - Improve visuals and script implementation.

  • Dialog Refactor - Game dialogs have been unified in their implementation, visual style, and appearance.

  • Downloading Mods Refactor - Downloading mods has a clear UI/UX. Downloading mods is faster and more reliable.

  • Refactor GameState FSM + Mod reloading - Major changes in runtime mods management and loading between games.

  • Groups Refactor - Expanded possibilities of groups by introducing selectable flags and implementing changes to private groups. Changelog


  • Added: Health Package features 

  • Added: Weapon Deployment feature

  • Added: Server authoritative vehicles feature

  • Added: CharacterIdentityComponent::GetHeadEntity script API

  • Added: Head aiming limits for unconscious characters

  • Added: Ping and packet loss to logStats

  • Added: Diagnostic for toggling unconsciousness and forcing unconscious pose

  • Added: Sound event for when a character gets hit by a projectile from a controlled character 

  • Added: Extra error logging to BaseUserAction setup

  • Added: GearLR and GearFB variables are now sent to the inventory character preview as well

  • Added: Gear size animation variables that describe the thickness of loadout and make the character hold the weapon accordingly to prevent clipping

  • Added: BaseGameTriggerEntity::SetUpdateRate and BaseGameTriggerEntity::EnablePeriodicQueries functions

  • Added: Error instead of warning log messages for inventory not finding an item

  • Added: Function to retrieve transform matrix for sights

  • Added: Option to set custom idle turns angle limits for prone stance

  • Added: Missing init calls for additional compartment actions

  • Added: BaseTarget.GetTimeLastDetected

  • Added: New method for sights direction that ignores bone animation

  • Added: Support for liquids in vehicle's wheel contact

  • Added: BaseCompartmentSlot now has an array of additional user actions

  • Added: BaseTriggerComponent GetOwner for script

  • Added: MovementDirection animation variable works during swimming

  • Added: Warning and snap to server position upon huge round trip time and missing client history

  • Added: PlayerController:SCR_OnInit

  • Added: FactionAffiliationComponent on changed callback has more information 

  • Added: Support for suppressing OnPlayerKilled callbacks to avoid nasty stuff in scripts 

  • Added: Script access to some functions of NwkCarMovementComponent

  • Added: Teleportation of ragdolls when teleporting character

  • Added: Custom fall damage handling for ragdolls

  • Added: BaseTriggerComponent EOnContact & EOnInit

  • Added: Fixed support for scripted loitering character commands

  • Added: Exposed CharacterHeadingAnimComponent to script

  • Added: Checkbox for pieces of clothing to ignore InflatedDeflated functionality

  • Added: Replication and compensation of server time to clients using ChimeraGameNwkNode

  • Added: Quaternion to scaled axis representation

  • Added: Bone lod mapping from multiple MeshObjects

  • Added: Magazine ammo count is now correctly saved when using the "saving loadout" action

  • Added: EquipedLoadoutStorageComponent::GetSlotsFromArea API

  • Added: Supporting a different bind pose for each head, allowing facial animations

  • Added: Eject action

  • Added: Character head aiming direction keeps getting updated while the character is in the air

  • Added: Gradual rotation of character when jumping without locomotion

  • Added: Radio messages encryption API 

  • Added: Support of CreateInstanceFromContainer on ItemAttributeCollection

  • Added: Touching material by AoT to force texture loading

  • Added: Turret entity class

  • Added: Usage of full wheeled re-simulation + unconstrained motion for prediction

  • Added: Exposed vehicle G-force magnitude to character animation graph

  • Added: Collimator sights

  • Added: Maximal noise surface value from suspension for character wobble animation

  • Added: ChimeraNavmeshWorld, which selects DestructibleEntities for navmesh marking

  • Added: G-force API to wheeled vehicles

  • Added: FloorAngleLateral animation variable for feet adjustment when standing perpendicular to a sloped surface

  • Added: OnDiag to ScriptedDamageManagerComponent

  • Added: Single manager that handles post-physics simulation events

  • Added: Shutdown logic on character ownership change to be identical with the current vehicle

  • Added: Configuration for blast particle effects

  • Added: Inventory hand slot prototype

  • Added: Additional WB params for setting up thresholds for triggering idle turns

  • Added: Added a MovementSpeedReal animation variable which keeps the current speed of the character in meters per second. Currently for testing and should be rewritten later due to the current variable being one frame delayed against actual movement

  • Added: Simple networked pawn

  • Added: 2dmap - min, max color setup for ocean+terrain

  • Added: Exposed CharacterInputContext::IsUnconscious to a script

  • Added: Zeroing generator for rear-sight apertures (like M72)

  • Added: TFL_NO_TREE flag to BaseGameTriggerEntity

  • Added: Exposed method for getting default magazine or projectile of a muzzle

  • Added: Initial setup for landing gear IK driven animation

  • Added: Exposed InventoryStorageManagerComponent::GetMagazineCountByMuzzle

  • Added: OnOwnershipChanged event to PlayerController

  • Added: New simulation signals for animations (#2); new signals + signal testing

  • Added: New simulation signals for animations

  • Added: Animation of a character turning via wheeled signal state

  • Added: UpdateGeometries on cloth, so they are updated based on the mesh

  • Added: BaseWeaponManagerComponent::GetDefaultWeaponIndex and BaseWeaponManagerComponent::SelectWeapon script API

  • Added: A new storage component, to be able to make attachments on any items

  • Added: BaseGameTriggerEntity::GetTraceMask/AddTraceMask/ClearTraceMask script API

  • Added: BaseGameTriggerEntity::AddClassType/RemoveClassType and BaseGameTriggerEntity::AddFilterName/RemoveFilterName script API

  • Added: Script API for accessing local and server timestamps

  • Added: Turret angles can be reset when the gunner goes unconscious

  • Added: Constant angular reticle size to collimators

  • Added: Deflated offset and angles, so it changes attachment position with it

  • Added: IsAi inside CharacterControllerComponent

  • Added: Set multiplayer activity of listen server 

  • Added: Reticle texture configs

  • Added: Map tool menu API for adding a custom entry

  • Added: Leave faction option is available from the pause menu

  • Added: Audio for respawn timer

  • Added: Sounds for start/stop drawing of map marker

  • Added: Sounds for drawing the start/stop of map markers

  • Added: Text for selected VoN display

  • Added: New icons for briefing Objectives

  • Added: New icons for objectives

  • Added: M997 MERDC variant and added it to Vehicle EntityCatalog

  • Added: Virtual ballistic protection logic

  • Added: Names, description texts, and inventory parameters to M1 helmet, M69 jacket, and 6B2 vest

  • Added: Configured Inflated radio backpacks in Radio backpack prefabs

  • Added: Slower passive regeneration while unconscious or with a low blood level

  • Added: ADS camera will now stabilize during ADSIn->Out transition once tags are added

  • Added: First-person camera tilted down in vehicles to better show the dashboard

  • Added: Missing interaction for removing dead and unc characters from M923A1 Transport truck

  • Added: Patrol cap into US Arsenal

  • Added: Strings for a voting system of kicking and banning

  • Added: Localization texts for Game Master Deploy Menu

  • Added: Action Hints for the Editor's Deploy Menu's localized string

  • Added: Navigation hint for a Game Master

  • Added: New icons for nametags

  • Added: Spawn location preloading

  • Added: RespawnRefactor - Doxygen for Welcome and Debriefing screen 

  • Added: Images for Game Master Deploy Screen

  • Added: Confirmation dialog when selecting a permanent faction

  • Added: New GM Deploy Menu images 

  • Added: Nametag unconsciousness display icon

  • Added: New images for FM tiles incapacitation 

  • Added: New images for FM incapacitation and medical vehicles 

  • Added: New image for FM tile radio signal 

  • Added: New HitZone config HitZone_Wood_Beam.conf

  • Added: All SCR_InfoDisplayExtended classes now have DisplayOnSuspended and DisplayOnResumed methods that get called when GUI is suspended/resumed due to visibility flags (eg. SHOW_IN_EDITOR false)

  • Added: InspectCasualtyUseraction and widget

  • Added: Tooltip info for big bleeding icon and improved inspect casualty layout

  • Added: Forgotten line for hovering over info for big bleeding icon

  • Added: Naked campaign prefab, loadout is now using this

  • Added: Names and descriptions for new body armor and helmets

  • Added: Names and descriptions of field shovel

  • Added: WorldTimestamp API for script

  • Added: Support for using WorldTimestamp in replication.

  • Added: Checking whether physics element transformation has really updated something

  • Added: Showing whether the geometry has some animated parent

  • Added: TransformGizmo Shape visualizer

  • Added: Thorough check, whether the child hierarchy needs to be updated when the skeleton changes

  • Added: ContactPoint to TraceMove result

  • Added: Multiplayer activity can now track the number of players

  • Added: World file extension check 

  • Added: Set crossplay/modded information on the loading screen 

  • Added: Ability to save loadout without restrictions in Combat Ops scenario.

  • Added: Conflict - Proper journal texts

  • Added: Rule for ignoring unconscious targets in AIWeaponTargetSelector

  • Added: ScenarioFramework - Added plugin OnDestroy. When object is destroyed, it can call an action.

  • Changed: Root motion in prone turns option now enabled by default

  • Changed: Property grid - Info about owner containers added to WB_GetVariableDisplayState event 

  • Changed: Exposed getter for AIControlComponent to be utilized for optimizing

  • Changed: Re-enabled use of nav links for car movement. Navlink interaction physics block for vehicles

  • Changed: Gears enumerator is in the public header for other components to use

  • Changed: Switched all systems to use new RPC syntax

  • Changed: Added feedback loop for PID controllers and constant slow down based on the wanted orientation

  • Changed: Moved GForce script API to VehicleBaseSimulation

  • Changed: BaseGameTriggerEntity now has a list of classes instead of just one class for his filter

  • Changed: Session/scenario restart API

  • Changed: Unconscious characters now don't react to kinematic objects(cannot be pushed by doors/characters). Doors go through unconscious characters

  • Changed: Ragdoll processing is now done together with a keyframe

  • Changed: Character position is not always synced on remote proxies

  • Changed: Improved unstucking behavior for AICarMovement and added OnStuck call for AIGroupMovementComponent

  • Changed: Instigator is now tracked by player id

  • Changed: CommunicationSoundComponent - Now activates the component upon Queuing of events 

  • Changed: Door links register to the road network

  • Changed: BaseGameMode will register itself even in edit mode

  • Changed: Reworked FuelNode and FuelManagerComponent

  • Changed: Increased distance divisor as prediction is now more accurate

  • Changed: Moved local transform to AddChild function directly instead of SetLocalTransform later, so people can use correct transform in OnAddedToParent/OnChildAdded callback

  • Changed: The AIBaseUtilityComponent has been moved to cpp to increase performance. The RemoveObsoleteActions now does not reorder the array each time. The rest of the scripts have been modified to use the new system

  • Changed: Recalculation of group acceptance radius

  • Changed: Overridden signal of changing path and minor improvement on AITaskMoveInFormation based on that

  • Changed: Character animations: vehicle command: g force value replaced by maximal surface noise from wheel contacts

  • Changed: CharacterHeadAimingComponent is now only ticking on the owner

  • Changed: Enable usage of VoNComponent from non-character entities

  • Changed: Clear stuff inside WeaponSlotComponent

  • Changed: 2dmap - export tool refactored to a managed instance

  • Changed: 2dmap - export API refactored to support more arguments

  • Changed: Setup of Maxspeed limiters to penalize walking/sprinting speed from a script

  • Changed: Signals do not go through the signal system but are networked via states

  • Changed: DEFLATED model uses the same materials override as the WORN model

  • Changed: Adopt new multiplayer activity API 

  • Changed: Multiplayer activity is set right after connection to the server is initialized 

  • Changed: Various weapon loudness tweaks

  • Changed: Players are no longer put automatically into the group when they change faction

  • Changed: Elapsed scenario time icon

  • Changed: Gamepad controls in the Deploy map menu

  • Changed: Spawning from deploy menu by pressing space for a keyboard, holding a for controller

  • Changed: Moved IsExpanded getter to the base deploy selector class

  • Changed: Updated Respawn Menu controls

  • Changed: Added separate control hints for the ToolBar menu

  • Changed: RespawnRefactor - Welcome/DebriefingScreen now uses the intended pagination layout 

  • Changed: RespawnRefactor - Utilize intended Objectives icons 

  • Changed: RespawnRefactor - Correct member variables for objective icons 

  • Changed: RespawnRefactor - Pagination keybindings changed from Nav to Tab 

  • Changed: Conflict - Welcome screen images and text 

  • Changed: Incorrect icon in welcome screen, role selection screen was missing max players indication

  • Changed: Removed inertia logic from the animation graph

  • Changed: Sound event names for task accept and abandon

  • Changed: Some pitch variation removed, samples adjusted

  • Changed: Map line delete button sound

  • Changed: Conflict - FIA presence layout 

  • Changed: Conflict - Autoreload timer increased to 75s 

  • Changed: VON menu visual update

  • Changed: Unified VON menu adjust the action

  • Changed: VON menu visual update part two

  • Changed: Decoupled unconsciousness logic in von controller from von comp setter

  • Changed: HUD Manager's Editor Notifications are disabled

  • Changed: Slotted entities get freed from replication before they are destroyed

  • Changed: Quickbar item restock after drop/use based on the list item type

  • Changed: UAZ LODs and skinning, also a bit of polish on LOD0 on the rear chassis part 

  • Changed: Fire colliders and mine trigger colliders added 

  • Changed: Faster GetIn/GetOut anim sfx

  • Changed: Set item model as item model and as default meshobject

  • Changed: Soldier loadouts updated with new items

  • Changed: Using proper LBS icon for LBS' in inventory

  • Changed: Naming of new M1 helmet and M69 vest variants

  • Changed: Disabled flashlight physics when equipped on the chest

  • Changed: Characters now revive at a .7 resilience threshold 

  • Changed: Fixed rifle < 1m climbs anims to prevent floating in the air

  • Changed: Added necessary event to start the vehicle

  • Changed: Unarmed rifleman received Patrol cap instead of Boonie hat

  • Changed: Resolution of ARTII and B12 reticles

  • Changed: Added TagDeath to vehicle death states

  • Changed: Fixed horn anims not matching GUID with .asi file

  • Changed: Added bind pose and bone mask for suspension chassis

  • Changed: Added transition between vehicle attachment and death pose to avoid character standing up upon being removed from a vehicle while uncon/dead

  • Changed: Fixed IK config for melee animations

  • Changed: Removed toggle button from persistent faction dialog

  • Changed: New tile image for Field Manual 

  • Changed: Character teleportation out of the spawn zone was moved right after entity creation in the script, hopefully improving player detection and location finding

  • Changed: Fixed radio going through torso when held in a vehicle and opening inventory

  • Changed: Changed target icon for uncon nametag

  • Changed: Fixed melee IK node properly this time 

  • Changed: Repairing normals on Type56 

  • Changed: Replaced unarmed 20/80 climb over by older animations as most recent ones are incorrect 

  • Changed: Humvee M2 pintle now using proper starting animation node allowing unconscious 

  • Changed: Increased size of healing user action contexts, and moved arm-healing actions

  • Changed: Resilienceregeneration reduced when bleeding and unconscious at once

  • Changed: InspectCasualty action moved to the torso

  • Changed: Added loc for inspectcasualty useraction and added loc for hover over bigbleeding icons

  • Changed: InspectCasualty action disabled when not damaged

  • Changed: String statuses for the next batch

  • Changed: Naming of olive and woodland M69 vests and M1 helmets

  • Changed: Updated asset description texts

  • Changed: Field_manual label added to new FM strings

  • Changed: Updated FM texts for B8 & B12 binoculars and Incapacitation

  • Changed: Register UAZ452 graph parts 

  • Changed: Updated replication documentation to show the use of WorldTimestamp in codec

  • Changed: SetLocalTransform sets just world transform when the hierarchy component has autotransform off (to make it in accord with non-parented entity)

  • Changed: SetElementTransform checks redundancy - if there is the same matrix used, it doesn't update the physics

  • Changed: "Show bones" visualization changed to the new TransformGizmo shape, to make it usable fast 

  • Changed: Changing additional local transforms do not enforce children entities update, if not in a hierarchy with pivot bone

  • Changed: Threshold for the y-axis character position changes from 0.01->0.001. This makes very small movements on slopes smooth

  • Changed: Can now loot unconscious characters

  • Changed: Journal layout now uses rich text

  • Changed: Disabled ability to use binoculars while driving, unless vehicle is stopped

  • Tweaked: PerceptionComponent now forgets targets from the Enemy and Detected categories after some time

  • Tweaked: Disabled engine start on Collective input

  • Tweaked: Ears sensor was reworked to use real physical sound values (Watts and deciBels)

  • Tweaked: Diag visualization of sensors was split into several diag menu options

  • Tweaked: Diag visualization of sensors is now transparent

  • Tweaked: PerceptionComponent.GetClosestTarget now accepts float timeSinceDetectedMax

  • Tweaked: Modified BaseZeroingGenerator to cope with entities that have no muzzle

  • Tweaked: Improved reticles resolution for optic

  • Tweaked: UAZ469 door sounds

  • Tweaked: Added sound events to M997 patient unconscious + switchIn/switchOut animations

  • Tweaked: Added preliminary "lie down on stretcher" sounds to Character_Movement_Vehicles.acp

  • Tweaked: Vehicle cabin occlusion

  • Tweaked: Radial menu items preview update simplified and unified

  • Tweaked: Radial menu centering on open

  • Tweaked: RespawnRefactor - Implemented correct Objectives icons 

  • Tweaked: Eject action default filter changed from DoubleClick to HoldOnce to prevent ignoring the X key in some cases

  • Tweaked: Fixed roughness of grass clutter (was accidentally uniform 1 value); tweaked global AO of vegetation and clutters to better fit current lighting; improved hue and saturation of coniferous surfaces (they were too desaturated before) 

  • Tweaked: ScenarioFramework - Trigger activation and conditions adjusted to work with the latest GameCode changes 

  • Tweaked: SCR_DestructionBaseHandler wreck delayed at least one frame

  • Tweaked: Common un-destructible hitzone for config for truck modules and M151 bench

  • Tweaked: Reduced damage passed from canvas from 100% to 10%

  • Tweaked: M997 slots setup

  • Tweaked: UAZ-452 collision damage setup

  • Tweaked: UAZ-452 light setup

  • Tweaked: UAZ-452 hi-beams setup

  • Tweaked: M997 removed obsolete redefines of the car controller component 

  • Tweaked: Compartment accessibility setting for UAZ-452

  • Tweaked: Compartment accessibility setting for M997

  • Tweaked: License plate light on UAZ-452

  • Tweaked: Shorter no door anims for Humvee

  • Tweaked: Head collider on character mesh

  • Tweaked: Reimported clothing models to refresh meta files and fix potentially broken materials

  • Tweaked: Woodland pattern on BDU jacket and pants

  • Tweaked: M1 helmet with changes to proportions, and updated textures to match new UVs

  • Tweaked: Decreased duration of bandaging self

  • Tweaked: M998 and UAZ-469 driver camera initial angle offset in 1st person

  • Tweaked: Change anim to the left hand

  • Tweaked: M998 horn sound events

  • Tweaked: Vehicle wheels - correct health settings, switched to DamageManager

  • Tweaked: Initial zeroing on PSO-1 was changed from 400m to 100m 

  • Tweaked: Aggregated user actions for UAZ back passenger seats

  • Tweaked: All vehicle light slots changed to SCR_LightSlot

  • Tweaked: Removed obsolete light action from 

  • Tweaked: Sound events position adjusted to new climb anims

  • Tweaked: UGL hints show outside optics only and have 5 seconds timeout

  • Tweaked: ScenarioFramework - Refactored how triggers are set-up and used 

  • Tweaked: HEAT spalling penetration ability reduced to 40% of the main penetrator

  • Tweaked: Aggregated user actions for truck front passenger seats

  • Tweaked: RespawnRefactor - Debriefing shows strings based on endgame result 

  • Tweaked: B8 binoculars strings, added very placeholder text and un-hid them

  • Tweaked: Added get in interrupt and get out interrupt events for uaz452 buchanka

  • Tweaked: Polish get in for UAZ-452 driver

  • Tweaked: Rivers without GUID are now not reported as an error

  • Tweaked: Improved initial position of thrown grenade if a character has an obstacle just behind them

  • Tweaked: Collider setup on juniperus_communis 1s and 2

  • Tweaked: AIs won't shoot unconscious soldiers anymore

  • Tweaked: FloorAngle variables now are with respect to entity orientation, not heading. Additionally, they update also when the character is not moving

  • Tweaked: FloorAngle variable now ignores movement direction - the angle of the plane in the movement direction can be gotten through easy trigonometry between FloorAngle and FloorAngleLateral. Left to the reader as an exercise

  • Tweaked: Improved Editor Deploy Menu's localization strings

  • Tweaked: Values for road materials affecting their satmap rendering and clutter cutting abilities

  • Tweaked: Distant shadows "Low" setting now uses the same AO method as other Distant shadows settings (#T173129)

  • Fixed: EntitySlotInfo::GetSlotInfo and EntitySlotInfo::GetSlotInfos did not account for WeaponSlotComponent

  • Fixed: InventoryItemComponent::OnParentSlotChanged argument invalid when the magazine was spawned

  • Fixed: The flockmovement takes into consideration the scale of the spline prefab now

  • Fixed: Item colliders were not moving correctly with the character

  • Fixed: Missing API for wheel liquid contact in other versions of wheeled simulation components

  • Fixed: Re-entering unconsciousness causes body rotation

  • Fixed: Character would always turn on back when going unconscious

  • Fixed: Explosions - Cargo and canvas do not receive damage from explosives

  • Fixed: Logging errors could cause VME because the action was not initialized for the GetActionNameScripted callback

  • Fixed: TryRecoverLastRightHandItem can start even when changing items is not allowed, causing AIs to drop weapons instead of slinging them when going unconscious

  • Fixed: CharacterCommandMove should use only one IsRootMotionControlled value during the entire frame (as opposed to one value in PreAnim and second in PrePhys and PostPhys)

  • Fixed: If stuck on top of a navlink, continue moving to the endpoint

  • Fixed: Character stuck in FPV camera after being in 3PV, going into ADS, and dropping weapon with Tab+X

  • Fixed: ADS now resets when the character goes unconscious, fixing a bug where they could otherwise get stuck in FPV

  • Fixed: Double GenericEntity displayed in BaseGameTriggerEntity

  • Fixed: Worn items colliders aren't animated

  • Fixed: Checking parent instead of child when checking for ownership.

  • Fixed: Solved an assert in WB due to a data type mismatch between script and C++

  • Fixed: Transition between ragdoll and unconscious animation

  • Fixed: Invisible ragdolls caused by the wrong entity position

  • Fixed: Interior audio signal for remote entities 

  • Fixed: several issues in AIActionBase and AIBaseUtilityComponent

  • Fixed: OnConsciousnessChanged event was called on proxies when it should be only on the owner and server

  • Fixed: Characters' feet align to the ground even in vehicle mounted turrets 

  • Fixed: OnConsciousnessChanged event was called on proxies when it should be only on the owner and server

  • Fixed: Character's AimX aiming variable is clamped by sidestep's set values even if the character is sitting and thus can't do side steps

  • Fixed: When starting the engine, engage the brakes to stay in position.

  • Fixed: Proper -PI to the PI limit for aiming angles while jumping

  • Fixed: Limiting AimingAngles with the CharacterAimingComponent vertical aiming limit based on stance

  • Fixed: Smooth CharacterAimingComponent stance limit adjustment

  • Fixed: CharacterInputContext::IsUnconscious is now replicated to proxies too

  • Fixed: FactionManager's base:: would refer to Entity, not GenericEntity as intended, resulting in broken init calls

  • Fixed: Doors pushing characters

  • Fixed: Unconscious characters being pushed by non-vehicle entities

  • Fixed: Animation/Placement of the character breaks down after taking control of an unowned character

  • Fixed: Better determination for sitting in turrets, sitting at turrets always resets them to 0 aiming

  • Fixed: BaseInventoryStorageComponent::GetOwnedItems declaration was not correct

  • Fixed: Changing gear when using FULL assistance can be stuck in first gear

  • Fixed: Fixed getting stuck in traversing curves by preventing direction reverting and balancing the curve point with the path's information

  • Fixed: Weapon doesn't have any attachment in the render preview of the inventory

  • Fixed: Player was able to swim underwater 

  • Fixed: BaseHUDComponent is not created on a dedicated server anymore

  • Fixed: Unconscious body slides when going unconscious during walk animation

  • Fixed: BaseMuzzleComponent could be added to any entity

  • Fixed: Network serialization of the car's suspension is now working with prediction

  • Fixed: Explosions not dealing damage to destructibles 

  • Fixed: OnAddedToParent called by adding an entity to the entity slot now has the right local transform set

  • Fixed: AIActions have correct priorities again

  • Fixed: User cannot switch to reverse from higher gears

  • Fixed: Explosions didn't deal damage most of the time

  • Fixed: Save/Load/JIP/reconnect handling of unconsciousness

  • Fixed: Script Leaking + Script declarations on the AIActionBase and AIBaseUtilityComponent interfaces

  • Fixed: Idle turns can bug out because of NaNs if the prediction was not made

  • Fixed: Character can change stance while unconscious

  • Fixed: Character instantly dying after entering an unconscious state in a vehicle on DS

  • Fixed: Deactivated character would not be teleported

  • Fixed: Powerline entity cable object component initialization and creation

  • Fixed: Desynchronization of handbrake

  • Fixed: Removed CMD_Injured, now everything uses CMD_Unconscious

  • Fixed: Vehicle wobble animation variable gets reset when the player exits the vehicle.

  • Fixed: Clouds: Fixed static clouds (missing wind movement) with a dedicated server

  • Fixed: Cleanup and a small fix for imprecise idle turn predictions.

  • Fixed: Group update positioning when not ticking group movement

  • Fixed: CosAngle returns value in interval <-1,1>

  • Fixed: Invalid folder for downloaded cloud saves

  • Fixed: Missing doors blocking navlink traversal

  • Fixed: Exiting a vehicle while free looking in an extreme direction can lead to angle unhandled angle overflow, causing the camera and weapon to be misaligned

  • Fixed: After being teleported in the game master, the character often starts turning in a different direction than was set by the user.

  • Fixed: Doors on navmesh tile edges do not regenerate all the areas they modify

  • Fixed: Searching attachments in the hierarchy of components in WeaponComponent

  • Fixed: Character inventory preview has a backpack hidden when in vehicles

  • Fixed: Go over the hierarchy of components when searching for the storage component

  • Fixed: Fans signal affected by the dashboard power signal

  • Fixed: Changed raycast call to use the returning distance instead of calculating the start and hit point difference

  • Fixed: Now the OnTakeOff, OnFlying, and OnLanding functions are now callbacks

  • Fixed: MP Proxy characters now wake up prone after being unconscious even if before they were erected

  • Fixed: Server cannot see character rotation

  • Fixed: Calling the same event twice with different arguments would cause it to be called multiple times only with the last supplied arguments

  • Fixed: Refactor of character heading angles and aiming angles. Removed Get/Set Heading/Aiming/LookAt angles functions on CharacterControllerComponent. Get/Set Heading/Aiming/LookAt Angles functions on CharacterInputContext all use radians, with the yaw angle being in a clockwise direction (turning right = increase and vice versa)

  • Fixed: Character would rotate in random directions after exiting vehicles, sometimes also after climbing over objects

  • Fixed: FactionManager not being accessible in edit mode (failed registration)

  • Fixed: SetUnconscious compared argument to wrong reference variable in an effort to drop redundant calls - could lead to some calls being ignored. Also could attempt to call OnConsciousnessChanged twice

  • Fixed: Fixed the wrong name and return type on IsUnconscious

  • Fixed: NaN exception when the character is swimming in (un)certain depth

  • Fixed: OnCompartmentLeft was not called when switching seats in a vehicle

  • Fixed: Update of adjusted stance

  • Fixed: Missing turning animation for non-owner proxy drivers

  • Fixed: Fuel was not correctly synchronized in multiplayer

  • Fixed: Not correct deletion of an item when reloading slots

  • Fixed: Disabled/Enabled physics correctly for a loadout with animate colliders on

  • Fixed: Climbing down from stuff now calls the correct updated climbing type

  • Fixed: Climbing early exit now cannot trigger while we are still in the air

  • Fixed: Wrong JIP inputs and input actions synchronization

  • Fixed: It is possible to shoot from a turret while being unconscious

  • Fixed: BaseLoadoutClothComponent should tick on remote proxies

  • Fixed: Ballistic protection items would not show correctly in edit mode

  • Fixed: Worn model was not correctly applied to cloths

  • Fixed: Inventory would influence deflated/inflated property and positions of BaseLoadoutClothComponent

  • Fixed: GarbageManager should not allow operation on clients

  • Fixed: Weapon visibility was not correctly updated when inserted into a slot

  • Fixed: Lowest crouch stance, 0.05, is incorrectly replicated as prone.

  • Fixed: ADS would sometimes zoom when changing stance

  • Fixed: Bounding box of the animated colliders part should be updated based on the skeleton

  • Fixed: MP - Mine can get armed despite the character dropping it during the arming procedure

  • Fixed: MP - Mine placing would not work after canceling the previous mine placing - bug introduced in 14611

  • Fixed: MP - Mine placing canceling would not work if you would hit the precise frame when the animation command was called but the animation did not start yet

  • Fixed: Two players could enter a vehicle at the same time even though they were hostile to each other

  • Fixed: Missing scenario interpretation on MP reload 

  • Fixed: Placing a character into a turret would not correctly set the faction

  • Fixed: Negative weight after dropping all items from the inventory

  • Fixed: Loading of weapons during loading of loadouts was not working correctly

  • Fixed: Adding multiple input actions during the performance of an action would only perform the first one

  • Fixed: MP: Reload on a low FPS server can cause an invisible magazine in the weapon

  • Fixed: 4x20 2D reticle cut off from the top when using sight adjustment

  • Fixed: US lantern without particle + fixes of emissivity of materials

  • Fixed: Mechanics layer occlusion

  • Fixed: PIP scopes view distance was fixed at1500m independently of view distance. It is now set consistently with view distance set in-game options

  • Fixed: Players were able to spawn on radio operators before the timer ran out by holding enter

  • Fixed: Missing player controller nullcheck

  • Fixed: Out of memory caused by incorrect ActionListeners handling

  • Fixed: Map controls not being disabled when focusing on menus in respawnMap

  • Fixed: Controls buttons being visible while not focused

  • Fixed: Focusing toolbar menu will now disable map context

  • Fixed: Border issues on spawnpoint selector

  • Fixed: Task list is now right next to the MapTools

  • Fixed: Player loadout preview was missing in the deploy map loadout selector

  • Fixed: RespawnRefactor - Game master access from WelcomeScreen 

  • Fixed: RespawnRefactor - VME in workbench when Play from current position enabled 

  • Fixed: RespawnRefactor - VME in workbench for ArsenalManagerComponent 

  • Fixed: RespawnRefactor - Another WB VME caused by play from the current position 

  • Fixed: RespawnRefactor - Switching directly to GM from the welcome screen locks some mouse input 

  • Fixed: RespawnRefactor - Compass and Watches being cut off in RespawnScreen 

  • Fixed: RespawnRefactor - Scaling of images in WelcomeScreen

  • Fixed: RespawnRefactor - WelcomeScreen Fix for pagination clicking not working on the first click

  • Fixed: RespawnRefactor - Wrong Conflict tasks and duplicities + stats in Debriefing

  • Fixed: Respawn Refactor - Player list can't be opened on GM welcome page

  • Fixed: Group name was not shown on the deploy menu open

  • Fixed: Saved loadout button was shown even when the saved loadout was not available

  • Fixed: Editor camera was not correctly terminated

  • Fixed: Pencil drawings on the Deploy menu are now behind UI

  • Fixed: First Spawn point in the array of available spawns doesn't have a bar in spawn selection

  • Fixed: It's no longer possible to manipulate map tools while they are under buttons

  • Fixed: Player can spam the group leader with requests

  • Fixed: Gm placed spawn points were missing names in the deploy map

  • Fixed: Notifications not showing up in the Deploy menu and Editor

  • Fixed: Conflict - Callsigns of bases sometimes missing after reconnect 

  • Fixed: Conflict - Positioning of HQ tents on starting bases 

  • Fixed: Performance of GM, update widget animator

  • Fixed: Incorrect VoN menu keybind adjustment

  • Fixed: VoN entry unwanted animation and improper centering with long channel text

  • Fixed: Incorrect radio power state

  • Fixed: Radios channel tuning is not working correctly for clients

  • Fixed: VoN menu UI not reacting correctly to frequency changes on client due to frequency getter being delayed

  • Fixed: Notifications not showing

  • Fixed: Spawning player in the editor respected invisible respawn timer, preventing spawning in quick succession

  • Fixed: VONMenu radio channel displaying untranslated string for Russian faction

  • Fixed: Assigned correct wreck model to M997

  • Fixed: UAZ-452 uses the correct wreck model

  • Fixed: UAZ-452 searchlight had wrong emit angle set + fixed assigned light entity for Light_Searchlight config

  • Fixed: Name of UAZ in conflict

  • Fixed: GUID on Searchlight light slot on M998

  • Fixed: Window FR1 on UAZ-452 now can get damaged

  • Fixed: UAZ-452 slot Wheel_R01 registering damage

  • Fixed: Soldier faction base prefabs don't have uniforms, gadgets, or watches - added new prefab with those and tweaked inheritance

  • Fixed: Inheritance of Character_US_AR - now inherits from baseloadout prefab

  • Fixed: Removed extra colliders and added missing colliders on some of the inflated backpacks

  • Fixed: Wrong model, the material on inflated RPG assistant backpack

  • Fixed: M88 and BDU have now correct in/deflated models assigned

  • Fixed: Some heads had turned on the alpha effect in FPV

  • Fixed: Base icon disappeared after being captured by another faction

  • Fixed: Update of alpha value was not updated when the character entity was dead

  • Fixed: Full group was missing an indication in the role selection screen

  • Fixed: Join faction/group hint was still visible after joining when the button was still under the cursor

  • Fixed: Inheritance from correct parent units

  • Fixed: Ragdoll definition - changed head collider - UCS_Head -> UCX_Head, removed irrelevant mass values

  • Fixed: ARTII reticle compression

  • Fixed: B12 reticle compression

  • Fixed: Added interior light prefab for UAZ452

  • Fixed: UAZ-452 engine start actions

  • Fixed: Leftover mentions of SlideDistanceLimit in prefabs, which was removed

  • Fixed: Composition children were moved to the composition center

  • Fixed: Empty slots in the loadout list in role selection were set enabled upon player loadout request

  • Fixed: Leader indication was not set correctly upon joining a group

  • Fixed: Music was missing in respawn menu

  • Fixed: Head-turning 180 degrees by changing locators and setting an offset on the prefab

  • Fixed: Player was able to hit respawn button multiple times, resulting in a vme

  • Fixed: Navigation buttons not found warning on configurable dialog creation. Server hosting dialog label

  • Fixed: Suspicious parent velocity assert when vehicle wheel dust effect is enabled

  • Fixed: Wreck models not applied for streamed in vehicles

  • Fixed: Player spawning should not clash with -ailimit anymore

  • Fixed: Switching weapon sight action hint is now correctly displayed

  • Fixed: Missing hint for selection or deselection of grenade launcher

  • Fixed: Missing magazine template that was removed on accident

  • Fixed: US GL has a PASGT vest, causing clipping with the grenadiers vest. The combo is illegal

  • Fixed: Conflict - Misaligned HQ tents 

  • Fixed: Conflict - MHQ signal calculation 

  • Fixed: Conflict - Wrong supplies amount shown when (un)loading supplies 

  • Fixed: Performance issues with the DespawnPatrol method 

  • Fixed: Broken Endscreen

  • Fixed: Truck cargo passenger compartments definitions, missing casualty actions, disabled teleport on getout

  • Fixed: Camera was stuck on ocean view in scenarios with no SCR_WelcomeScreenComponent

  • Fixed: Map location hint was visible in the deploy menu

  • Fixed: Spawning on radio operators resulted in players spawning on top/inside of the character

  • Fixed: Disabling respawning through game master didn't disable the deploy button

  • Fixed: "Don't show this again" in persistent faction dialog was not saved in user settings

  • Fixed: Orientation of Vest_Lifchik model

  • Fixed: Removed Map Marker manager component from prefab

  • Fixed: Character will take out his weapon after climbing over a wall even when the weapon was hidden manually

  • Fixed: SCR_WeaponAction now has only local effect as WeaponComponent::SetBipod now replicates the state

  • Fixed: LayerPreset setup on M997_doors_front model

  • Fixed: LayerPreset on Backpack_Veshmeshok_Inflated colliders

  • Fixed: WoodenWall_02_8m_A now has the correct LayerPreset set on colliders

  • Fixed: Chat UI does not stay on screen anymore when opening and closing it really fast

  • Fixed: Chat Max character limit notification now disappears when deleting characters

  • Fixed: Chat messages are now correctly ordered when scrolling through chat history

  • Fixed: Browsing chat history did move back to the most recent message when some player sends a message

  • Fixed: Casualtyinspection now only client side, non-disappearing icons fixed

  • Fixed: GetInNearest vehicle, not using a vehicle without an addon, proper lock order

  • Fixed: ETool should be Runtime in RplComponent

  • Fixed: Negative weight showing in inventory when all items are dropped

  • Fixed: Can no longer open inventory when unconscious 

  • Fixed: Character can now climb on walls up to 2.5m tall, as it was before

  • Fixed: Spawn protection not expiring on a server with disabled cheats

  • Fixed: Inconsistent behavior of Room Remove after a kick due to FF

  • Fixed: Behavior Editor - Crash when editing property of Switch node

  • Fixed: Editors issues with resources being saved into a data root directory

  • Fixed: World load fails when parent sub-scene is saved in data root dir

  • Fixed: Decal was not correctly shown when displayed on a MeshObject with a CF_INHERIT_PARENT_SKELETON flag

  • Fixed: RECALC_LOCAL_TRANSFORM should handle correctly if the flag AUTO_TRANSFORM is set

  • Fixed: When character motion is restricted due to breaking the elevation threshold it adds occluder the same way it does for normal collisions

  • Fixed: River's unique GUID is now always generated when the user creates/copies a river

  • Fixed: Error when the user copies a river with an existing GUID (or creates it from a prefab)

  • Fixed: Non-consistent order of objects in inherited arrays in config files

  • Fixed: Unconscious enemy can now be dragged out of the vehicle

  • Fixed: Vehicle affiliation wasn't updated when a character was deleted from the vehicle

  • Fixed: Player callsigns not being assigned (Note placing entity via GM still lacks a callsign as they are not part of a group)

  • Fixed: Spawn point selector refocused on a different entry when a spawn point was created/removed

  • Fixed: Players were able to spawn on already lost base

  • Fixed: Teleporting player in a vehicle on client did not work, the vehicle position got overridden by the server

  • Fixed: Saline disappears when applied inside a vehicle

  • Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Tutorial world mistakes in setup

  • Fixed: Campaign - Vehicle depot vehicles don't get reserved for the player that spawned them

  • Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Logic prefabs were wrongly created and missed unique naming

  • Fixed: Entity action was activated even when it shouldn't upon pressing the 'E' shortcut.

  • Fixed: Some issues with voting for GM

  • Fixed: First placed mine on DS is not armed

  • Fixed: Deploy Menu: Spawn point border was not visible on the initial deploy map open

  • Fixed: Player could accept an invite to a group that does not exist anymore

  • Fixed: Tasks list can now be opened via keybind in DeployMenu

  • Fixed: Objectives map gadget is not functional on player equipped map

  • Fixed: Playerlist now closes properly on pressing esc in the deploy screen

  • Fixed: ScriptAPI: ScriptAndConfig inheritance fix for modded classes

  • Fixed: World editor - Camera auto rotation functionality worked with the wrong axes

  • Fixed: Wrong patrol respawn timers upon scenario reload

  • Fixed: Could break character item use the command by interrupting item used in the first frame when the animation has not started yet

  • Fixed: Character holds an invisible gadget after falling from low obstacles

  • Fixed: Character item changes get broken after entering a vehicle, stalling, reconnecting, and exiting a vehicle

  • Fixed: Correct display name for officer class name

  • Fixed: It was possible to melee in the middle of weapon switching

  • Fixed: ScreenEffects are now displayed behind other HUD elements

  • Fixed: Unarmed focus was toggled while picking up items or using gadgets

  • Fixed: Unable to brake with Xbox controller while compass or gadget is equipped

  • Fixed: Wrong materials were used on M1 helmets

  • Fixed: Reload save file containers after every addons reload (#T173634)

  • Fixed: Gamepad - Adjusting Stance/Leaning sometimes made player walk instead

  • Fixed: Incorrect rotation on the preview for Lifchik vests

  • Fixed: User settings saving to Steam

  • Fixed: Player could attempt to switch seats in the vehicle while already switching between the other two seats, which teleported them

  • Fixed: Creating a new group didn't update the group name/frequency in the deploy menu

  • Fixed: BaseBuilding entities and Trees get damaged by explosions again 

  • Removed: Character omitting condition for interaction handler in vehicle hierarchy

  • Removed: Post respawn-refactor clarity pass

  • Removed: Disable gravity when using InteractionBlockHelper

  • Removed: Unused FOV focus property from EyesSensor

  • Removed: Hide career UI from AccountWidget on MainMenu layout.

  • Removed: Some way too experimental keybinds were removed from the keybinding menu for now

  • Removed: SetAdditionalGlobalTransform/SetBoneGlobal API.

Health Package Features

  • Added: Tourniquet, saline bag, and morphine injector health-gadgets

  • Added: UAZ-452A Ambulance for the USSR faction

  • Added: M997 Maxi Ambulance for the US faction, olive, and MERDC variant

  • Added: Unconscious state for characters

  • Added: Custom unconscious-transition animations for all turrets

  • Added: Screen/audio effects to indicate new character health states

  • Added: PASGT Vest

  • Added: M69 Vest, olive, and woodland variant.

  • Added: 6B2 Vest

  • Added: M1 helmet, uncovered and woodland cover variant

  • Added: Additional icons in inventory which indicate blood level and mobility/accuracy impairment

  • Added: Check-injuries action on injured characters to see data about their health

  • Added: Colliders to all helmets

  • Added: Custom gamemats for each helmet and 6B2 vest

  • Added: SCR_ArmoredClothItemData attribute to set up virtual ballistic protection

  • Changed: Existing inventory health icons overhauled with new visuals

  • Changed: Hover-over information of limbs in inventory contains much more information


  • Added: AI Group is now correctly deactivated based on agents attached to it

  • Added: Recognition of unconscious targets to Group AI Perception

  • Added: Recognition of disarmed targets in AI perception

  • Tweaked: AI perception: when a Perceivable is teleported, its visibility is reset to 0 for all observers

  • Tweaked: AI weapon selection can reload UGL and RPG muzzles now

  • Tweaked: AI perception component has a higher update rate at LOD value of 0

  • Tweaked: AI can detect vehicles from a bigger range

  • Tweaked: Duration of AI Group investigations depends on the distance to targets and amount of targets

  • Fixed: AI character was aiming up when looking through binoculars and the weapon was raised (even though visually it wasn't raised)

  • Fixed: Set path when an AI leader has none

  • Fixed: AI character now aims from the muzzle, bypassing weapon sight

  • Fixed: AI character now aims from the head instead of the muzzle when reloading or changing weapons, which fixes weird rotation while aiming and switching weapons or reloading

  • Fixed: AIMovementComponent is not updated when AI is teleported from vehicle to vehicle

  • Fixed: AI was not activated back after being deactivated

  • Fixed: AI could control the character when spawned

  • Fixed: AI was not correctly deactivating at 1000 m

  • Fixed: While reloading, the AI Weapon&Target selector didn't detect the left-hand magazine, thus AI thought it was out of ammo

  • Fixed: AI drops weapons when going unconscious during weapon switch on low FPS

  • Fixed: Players were placed in AI groups

  • Fixed: Pinging AI teams replaced their icon with one that no longer exists

  • Fixed: Crash when a player makes group and AI exist as Group on Player join and assign leader script invokers are static

  • Fixed: AI sometimes got stuck at doors

  • Fixed: AIs were ignoring their recommended LOD and were always working on LOD0


  • Added: 2dmap - placeholder to show badly setup descriptors in the map instead asserting && sanitized places where it could crash on missing properties

  • Added: Logging of last deleted resources and output of them in case of a crash

  • Tweaked: Underwater effect now has correct shore parameters, fixed crash when there is no terrain in the water shader

  • Fixed: Crash when parent don't have physics component and have a vest on them

  • Fixed: Wrongly setup destructibles could still crash the game when taking damage, now they shouldn't be taking damage

  • Fixed: Miss-configured entity with MuzzleComponent causes crash

  • Fixed: Possible crash when GameMaster switches into collimator view

  • Fixed: Crash when setting ragdoll right before destroying phys controller

  • Fixed: Temporary workaround for crash when addon reloading causes the game to update before it loaded the world

  • Fixed: Crash when AIs tried to access the related activity of a dead group

  • Fixed: Crash due to not disconnecting signal to the group leader

  • Fixed: Explosions - Crash when an entity would be destroyed by multiple explosions in the same frame

  • Fixed: Explosions - Crash when multiple mines explode at the same time 

  • Fixed: Turret doesn't make client and server crash anymore

  • Fixed: PerceptionComponent::GetClosestTarget crash when there is no PerceptionManager in the world

  • Fixed: Script: Function not linked crash fix

  • Fixed: Input: missing input device on dedicated server crash fix

  • Fixed: Hotfix for crashes on AMD GPUs when rendering underwater effect 

  • Fixed: World editor - Vector tool - Crash by pline points transformation 

  • Fixed: Crash in Anim Editor live debug

  • Fixed: Crash when loading anim workspace with invalid child preview model. Was causing occasional crashes at startup with CLI to load the world

  • Fixed: World editor - Crash after applying "Replace with prefab" action to RiverEntity

  • Fixed: Crash when deleting node in Behavior Editor

  • Fixed: Crash related to particles

  • Fixed: Crash on deleting the same roadpart twice

  • Fixed: Crash in InLoopOut anim node

  • Fixed: Crash on addon download if DownloadVersionsRefactor is loaded

  • Fixed: UI imageset loading crash fix

  • Fixed: Audio Editor - Alt connection crashing engine due to unnecessary updating of UI

  • Fixed: Crash when using vehicle ray-cast debug test

  • Fixed: GPU crash in clutter instance processing

  • Fixed: Crash on failure to compile script module 

  • Fixed: Crash when new anim expression table created

  • Fixed: Crash when editing anim events and hitting Ctrl+S

  • Fixed: Assert and crash when using virtual connections to simulate server load.

  • Fixed: Crash in audio editor during resource validation

  • Fixed: Possible crash on maps without AIWorld

  • Fixed: Crash on deleting online saves

  • Fixed: Audio Editor - Crash when checking unreferenced files

  • Fixed: Crash in WorldSaveItem::FillManifest

  • Fixed: Workbench: WidgetStyleEditor crash

  • Fixed: Workbench: Crash when closing editors during script debugging

  • Fixed: Crash when editing events and saving by shortcut (dangling focus)

  • Fixed: Crash when renaming node to a name that is already in the graph

  • Fixed: Crash when debug draw can be called on a not fully initialized vehicle

  • Fixed: Crash when typing %n in chat 

  • Fixed: Possible crash on navmesh when out of memory

  • Fixed: Prefab preview - Crash after disabled entity in prefab 

  • Fixed: Possible crash in water caustic when the texture wasn't defined

  • Fixed: WeatherManagerEntity: Fixed crash due to NaN

  • Fixed: Crash when opening prefab with empty physics world

  • Fixed: Crash on writing more than 65536 characters to file from script

  • Fixed: Engine: assert "retry" crash without debugger attached

  • Fixed: JSON - Crash during the processing of missing script object (non-intended API use)

  • Fixed: Crash in gain-to-dB conversion due to negative gain

  • Fixed: ScriptAPI: AssertEntity crash fix

  • Fixed: World Editor - filtering components on the entity can cause an assert/crash 

  • Fixed: Crash in font rendering

  • Fixed: Workshop - crash in the asset check

  • Fixed: InputBinding: Crash when unknown action present

  • Fixed: Input: CheckConflicts crash

  • Fixed: ScriptCompiler: Variadic arguments (void) compile time validation, crash on template fix

  • Fixed: ScriptCompiler: invalid typedef compilation crash fix

  • Fixed: Particles crash with incompatible emitter material assigned

  • Fixed: ScriptAPI: ScriptContext::Convert class type check crash fix

  • Fixed: Input: InputBinding.CheckConflicts crash fix

  • Fixed: Server crashes when unable to communicate with the backend

  • Fixed: Workbench: UI editor crash fix

  • Fixed: ScriptAPI: prevent Debug.Break & Debug.CompileBreak from crashing when no debugger is attached

  • Fixed: Input: re-binding crash fix

  • Fixed: Crash when addon upload to workshop fails 

  • Fixed: Crash on generating empty navmesh tile

  • Fixed: Possible crash during workshop addon downloading

  • Fixed: Crash when hierarchy did not have a parent in HierarchyComponent in BaseLoadoutClothComponent::EOnPostFrame

  • Fixed: MP - GarbageManager crashes after flushing garbage on a map with a vehicle with a dead character inside

  • Fixed: Crash in SCR_DestructionBaseHandler and SCR_DestructibleHitZone

  • Fixed: Possible terrain tracing crash

  • Fixed: RestApi - possible crash when someone deletes callback during callback call

  • Fixed: Non-Square Terrain Crashes

  • Fixed: Crash when releasing widgets after the game was destroyed

  • Fixed: Crash upon deletion of a bleeding character

  • Fixed: Ragdoll crash when number of bones is zero


  • Changed: Audio - Modified how to speed signal behaves when the character is dead and resets its value to 0 when the ragdoll is not active anymore 

  • Changed: Audio - Moved binding BaseItemAnimationComponent events from WeaponSoundComponent to SoundComponent

  • Tweaked: Door sounds redesigned using our recordings

  • Fixed: Several logging and formatting errors in audio

  • Fixed: Audio - Issue where you could not change the combo boxes on the signals diag menu 

  • Fixed: Audio - Unconsciousness signal in MP


  • Added: Script Editor - changing font size directly in the editor

  • Added: Script Editor - column number visible in the status bar

  • Added: Script Editor - new "search in addons" option

  • Added: Script Editor - super + auto suggestions support

  • Added: Script Editor - outline & suggestion for modded classes

  • Added: Script Editor - outline improvements

  • Added: Script Editor - outline keyboard shortcut

  • Added: Script Editor - class/method highlighting in Outline Panel & in status bar info

  • Added: WidgetStyleEditor - remember the selection and fold state after an update

  • Added: Entity pre-create event to editor 

  • Added: Animation Editor: Option to create an empty workspace

  • Changed: Script Editor - hints expanded by default

  • Changed: Generalized moon material and enable MatSkyPlanets to be created through the workbench (#T171174)

  • Changed: Scripts: Workbench: Add MeasureTool's ability to measure against entities

  • Tweaked: World editor - "Save World As" action is now disabled for packed maps

  • Fixed: Script Editor - suggestions on enum

  • Fixed: World Editor - deleting roads does not update the terrain

  • Fixed: WidgetStyleEditor: preview size

  • Fixed: Game cursor blinks when opening WorldEditor

Backend, Workshop, Server Hosting

  • Added: Server config validation

  • Added: Checksum validation for addon fragments to prevent addon corruption

  • Added: Additional server startup logging

  • Added: ForceUpdate when downloading addons - allows download even when the game window is not focused

  • Added: Server config param:

    • "admins" - specify a list of server admins

    • "slotReservationTimeout" - reserve slots after replication kicks

  • Added: ScriptApi to check if the player is in the list of admins or the server owner

  • Added: In-game hosting option to host LAN server (use the local address for publicAddress)

  • Changed: Refactored addon downloading - improved reliability, error handling, and UI visualization

  • Changed: Improved server config error handling

  • Changed: publicAddress automatically detects public IP address instead of local IP address (use "local" for local detection)

  • Changed: Server Validation Schema -  support int32 mod versions, case sensitivity of GUIDs, port limits

  • Fixed: New a2s configuration in the server config

  • Fixed: Issues with SessionStorage local player data save/load

  • Fixed: Multiple issues with downloading addons

  • Fixed: Temporary handshake timeout for all new players caused by kicks while connecting to a server (RDB mismatch, Script mismatch...)

  • Fixed: Joining a server via invite

  • Removed: Backwards compatibility for old/renamed server params - see wiki for changes made in the last major update


  • Added: ScriptAPI: additional info logged after script module compilation

  • Added: ScriptCompiler: Error message when multiple Constructors/Destructors were declared

  • Changed: FullHeal() now has a condition to remove healing-damagetypes as well when called

  • Changed: Increased static memory for scripts from 20MB to 40MB (#T173029)

Known Issues

  • All vehicles will disappear after 10 minutes of not using them

  • Playing in the fullscreen can cut the bottom part of the UI information for the weapons and turrets

  • Deleting all dead bodies and destroyed vehicles with the GM can lead to the kick of all GMs from the server → Workaround: Delete entities in smaller batches.

  • Right-clicking when using GM will open an empty radial or it will center the cursor instead of opening the context menu

  • Some buildings/compositions can be built without a proper obstruction check making these buildings/compositions unusable 

  • After enabling a previously disabled add-on, included missions are not displayed in the "Scenarios" tab until the game is restarted

  • Characters in the turrets sometimes start drifting away creating a surrealistic portrait of a man with really long arms holding a turret

  • Deleting objects/fortifications does not reimburse supplies when it was built from a supply truck but deleted from the camp's freebuilding mode

  • Players that reconnect to the server are missing rights to use ArmaVision and Building interface. The only way is to disconnect from the server and connect back.

  • Spawning on the radio in the vehicle into the driver seat will not allow a player to control the vehicle until he changes the seat or leaves the vehicle and re-enters it

  • Players sometimes cannot join already existing groups on the server after they connect

  • Players reconnecting to the server are not joining the group where they were and need to rejoin the group

  • Players can soft-lock themself when joining a server with a mod that they reported. They need to cancel the mod report in the Workshop to be able to join the server

  • Exploding on own placed mines while in a vehicle counts as Friendly Fire on DS

  • Most AIs in a group are inert during fight with multiple targets

  • Tracers have no color in night

  • Respawning on the radio in the vehicle will not allow player to use gadgets

  • Radial menu is empty after one GM player disconnects

  • Screen effects (from blood loss for example) are displayed over UI elements such as chat

  • Radio frequency defaults to 32 (or 38 for Soviets) no matter the group


  • Server performance can be greatly reduced when replicating a high number of characters (players + AIs), and this issue becomes more prominent with increased limits, making it difficult to handle 128 players and 200+ AIs.

    • Playing Everon Conflict with 128 players is not recommended, while Arland might be more feasible due to its smaller size and fewer AI spawns. Pure PvP without AIs could be a potential alternative for larger player counts.

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