Cover image of Update

Attention Soldiers,

We updated the game on both Steam and Xbox.



  • Changed: HDR Darkness and brightness limits, target brightness, and shutter limits by weather cycle

  • Changed: Bleeding visible on the clothes will now get gradually more intense as the bleeding continues

  • Changed: When creating streams for proxies, use an array holding all proxy nodes instead of traversing node hierarchy

  • Changed: Increased callsign pool for FIA from 128 to 360 to prevent warnings from being spawned

  • Tweaked: Fuse time on the colored flares is the same as on the white ones

  • Fixed: Clothes would not update the replication parent when an item was inserted/removed

  • Fixed: Doors were always visually closed after reconnecting or joining a game in progress (T182302)

  • Fixed: Ability to process multiple open door requests over multiple frames to make sure they all get processed by the animation graph

  • Fixed: Switching seats and exiting vehicle when primary door is obstructed

  • Fixed: Accessibility points of Ural-4320

  • Fixed: Explosive charges being garbage collected straight from player inventory and storage containers

  • Fixed: Missing fuel progress bar on jerry cans

  • Fixed: Focus on last focused storage slot when switching from storage mode

  • Fixed: Highlights on storage no longer ignore equipment storage components when searching for free slots

  • Fixed: Pop-up notifications were either not working at all in certain scenarios or they were stuck in queue and displayed at once in a row

  • Fixed: Dragging an item on a supply box transferred it to player's inventory

  • Fixed: Weapon inspection took magazines attached to other weapons in the player's inventory

  • Fixed: Time until the detonation of explosive charges would be incorrect for Game Master that was not a host

  • Fixed: Exiting a flipped or semi-flipped vehicle sometimes caused character to teleport below ground

  • Fixed: CompartmentManager was not found on compartments that were in a slot

  • Fixed: Remove duplicated Hierarchy components in compositions and CTI instances

  • Fixed: Characters were snapped to canopy on net machine guns on turret exit

  • Fixed: US roadblock navmesh recalculation

  • Fixed: Explosive charges wouldn't stream in properly for proxy clients

  • Fixed: Replication should create all streams for proxies even if user code modifies node hierarchy in RplLoad callback

  • Fixed: Checking for item usage as a condition for being able to get out of vehicle

  • Fixed: Cancel item use when getting out of car

  • Fixed: Optimized simulation of bloody clothes 

  • Fixed: Low ready stopped working after arbitrary conditions failed: changing stance, lean, or changing fire mode

  • Fixed: If shot while wearing clothes, your skin will now show damage after removing the clothes


  • Fixed: Spawning UAZ-469 with PKM in Pause crashes the game

  • Fixed: Freeze during navmesh tracing

  • Fixed: VME when no EditorManager is found

  • Fixed: Crash due to missing handlers

  • Fixed: Memory leak in BaseLoadoutClothComponent

  • Fixed: Rare RoadBlockManagerCrashes

  • Fixed: Logs spamming about unknown keywords in prefab of m60d

  • Fixed: Memory leaks related to road network

  • Fixed: Added Group and Tripod Catalog to CIV faction and faction less to remove error spamming

  • Fixed: A possible crash with explosive charges attached to destructible entities

  • Fixed: -disableAI param shouldn't crash anymore

  • Fixed: ScriptCompiler: push/pop of plain pointers not working

  • Fixed: Memory leak in bt::NativeVariable

  • Fixed: Memory leak for two static instances of DamageContext and DotDamageEffectTimerToken

  • Fixed: Error spam because placeable item was changing its parent before it was removed correctly from player inventory

  • Fixed: Crash with WEAPON_FIRED event in turrets

  • Fixed: VME with SCR_CampaignMilitaryBaseComponent

  • Fixed: Potential nullpointers in AnimatedAmmoBeltSystem and bloodOnClothesSystem

  • Fixed: Streamable parameter was turned off on deployable radio's RplComponent, causing all AI with radios to be streamed to clients at all times


  • Fixed: AI would not get out of BTR 

  • Fixed: Helicopter pilot slot should not be occupied by AI

  • Fixed: Commanded AI now responds in voice to commands in MP

  • Fixed: Behavior of AI when group leader dies


  • Added: Ability to get AnimationController from AnimationControllerComponent

  • Added: BaseProjectileComponent.SetInstigator

  • Changed: Switched m_CharacterOwner in SCR_GadgetComponent from IEntity to ChimeraCharacter

Scenario Framework

  • Fixed: Deliver vehicle tasks could get completed when the player reaches the task even without the vehicle

  • Fixed: AI Action Getter optional state wrongly retrieving AI slot

  • Fixed: ON_TASKS_INIT tasks that are further down in hierarchy do not get spawned by scenario framework

  • Fixed: Setting max tasks to more than 5 makes the framework spawn way more tasks than intended

  • Fixed: Task Clear Area sometimes could not be finished (T182474)

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