Cover image of Update

Attention soldiers,

We're going to update the Steam and Xbox versions of the game. The game will be updated today, January 12th. There will be server downtime between 12:00 - 15:00 CET. Changelog


  • Added: EntitySlotInfo::OnAttachedEntity and EntitySlotInfo::OnDetachedEntity events

  • Fixed: Conflict - Reconnecting players should now always have the correct saved data applied

  • Fixed: BaseInventoryStorageComponent::GetOccupiedVolume is not taking additional volume into account (#T169255)

  • Fixed: GetClothByArea and IsAreaAvailable functions were not returning the correct slot when passing the parent type class as a parameter

  • Fixed: SetAdditionalWeight and SetAdditionalVolume were not reliable RPC

  • Fixed: Unable to switch items in both hands after mashing the number keys, caused by gadget show/hide animations getting stuck

  • Fixed: AI should no longer spawn inside a tent

  • Fixed: Removing an item from the quick slot with the gamepad resulted in an item slot stretched across the screen

  • Fixed: Spawning on bases with no reverse signal (cannot reach HQ back)

  • Fixed: Input: filter preset from/to combo user binding

Combat Ops

  • Added: ScenarioFramework - Trigger notifications, expanded logic, and implementation to CombatOps Exfil point

  • Added: Task Kill

  • Added: ScenarioFramework - Waypoints for Task Kill

  • Added: ScenarioFramework - Settings for the maximal number of tasks that can be generated

  • Added: Kill hvt task, with hvt soldier classname placeholder

  • Added: Music when extractions starts, some compositions into tents

  • Added: CombatOps - Task Kill to all viable areas

  • Added: Finished Tasks list

  • Added: ScenarioFramework - Proper end screen based on completed tasks and new logic counter features for easier workflow

  • Tweaked: SCR_PopupNotification refactor

  • Tweaked: ScenarioFramework - Minor fixes for the exfil trigger and addition of countdown to CharacterTriggerEntity

  • Tweaked: Exfil trigger countdown notifications, play sound during countdown and removed obsolete ALL_PLAYERS since we have a percentage slider for PLAYER activation

  • Tweaked: ScenarioFramework - Random Percent default value set to 100 as it caused improper spawning chance

  • Tweaked: ScenarioFramework - End screen formatting improvements

  • Fixed: Broken merge of CombatOps_Arland_Areas.layer causing some layers not to be created

  • Fixed: SCR_PopupNotification progress bar timer setup

  • Fixed: SCR_PopupNotification filter reset

  • Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Exfil trigger was not properly decreasing counter and tweaked notification spam

  • Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Edge case for delivering intel task trigger not being correctly assigned which prevented completing the task and icon relocation on the map

  • Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Seeking existing object could not properly retrieve ResourceName of the StaticModelEntity which caused Task Destroy not to register Antenna

  • Fixed: The turning animation keeps playing after turning right

  • Fixed: CombatOps - m_iExtractionCounter attribute was still present even though it was removed from the prefab

  • Fixed: Debug spheres in combat ops

  • Removed: ScenarioFramework - Obsolete extraction counter that is not utilized

Game Master

  • Fixed: Spawn occupants could still be called with shortcuts potentially causing a budget overflow

  • Fixed: When respawn menu was opened while the player list was visible, it prevented the player list from being opened in respawn menu


  • Fixed: Excessive preload requests could lock the player on respawn loading screen


  • Fixed: Workshop deleting of local mods and mods from different backend environments


  • Added: Backend - Experimental feature allows us to fix issues with incorrect player counts in the Server Browser.

  • Fixed: Backend - Server Crash when player disappears during auth.


  • Added: Crash Reporter - Crash unique GUID being logged

  • Fixed: Crash when reading specific JSON files

  • Fixed: Crash when adding HierarchicalParametricMaterialInstanceComponent on an entity.

  • Fixed: Crash when starting ragdoll with a weapon in hand that doesn't have a physics component

  • Fixed: Crash in AIWeaponTargetSelector caused by a null pointer

  • Fixed: Crash in AIInventoryCache which was probably caused by dangling callback

  • Fixed: Crash on Game cleanup due to a missing null check.

Enfusion Blender Tools

  • Tweaked: The P3D import dialog now informs the user if Workbench with net API enabled is running, which is necessary for the proper P3D import process

  • Added: New properties to EBT -> Export -> FBX window

Reminder: If you misconfigured your BattlEye server configuration, players now might get kicked. Please follow the instructions on our wiki for proper settings:

Known Issues

  • Xbox storage space for addons is limited to 10 GB, blocking some players from downloading all the mods they'd like to have.

  • Downloading of add-ons might fail if a player downloads mods in the background whilst doing other actions.

    • A workaround is to patiently wait in the downloading screen after initiating the mod download until it finishes.

    • If your addons get corrupted, and you're getting "Failed to start with the following mods" even after restarting the game, delete your addons from your device.

      • To do that on PC, navigate to the game profile folder (%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Arma Reforger) and delete the addon folder.

      • To do so on Xbox, hover over Arma Reforger in Xbox Home and press the View button, go to "Manage game and addons", and delete your Saved data.

  • Some addons can get deleted after deleting and redownloading an addon without restarting the game.

  • Servers fail to update addons during initiation. It is necessary to delete the addon and do a fresh install of the newer version.

  • Flickering deploy screen in Tutorial scenario. Workaround is to just press space to deploy

  • Vehicle engine does not always starting when holding W. Try going backwards (S), holding R or looking at the start engine widget and holding F.

  • If two players get into the same seat at the same time, one of the players might be unable to control his character properly.

  • Eliminate target task might not spawn in Combat Ops.

  • Dead AI character might be rarely considered alive, blocking completion of Clear Area Combat Ops task.

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