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Attention soldiers,

We're going to update the Steam and Xbox versions of the game. The game will be updated on Wednesday, October 26th. There will be server downtime between 12:00 - 15:00 CEST. Changelog

  • Fixed: 2D scopes persisting after death
  • Fixed: Conflict - Radio boxes missing in HQ office buildings
  • Fixed: Crash when a destructible entity would get destroyed too soon
  • Fixed: Possible crash on character init possible if animations data is improper
  • Fixed: Crash on detaching weapon
  • Fixed: BaseLightManagerComponent reading past its buffer boundaries (happens with wrecked vehicles)
  • Fixed: Crash when animating a door with BoneAnimated animation type without an animated mesh object
  • Fixed: Registering kills when both the victim and the instigator were inside the same vehicle
  • Fixed: Inability to construct Heavy Vehicle Depot on the Soviet side
  • Fixed: Some airport lights were too bright
  • Fixed: M203 and GP25 zeroing position
  • Fixed: Memory leak on dedicated server related to widgets
  • Fixed: Focus in freelook by moving sight switching combo to Ctrl+RMB and RB + Left Trigger on gamepad
  • Fixed: Improved door network synchronization
  • Fixed: CarControllerInputs not default initialized possibly leading to unpredictable results
  • Fixed: Crash when interrupting weapon switching
  • Changed: Polished search lights for Uaz and Ural
  • Tweaked: Don't animate door physics in the resource browser
  • Removed: Weapon inspection rotate keybind that had no function

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