Changes in the Workbench Audio Editor
Limiter and NoiseGate DSP Removal
The Limiter and NoiseGate DSPs have been removed. The Limiter was succeeded by the new PeakLimiter, while there currently is no stand-in for the NoiseGate (which didn't work as intended in the first place). Please make sure to update your projects accordingly.
Updated Node Documentation
There has been a long-overdue update on the documentation of Audio- and Signal Editor Nodes. Check it out on the Community Wiki!
Ports Updating
It is now possible to toggle the real-time update of some input ports on/off (default: off). If real-time updating is turned off, the input will retain the value it had when the sound was triggered.
A round input port indicates real-time updating is turned off, a square input port indicates real-time updating is turned on. Exceptions are cases in which the port always updates automatically, such as the trigger inputs on Sound Nodes (which will be round as well).
Consider leaving it off in case the sound or its signals are not supposed to change much during its playback to save performance!

Introduction of Audio Variables
Though not exactly brand new, we'd like to officially introduce Audio Variables as they can easily be overlooked. Variables allow it to process the properties of multiple playing sounds by storing and processing them into a Variable and then using them as a signal output. You can learn more about them on our BIKI page!

Amplitude Node Directivity
The Amplitude Node can now attenuate based on the relative direction of the listener to the emitting object. A simple example would be a sound being louder when you're standing behind the object than when standing in front of it.
To activate the feature, "Enable Directivity" needs to be checked on the Amplitude Node. The relationship between amplitude and listening angle can then be set in the Curve Editor:

The listening angle ranges from 0° (Front) to 180° (Back).

Setting the amplitude at 0° and 180° to 0 and at 90° to 1 means that the sound will only be audible when the listener is positioned at the sides of the object.
This will also be shown in the listener preview window:

Sound Node Bounding Volumes
Sound Nodes can now have a Bounding Volume defined. A Bounding Volume is a simple shape (sphere, box, or cylinder) that causes the sound position to be moved to the closest point within the volume towards the camera.
The bounding volume will be previewed within the listener window as well as shown when using the 3D sound debug in-game.

LUFS Measurement for the Level Meter
The Level Meter can now be switched to display LUFS via the right-click menu. It displays LUFS-M, LUFS-S, and LUFS-I.

New Bank Node Features
The Bank Node now features Attack, Sustain, and Release.
Attack will fade the sound in over the specified time.
Sustain will keep the sound at full volume after the Attack is done.
Release will fade the sound out over the specified time after the Sustain portion is over.

Additionally, Offset and Silence can now be set directly in the Bank's attributes, removing the need to set them via an input port.
Quality-of-Life Changes
Audio Editor: The info about a sound not being played back because it was too quiet is now a "Warning" instead of an "Error"
Audio/Signal Editor: Nodes can now be renamed with F2 (Revolutionary!)
Audio/Signal Editor: You can now close all tabs via File → Close All or CTRL+SHIFT+W
Bus Node: Attributes for bus limitation will now only be shown when it has Enable Limitation checked
AuxOut Node: Got a DSP input port
Interpolation Node: The clamping on Interpolation Nodes can now be turned off
Debug: The In-Game Debug can now show which exact samples were used for each sound
Debug: The In-Game Debug will no longer filter sounds played back from the Audio Editor