Attention soldiers,
We're going to update the Steam and Xbox Experimental applications of the game. The game will be updated today, September 7th. There will be server downtime between 12:00 - 15:00 CET. Changelog
Added: Ambient bird flocks triggered by noise in the surroundings.
Fixed: Performance issues with spawned animals resolved
Fixed: Player now remains authenticated after the game mode reset - the server was showing fewer players in the server browser
Fixed: Player reconnection message does not indicate FAIL with authentication
Fixed: Streaming of player controlled entity could be broken (#T174981)
Fixed: Current muzzle not correctly replicated
Fixed: Crash in fur material when fullscreen mode changes and the game project is not loaded
Fixed: Crash when rendering BlurWidget without source render target set
Fixed: Crash in JsonApi during script recompilation in Workbench
Fixed: XBOX - Workshop - Download is aborted if the addon cannot fit
Known Issues
Incorrect faction player count in the Deploy Menu
Players sometimes cannot join already existing groups on the server after they connect
All vehicles will disappear after 10 minutes of not using them
Some buildings/compositions can be built without a proper obstruction check making these buildings/compositions unusable
Deleting objects/fortifications does not reimburse supplies when it was built from a supply truck but deleted from the camp's freebuilding mode
Respawning on the radio in the vehicle will not allow players to use gadgets
AIs can teleport behind the wall if they are not able to get there normally
Players can get stuck in a tripod turret if they fall into an unconscious state and get healed
Players in gunner position can't capture bases
Characters in the turrets sometimes start drifting away creating a surrealistic portrait of a man with really long arms holding a turret
Persistent Sprint and Aiming Down Sights controls do not register properly when using a controller
Game Master
Deleting all dead bodies and destroyed vehicles with the GM can lead to the kick of all GMs from the server
Workaround: Delete entities in smaller batches
Entity filters in GM do not work properly
Using a lightning strike with GM that has a character placed in the scenario will not do anything
GM needs to delete his character or change the keybinding for the lightning strike
After enabling a previously disabled add-on, included missions are not displayed in the "Scenarios" tab until the game is restarted
Xbox: The player isn't informed about full addon storage
If the player reports a mod and tries to join the server that has that mod reported, he is unable to progress toward the dialog that shows up on the screen
In order to join the server, he has to open the Workshop tab and cancel the report from it or double-click twice on the name of the mod to get past the UI dialog
Server performance can be greatly reduced when replicating a high number of characters (players + AIs), and this issue becomes more prominent with increased limits, making it difficult to handle 128 players and 200+ AIs.
Playing Everon Conflict with 128 players is not recommended, while Arland might be more feasible due to its smaller size and fewer AI spawns. Pure PvP without AIs could be a potential alternative for larger player counts.