Cover image of Experimental Update

Attention Soldiers,

We updated the Steam and Xbox Experimental applications of the game. Changelog


Added: Minefield sign preview image

Changed: Explosives - Changed the order of the action for arming and picking up the item
Changed: Explosives - Changed the order of action when inspecting a detonator that has connected charges

Fixed: Interrupting weapon reload didn't cancel weapon animation 
Fixed: Entering UH1H for the second time got character stuck
Fixed: Unreliable changing stance from prone using dynamic stance input
Fixed: When in turret, character would sometimes have different poses based on the height of the handle
Fixed: When getting into M151A2 left back seat from outside, the text said "Switch seat" instead of "Get In"
Fixed: AK-type weapons had no animation on the bolt when firing, and all weapons did not have character animation for changing fire mode
Fixed: M14 AP magazine contained FMJ ammo instead of AP
Fixed: RPK tracer magazine wasn't full of tracer rounds
Fixed: M14 tracer magazine didn't use tracer rounds


Added: Ability to adjust magnification sensitivity curve in controller settings. 0% disables scaling with FOV, 100% means linear reduction compared to reference 1x FOV
Added: Control hints that indicate that currently held item can be inspected

Changed: Automatic ADS focus is paused during freelook
Changed: Controls - Weapon: "Toggle bipod" default changed to V Hold


Added: Ability to bind to Menu button, if press or combo is pressed and released within 750 ms timeout

Changed: Gamepad - Weapon: "Rest weapon" changed to A Hold
Changed: Gamepad - Weapon: "Toggle bipod" default changed to A Hold
Changed: Gamepad - Weapon: "Melee" changed from RB+LB to RS, available while not aiming

Playable Content

Fixed: Loading GM saves on server
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Random Order did not work for AI Cycle Waypoint

Stability and Performance

Fixed: Crash when reconnecting after a stall in a vehicle
Fixed: VME when interacting with action that has missing UIInfo


Fixed: AI perception was using a bone that no longer exists
Fixed: Birds would get stuck in the air


Added: Control hints - Expanded SCR_AvailableActionsConditionData with a getter for a controller of currently used turret

Fixed: Added missing hierarchy component to 
Fixed: Static method SCR_PlaceableItemComponent.GetDistanceFromCharacter() wouldn't calculate the distance properly for SCR_ECharacterDistanceMeasurementMethod.FROM_CENTER_OF_MASS

Removed: Control hints - Replaced SCR_CharacterAimingSightsDownCondition, SCR_CharacterIsInGadgetADSCondition and SCR_InVehicleTurretADSCondition with single SCR_IsCharacterADSCondition


Fixed: Addons could be corrupted by pausing and resuming update

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