Attention Soldiers,
We updated the Steam and Xbox Experimental applications of the game.
Added: It's now possible to add attachments to a weapon via drag and drop from the arsenal
Added: Reload equipped weapon in inventory via drag and drop
Added: Vehicles now take damage when falling into water
Changed: Optimization of processing colliders data in Hit Registration System
Tweaked: Helicopter turret reload durations to be more equal, around 8 seconds
Tweaked: Spin on flares is now faster and actually visible
Tweaked: Flares descend slightly slower
Tweaked: Vehicle emissive light surfaces
Tweaked: removed offsets on the passengers and navigator idle compartments that break the get-in animations
Fixed: Pilot and Copilot seat position type variable was switched
Fixed: Optics illumination toggle wasn't working on 2D sights
Fixed: Mine placement range was too short
Fixed: Chat could still be used while disabled in Interface settings
Fixed: Supplies->vehicle transfer via drag and drop was not always registered
Fixed: Supply boxes in inventory didn't take into account stacked supplies
Fixed: Radio frequency display values in various field manual pages
Fixed: Incorrect ammo type icon for rocket launchers in equipped slots
Fixed: Issue where you would get duplicate regen effects after removing the tourniquet after bleeding was stopped
Fixed: UH1H gunner seats using the wrong door for entry and getting stuck
Fixed: Misplaced character after switching seats from turrets
Fixed: Character teleports out of vehicles that are upside down
Fixed: Aiming angles snapping in first person camera when exiting vehicles. Character rotating before closing the door when exiting vehicles, instead of after.
Fixed: Localization for deployable spawn point loadout switch
Fixed: Twitching in character locomotion when holding backwards and then left-right
Fixed: Getting stuck when switching seats between two entities
Fixed: If during get out, the exit point is obstructed, the character stays inside the vehicle
Fixed: Wrong seat type broke animation when getting into the left passenger seat of S105
Fixed: fixed SeatPositionTypes for the pilot and copilot states in the animation graph for the UH1 armed version as well
Fixed: Mi-8 gunners graphs - switching seat anims conditions
Fixed: Cancelling exiting a vehicle would not reset the character position to the seat
Fixed: Desynced anims after getting kicked and joining back into a vehicle
Fixed: unable to join a server until unrelated downloads are finished
Fixed: Deploy sound for the red flare now plays correctly
Removed: Attaching explosive charges to players who were in the vehicle
Fixed: Inventory crash on processing already deleted items
Fixed: Crash when trying to access invalid storage manager after hierarchy delete
Fixed: Crash because of NULLPTR doorInfo when teleporting characters into vehicles
Fixed: Fixed the fix for crashing by fixing characters not correctly teleporting into turrets when moved there via GM
Fixed: Crash upon destroying a helicopter with a stuck occupant
Fixed: Game would freeze when a player equipped the mine
Fixed: Crash in animation sampling in model-space
Fixed: Crash when a character dies in a vehicle
Playable Content
Tweaked: Combat Ops - Hideout spawn items, added flares and ak74u
Fixed: Combat Ops - Garbage Manager deletes Task entities when it should not
Fixed: Combat Ops - Deliver Ammo/MedicalSupplies/Ammo task finishes itself as player approaches it
Fixed: Conflict - Radio signal is not working on Conflict North & South scenarios
Game Master
Fixed: AI waypoints have no budget associated
Fixed: Character gets stuck if, during paused GM, they get moved into a vehicle, then out, and then back into the vehicle
Fixed: Character stuck after being teleported into a vehicle by Game Master and then trying to exit through an obstructed door
Fixed: Cycle waypoints not working on server
Fixed: Get Out waypoint localization
Fixed: Waypoints and tasks can be attached to more entities now
Added: Usage of illumination flares at night
Added: AI driver disables hazard lights when entering new vehicle
Changed: AIs close doors behind them when entering vehicles
Changed: If no AIWorld is present or there's issues when creating/modifying move handlers, notify through logs
Fixed: Group was ignoring follow command when in vehicle
Fixed: Get Out waypoint not working
Fixed: Incorrect roadblock data generated
Fixed: AIs choose wrong positions before starting the enter action on vehicles
Fixed: AI get in vehicle now clears reservation of compartment at the end of the actual get in instead of at the request
Fixed: APCs PID setting for sharp turns
Fixed: AIs getting stuck while kicking their dead friends out of vehicles
Changed: Sight magnification use WeaponOpticsZoomIn and WeaponOpticsZoomOut instead of single WeaponChangeMagnification
Fixed: Missing ability to unbind "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" actions from Alt + Mouse Wheel
Added: Scripters can disable SPACE canceling loitering via disableInput parameter on StartLoitering
Added: Glass emissive material bases for different content setups
Changed: Optics - Separate RegisterInputs and HandleSightActivation, HandleSightDeactivation methods for scripted sights components
Changed: Now clearing damage history when it becomes redundant
Fixed: DotDamageEffects work at half the speed
Fixed: Broken regen and added improved API for canBeHealed
Fixed: Spawning a character through DefaultOccupantName does not attach the vehicle graph and makes the character stand in the vehicle seat
Removed: Optics - Obsolete attributes from 2DSightsComponent: m_fRecoilScaleMax, m_fRecoilTranslationTarget, m_fRecoilScaleTranslation, m_sLayoutResource