Attention Soldiers,
We updated the Steam and Xbox Experimental applications of the game. Changelog
Added: Dynamic simulation for vehicle portals
Added: Missing configuration of combination of taillight and brake light
Changed: Rocket pod in USSR arsenal can no longer be interacted with by user action
Changed: Supply cost of bayonets (M9 and 6Kh4) reduced to 0, down from 10
Changed: Unified mortar names with the naming convention of other stationary weapons
Changed: Disabled destruction on Medium Transmitter Tower
Changed: Configured destruction on Pier Cover elements
Changed: Configured ruins on fuel tank
Tweaked: Accessibility settings on UH-1H doors
Tweaked: Small Fuel Supply Point collision damage setup
Tweaked: Adjusted air drag of M791 and M792
Tweaked: Another iteration on Metal Wall Gate damage setup - reduced damage reduction and threshold to be able to destroy it with enough bullets
Tweaked: APDS and HEI explosion effects
Tweaked: Dispersion of weapons - especially mounted ones. Removed reduction of dispersion from static weapons since the reduction in those weapons is coming from reduced recoil (aim modifiers) and not the better barrel.
Tweaked: Increased drowning time for BRDM-2 and LAV-25
Tweaked: Made 14.5 MDZ spall more appropriate for such a small round
Tweaked: VFX setup on M791 & M792
Tweaked: VFX performance improvements for heli rockets
Tweaked: PIP reticle material
Fixed: Guard Tower type 01 couldn't be climbed
Fixed: Incorrect UK-59 weapon dispersion
Fixed: UAZ-469 missing interaction for closing/opening rear door
Fixed: UK-59 new material for the cap
Fixed: BRDM-2 Compartment slots wrong name for passenger seat (Passenger)
Fixed: VZ-58 recoil
Fixed: It wasn't possible to switch to M151A2 M2 Gunner position
Fixed: Some missing interaction for closing/opening turret hatches
Fixed: PGO-7 moved the eyecup closer to the lens to get rid of the visible tube inside
Fixed: Passengers should no longer clip when getting into the Šárka 1203
Fixed: UAZ-452 missing in Entity Browser
Fixed: Rocket pod VFX only appeared on one side of dedicated server
Fixed: Metal shed destruction
Fixed: 4x20 glass glowing in the dark
Fixed: Inconsistency in contexts of passenger seats on vehicles
Fixed: Environment probe not deleted when a vehicle wreck model is set
Fixed: Incorrect visibility processing in VehicleLightPortal due to the order of operations
Fixed: Light flash missing from some muzzle particles
Added: Enabled showing of friendly nicknames while in build mode
Changed: Added missing vent to M21 SWS fire last animation
Changed: Configured ammo dispersion coefficients and adjusted the accuracy of the weapons
Changed: Enabled by default showing of friendly nicknames while in photo mode
Fixed: Detaching from animation events
Fixed: Faulty bone name in tourniquet prone remove animation
Fixed: Typo in bone name for BTR-70 driver's getout hatch animation
Fixed: Disabled user action input context when user is ADS in vehicle turret
Fixed: Vehicle Assistance mode desync
Fixed: Voice got stuck in activated state when the player used either radio or proximity chat
Fixed: Nametags not being visible if too close to the edge of the screen
Fixed: Reloading BRDM-2 gun while in ADS would make the character exit the vehicle while using a controller
Fixed: Character actions were not getting interrupted if two or more players exited/entered vehicle at the same time, causing them to get stuck
Fixed: Camera shake persisted if player was moved into area after building destruction had started
Fixed: Explosion damage falloff, area, and fragment count calculations weren't using tweaked hitzone position
Fixed: Vehicle fire was damaging the buildings
Fixed: Supply duplication through the inventory
Playable Content
Changed: Disabled destruction on Fuel depot in Tutorial
Fixed: Combat Ops - Everon: Deliver Ammo/Intel objectives could not be completed
Fixed: Spawning construction truck too fast during Combat Engineering course caused soft lock
Fixed: Tutorial Fast Travel text could be cut off
Fixed: Potential error message when opening gamemaster without player spawned
Fixed: Use dynamic simulation only in the play mode
Fixed: GM was not showing saves in load menu
Fixed: Trying to load workshop save data regardless the save data result
Removed: Conflict: FIA ambient patrols around unused HQ base locations
Stability and Performance
Added: Multiple performance improvements related to multithreading
Tweaked: More efficient scene queries when destroying building interior
Fixed: Crash related to terrain data
Fixed: Crash when dumping GPU memory data
Fixed: Crash when loading packed data when inheritance of unrelated classes is encountered
Fixed: Destroying certain buildings sometimes froze/crashed the game
Fixed: Changing scenes with a controller headset plugged in sometimes crashed the client
Fixed: Crash when deleting a vehicle that was being avoided by another vehicle
Fixed: Possible Explosion crash
Tweaked: Improved vehicle avoidance
Fixed: AI will not accelerate infinitely when avoiding a car
Fixed: AIs not spawning in certain conditions
Changed: Changes for barbed wire sound replication
Fixed: Sounds not terminated when out-of-range
Added: "Action cannot be done" notification now "blinks" to catch the attention of the user
Added: Setting in Interface → Interactions → Disable Control Hint
Changed: Spacing between icons has been reduced
Changed: Interaction transition from icon to button now wait for 0.6s instead of 0.3s
Fixed: Mortar HUD was rendering on top of Hints
Fixed: UI - Task system - No item's description under "Destroy radar" tasks
Fixed: Action button and icon would sometimes overlap in frozen transition
Fixed: Interaction action background shadow was too small
Added: LongRangeSoundData property, where you can select if you want the sound to be sent reliably or not.
Changed: LongRangeSoundComponent now has a name instead of an index property.
Fixed: Crash when switching input language in Workbench Launcher window.