Attention soldiers,
We're going to update the Steam and Xbox Experimental applications of the game. The game will be updated today, April 27th. There will be server downtime between 12:00 - 15:00 CET. Changelog
Added: Mines feature
Added: Gamecode support for per-projectile reloads for UGLs
Added: Lowering/raising the weapon in time crucial moments is now faster
Added: AI perception tracks occlusion (by smoke, trees) of each target aimpoint
Added: Engine controls for engine start/stop action
Added: Add dead character to the vicinity
Added: Flattening of grass under weapon at lower stances
Added: Add a way to preview worn model inside PreviewRenderAttributes
Added: Notification shown to all players of the given side when a service is built
Changed: Log files moved from profile into separate directories with timestamps
Changed: Position of weapon from head now only uses y coord. And changed the default values to prevent long hands
Changed: Aim modifiers should apply aim modifiers locally even on remote proxies
Changed: Having a focused gadget in hand does not stop the character from sprinting, LMB while sprinting permanently hides the gadget, pressing R with a hidden gadget does not block reload
Changed: DamageManagerComponent memory optimizations
Changed: Better dynamic stance handling
Changed: Enabled Door type navlinks to be automatically opened by vehicles
Changed: Unified way in which AIs climb to match the way players climb
Changed: Replay part of character simulation split into multiple parts so it's possible to parallelize it and do additional processing
Changed: Allow the empty string to be set as a name, alias, or surname for character identity
Changed: Animation updates changed so triggering of animation events happens on the main thread
Changed: GameTriggerEntity queries will now use async results
Changed: Reworked navlink directions to be consistent. Jump navlinks have single unit traversal by default
Changed: Exposed used transceivers to VoN
Changed: Remote vehicles start with their physics off
Changed: Refactor of AI Movement
Changed: AI aiming deathzone
Changed: Aim input is not slowed when hands are far away from the body
Changed: Prone roll compensation is no longer unstable and frame dependent, but is also less precise
Changed: Player in building mode can no longer delete static guns with other players in them
Changed: Fixed character doing 360 spins in lowered locomotion when changing direction along with moving the mouse (as well as wrong feet blending in demi adjusted stance)
Changed: Optimize the activeness of entities
Tweaked: Procedural animation system optimization
Tweaked: Improved AI perception ambient light model
Tweaked: Stamina can be drained even while jogging now
Tweaked: AI perception: targets are now detected and identified not instantly but with delay. The delay depends on the target's amount of exposed aim points, size, stance, speed, illumination, and the observer's alertness
Tweaked: 2dmap - changed the default "vertical flip" option on the rasterization export
Tweaked: AI will not decide anymore to attack a target that is outside turret angular limits
Tweaked: 2DMap - Powerlines and Grid are only recalculated when the frame changes
Tweaked: 2DMap - Allow contour density set to 0 to hide specific portions
Tweaked: Improved AI visual perception if only one enemy body part is exposed
Tweaked: Don't animate door physics in the resource browser
Tweaked: The naming of some controller RPCs changed to meet our standards
Fixed: Not simulating procedural animation on headless when not needed
Fixed: Moving a weapon from one inventory slot to another causes it to be dropped and bugged
Fixed: Character would rotate in random directions after exiting vehicles, sometimes also after climbing over objects
Fixed: Optimize moving operation in inventory
Fixed: Ragdoll's handpose of holding a weapon
Fixed: While reloading, the AI Weapon&Target selector didn't detect the left-hand magazine, thus AI thought it was out of ammo
Fixed: Character collision shape not set before changing stance.
Fixed: Teleporting of vehicles was stretching particle effects, now properly resets velocity
Fixed: Stretched arms when aiming at horizontal limits.
Fixed: Issue when moving items from/to storage that is not streamed in
Fixed: Sprint is impossible while the weapon is raised
Fixed: First few car inputs are not used on the server when getting in.
Fixed: Switching weapons while reloading displays the magazine of the previous weapon on the new one
Fixed: Clone preview in CharacterInventoryStorageComponent was not going over all storage components for creating previews
Fixed: Don't enable an event on DestructibleEntity when it is not needed.
Fixed: Weapon can now be slung even if the character is inside a vehicle
Fixed: One hand aim modifier not updating properly on obstruction changes
Fixed: Character will not stop firing from the gun until he finishes the whole animation of getting into the vehicle
Fixed: Moved the height raycast in turrets back a bit to make the character not sit on sandbags
Fixed: RemoveEquipedWeaponTask now properly calls DropWeapon instead of trying to equip empty hands first. Fixes issue where Tab+X would teleport the weapon on the shoulder before dropping it on the ground
Fixed: Budgeting for stationary nodes with per connection streaming disabled
Fixed: PerceptionComponent wasn't able to perceive large targets at short distances if the target's origin is outside the view cone
Fixed: Character canceled aiming if the target was too close, thus aiming request was never finished and the AI character didn't fire
Fixed: Character reconnected from the driver seat can't control the vehicle properly and the physics of it break
Fixed: Activeness of attachments on weapons
Fixed: Weapon partial lower should now be synchronized again across all machines
Fixed: It was possible for event handlers to be skipped after an event was fired
Fixed: Replication for weapon inspection
Fixed: Magazine now dropped correctly when character is shot during reload (BaseWeaponManagerComponent refactor)
Fixed: Animation graph attachments refresh on item removed not working
Fixed: Inspection should be canceled by user-input ADS toggle as desired
Fixed: Agents no longer overwalk when approaching doors sideways
Fixed: Character can trigger climbing instead of jumping when running up slight (around 15 degrees) slopes, leading to freelook activation, which is inconsistent from the player's POV
Fixed: Broken ragdoll replication
Fixed: Inspection state interpolation should no longer jitter at any intermediate value
Fixed: Saving your loadout does not save UGL grenades
Fixed: AI weapon selection was searching for InventoryStorageManagerComponent on the vehicle's compartment slot entity, not on the vehicle root entity
Fixed: several issues in AI character aiming:
spinning when the aim target is too much up/down relative to the current rotation
rotating backward when the aim target is closer than weapon's muzzle
aiming up/down when the aim target is orthogonal to the left/right
Fixed: ADS does not disable lean anymore
Fixed: Sprint and toggle sprint buttons disable lean.
Fixed: AI shouldn't close doors after pass
Fixed: Iron sights moved when zeroing scope attachments
Fixed: Weapon obstruction is now updated during stance change too
Fixed: Flying magazines by taking them from the crate
Fixed: Explosions can now deal damage to slotted components
Fixed: Left hand IK wasn't affected by aim modifiers
Fixed: Edge case where a child removed from a streamed-in hierarchy would remain streamed-in even though it might be irrelevant
Fixed: Taking control of the character while inside the turret/vehicle would break the controls
Fixed: Weapon inspection will no longer allow leaning
Fixed: Muzzle smoke would vanish on the weapon switch
Fixed: Fix comparison between local and world space transform in ladders
Fixed: The volume validation in inventory wasn't taking into account the total volume of the item
Fixed: Obstruction will suppress ADS in certain cases as intended
Fixed: Melee attack should now properly cancel ADS
Fixed: Ik pose is now properly propagated to anim sys in PreviewAnimationComponent
Fixed: Order of operations changed to ensure the correct navmesh will be set before resorting to simple double-point path generation
Fixed: AI groups not using soldier navmesh after getting out of the vehicle
Fixed: 2DMap elements adjusted with terrain offset
Fixed: AI invulnerability and player invulnerability no longer interfere with each other
Fixed: Group movement completion doesn't interrupt jump navigation links anymore.
Fixed: Add decal flag to shot decals
Fixed: Local driving assist mode synced to all machines as necessary
Fixed: Typo in naming VehicleAction_AssitanceMode -> VehicleAction_AssistanceMode
Fixed: Broken ADSHold and MP ADS replication. Also fixed ADSHold not being able to pause sprinting if triggered while sprinting
Fixed: Safety does not work on weapons that do not have it. Safety now stays engaged if switching to a lowered weapon
Fixed: Proper canceling of item actions by jump and stance change, code cleanup
Fixed: Improper removal from the spatial map while replication is shut down
Fixed: Magazines now go into inventory if a weapon is dropped during reload unexpectedly, instead of staying in the character's hand
Fixed: Manually loaded ammo does not appear on weapon storage in the inventory UI
Fixed: Actions were not taking their VisibilityRange into account
Fixed: AIs not following commander group and movement speed issues.
Fixed: Switching input when driving off with the reverse gear engaged
Fixed: BaseLightManagerComponent reading past its buffer boundaries (happens with wrecked vehicles)
Fixed: Hand additive IK attributes resulting in hand item duplication on preview widgets
Fixed: Muzzle flashlight could remain visible after the weapon was dropped
Fixed: TaskMoveInFormation no longer finishing unless aborted. When finishing movement and formation are shifted, set the direction of the group correctly
Fixed: The content of the blouse and trousers was not saved/loaded for player-saved loadouts
Fixed: TestAimModifier now yields the same sight picture as zeroing would
Fixed: Refactor of character heading angles and aiming angles.
Fixed: Added a move settings parameter to control the speed of interpolating slope for animations
Fixed: Turret animations height adjustment now does not change while on the turret. Sitting in a turret is supported. Added traces to prevent the character from clipping when aiming the turret left and right
Fixed: Condition for preventing deletion of player ignored child entities (e.g., turret inside of a composition)
Fixed: Player gets stuck in the tutorial because of the low rank to build a bunker
Fixed: Player character effects in Armavision (e.g., a black bar on faces) was not restored after closing Armavision and opening it again
Fixed: A building mode is removed when a player is in unconsciousness
Fixed: Smoke particles of smoke grenades wasn't replicated for JIP players
Fixed: Server/Single player exit from occluded seat would get the character stuck
Fixed: HitzoneContainer - Damage for hitzones inside of slotted entities wasn't properly replicated
Fixed: Vehicles - A front right window of UAZ doesn't appear broken when hit zone reaches 0
Fixed: HitZoneContainerComponent hierarchy IDs are no longer done on the frame, it broke damage overtime calculations
Fixed: Disabled RPLcomponents on equipment box props causing ghost entities
Fixed: Item dimensions are now checked when replacing items
Fixed: Explosions not dealing damage to destructibles
Fixed: Services UI didn't support additional services
Fixed: Missing Faction in vehicle depot prefab
Fixed: Incorrectly shown notifications about disassembled services
Fixed: Issue with Tutorial where the player could respawn with a weapon
Fixed: Campaign/Freebuilding - Dead body can block vehicle deployment if it's dropped within the vehicle depot composition slot
Fixed: Wrong resource links in procedural animation projects
Fixed: Campaign - Vehicle ready message contains the name of a different vehicle than spawned
Fixed: Sometimes friendlies AI are detected as enemies
Removed: Unnecessary transform assignment when lerping is finished
Removed: Updating of weapon's surface signal from character
Removed: NWKCOMPONENT_USE_STATE_REPLICATION macro removed as the state replication has been verified enough
Added: Attachments Compatibility addon was merged into base game
Added: Zeroing generator for rear-sight apertures (like M72)
Added: Exposed method for getting default magazine or projectile of a muzzle
Added: Exposed InventoryStorageManagerComponent::GetMagazineCountByMuzzle
Added: It's now possible to set the Z offset of the turret sidesteps raytrace for each turret compartment
Added: It's now possible to set the Z offset of the turret height adjustment raytrace for each turret compartmentAdded: PerceptionComponent.GetUpdateInterval script function
Added: A method BaseMuzzleComponent::ClearChamber(int i) and fixed a bug that prevented loading an unchambered weapon if no magazines were available
Added: Added AttachmentSlotComponent::CanSetAttachment API
Added: API to directly set animation variables and to call animation commands.
Added: ApplyControls checkbox on BaseControllerComponent, ability to disable controls processing per controller
Added: PerceptionManager.RequestUpdateAllTargetsFactions scripted method for cases when faction friendliness changes dynamically
Added: Enable/Disable property and script API for BaseProjectileEffect
Added: Extended system for sights zeroing generators
Added: Public API for occluder destruction
Added: EntitySlotInfo::IsEnabled function to the script
Added: Rotation and Fire functions into TurretController for scripters
Added: BaseTriggerComponent::GetProjectileEffects function
Added: Scripted Triggers can now run the default query before the script query
Added: DecalMaterial property that replaces the DecalMaterials array automatically copies data to the new property
Added: Exposed dynamic speed limits to attributes
Added: TurretComponent::GetAimingAngleExcess method. Also exposed it to the script
Added: SpawnDecalEffect class, this can be used to create decals at the projectile position
Added: Script API for reserved by on Compartment Slot
Added: VehicleProcAnimComponent that will replace CarProcAnimComponent
Added: WeaponAttachmentAttributes::GetAttachmentType function to the script
Added: Under barrel RIS attachments slots
Added: Two more magazine wells for 5.45x39 and 5.56x45 STANAG weapons which don't accept drum magazines
Tweaked: Inheritance of attachment classes so they work as intended
Tweaked: EyesSensor constants were exposed as properties
Tweaked: Modified BaseZeroingGenerator to cope with entities that have no muzzle
Changed: Bones provided in ProcAnimParams are now simple overrides of bones in the resource
Changed: Refactored ScriptApi FileHandle
Changed: Renamed boneIndices to boneSlotIndices to clarify the meaning
Changed: VehicleSignalType is now common for all vehicles
Changed: VoN SetCapture API returns if the capture state was changed
Changed: TimeAndWeatherManagerEntity: Exposed UpdateWeather method to manually update the weather
Changed: PlayerManager will always assign PlayerID=1 in SP scenarios
Changed: Rework some of the script API of BaseLoadoutManagerComponent and EquipedLoadoutStorageComponent
Changed: CharacterIdentity API for script
Changed: Setup of Maxspeed limiters to penalize walking/sprinting speed from a script
Fixed: Removed Get/Set Heading/Aiming/LookAt angles functions on CharacterControllerComponent. Get/Set Heading/Aiming/LookAt Angles functions on CharacterInputContext all use radians, with the yaw angle being in a clockwise direction (turning right = increase and vice versa).
Fixed: Invalid pointers to physics components on custom-made contact
Fixed: ScriptedDamageManager::OnDamage would get called even when a default hitzone is destroyed, and there would be no data for OnDamage
Fixed: OnActionStart script executed twice when beginning interaction
Fixed: SCR_METHOD with array parameter should be a pointer or use the notnull modifier
Fixed: Manager registration no longer interferes with unrelated worlds/edit mode
Fixed: OnCompartmentLeft was not called when switching seats in a vehicle
Fixed: OnProjectileShot event should now fire if the character is seated in a turret
Fixed: ComputeEffectiveDamage had a const inout parameter for both HitZones and DestructibleEntities. Because of it, the variable was read as 0.
Fixed: InventorySearchPredicate would not work correctly if there is no definition
Fixed: PrettyJsonSaveContainer::SetIndent was not working correctly
Removed: DecalMaterials property (no longer used)
Removed: TurretComponent aiming limits
Scenario Framework
Added: New Actions (Delete and teleport entity, wait and execute, end scenario override screen)
Added: Serialization for scenarios created by ScenarioFramework
Added: Add Visualization content of Slots using selected asset prefab in World Editor
Added: Intel task map marker delay option
Tweaked: Faction inheritance for Areas, Layers, and Slots
Tweaked: Teleport action renamed to Set Entity Position and it utilizes getters to obtain entity rather than just the entity name
Tweaked: Task Defend tweaks, bug fixes, and improvements
Fixed: AI handling and waypoint bugs
Fixed: Spawnpoint was accidentally removed from the base sample world
Fixed: Task Defend test scenario LastStand had duplicate GUID
Fixed: Unknown keyword/data in slot prefabs and outdated class name of PlayerPenaltyComponent
Fixed: Task Defend samples got invalid faction values set
Fixed: Missing satellite texture for sample world
Fixed: Removed notnull from method parameter that was not supposed to be there
Fixed: Wrong condition and value -1 caused improper evaluation of Task Defend
Fixed: Getter returns a wrong entity
Fixed: Default values for new actions were wrongly set
Fixed: Passing the wrong entity caused by overlooking
Fixed: Tasks are not properly spawning after a restart
Changed: Speed up & fix downloading on Xbox
Fixed: Input: virtual mouse on Xbox fix
Added: Enable BE headless client support
Added: Assertion to SDF font rendering for catching potential rare crash
Changed: Added upper limit when computing offset to light cluster structure to avoid possible GPU crash
Changed: GPU crash - skinning matrices in VS with a check for out of bounds access (test)
Fixed: BaseEventHandler leaks memory
Fixed: SoundComponent - ECS Multithread crash upon activation
Fixed: Crash when a vehicle is getting wrecked
Fixed: Crash in Anim Editor Properties
Fixed: Crash when addon loading fails
Fixed: Crash in colliders debug rendering
Fixed: Server crashes when unable to communicate with the backend
Fixed: WorldEditor: split spline crash fix
Fixed: Crash when closing ANM property grid
Fixed: Lack of setting could cause a crash
Fixed: Crash when upload fails
Fixed: Potential crash by providing incorrect geometry element ID
Fixed: Workshop crash when pausing and unpausing the download
Fixed: Workbench: WorldEditor: current tool & reload scripts crash fix
Fixed: GPU crash, fog read from unset const buffer instead of the internal structure
Fixed: Crash in graphical options when running on the adapter without outputs
Fixed: Possible crash when on a limit of debug shapes in navmesh debugging
Fixed: Possible crash in probe when trying to get volume info from the entity
Fixed: Workbench options crash when the path to the addon is too long
Fixed: Cinematic tool crashes when some user track script is missing
Fixed: World editor - Crash after reimport XOB
Fixed: Config editor - Crash after unsuccessful loading
Fixed: Clouds: Fixed 2 crashes when Atmosphere is not present in World, but Clouds are.
Fixed: Peak limiter SFX audio node crash
Fixed: JSON - Crash with certain script object/array inheritance and loading of data upon a such object
Fixed: Crash on quitting World Editor play mode while downloading
Fixed: Workbench - crash by setup physics settings
Fixed: GodRays: Fixed crash when generating thumbnail in Workbench
Fixed: Fixed crash when a connection is disconnected at the same time (same tick) as ownership was given or taken
Fixed: VectorEntityTool::OnActivate can crash WB upon opening the tool if the map contains a ShapeEntity with corrupted data
Fixed: ShapeEntity points do not get copied to m_Positions after being added leading to crashing when adding and deleting them
Fixed: Clouds: fix crash caused by clouds history (temporal buffer is null)
Fixed: Audio Editor - Selector crash upon loading a config file with ports that already exist, now gives an error instead and ignores the port
Fixed: Audio/ProcAnim Editor - Crash when trying to modify signal simulation values with no opened project, clearing the signal simulations window now upon no tab opened
Fixed: ScriptCompiler: protected method call crash
Fixed: Property grid - crash when a variable is missing in ancestor due to different class
Fixed: Crash when playing sound in the audio editor from non-Sound node
Fixed: Crash when playing .wav file via audio editor resource browser
Fixed: Material editor - Crash after changing material class of modded material
Fixed: Crash and layout issue in Mesh Preview "Colliders" page
Fixed: Ragdoll crashes when the bone index is invalid or the number of bones is zero.
Fixed: Crash in PlayerManager due to missing PlayerManagerNode
Fixed: Particles - Crash on vehicle explosion
Fixed: Crash when changing character ownership of pilot while there is no pilot compartment setup
Fixed: Crash on switching from turret to cargo compartment.
Fixed: Crash when entering copilot in a helicopter
Fixed: Group Movement crash for commanding when the commander disconnects.
Fixed: Crash when explosion effects (not explosion damage) would fail to spawn a prefab
Fixed: Crash when streaming in the vehicle which is destroyed
Fixed: Possible bit buffer crash if inspection state input action value is out of bounds
Fixed: Crash if a vehicle collides with the surface with null SurfaceProperties
Fixed: Possible crash on CharacterControllerComponent if used without a RplComponent
Fixed: Crash when changing zeroing and there are no sights anymore
Fixed: SwitchNextSights & SwitchPrevSights crash if there are no sights
Fixed: Crash in BaseRadioComponent when streaming it in (broken string sync)
Fixed: Crash when animating a door with BoneAnimated animation type without an animated mesh object
Fixed: Crash when interrupting weapon switching
Fixed: Crash in vehicle destruction
Fixed: GenerateWindowsPrefabsTool's World Editor potential crash
Fixed: ScenarioFramework - Server crashes after finishing a combat ops mission
Fixed: Crash when attempting to save a mission without save struct defined.
Fixed: Crash in destruction from non-collision damage dealt asynchronously/from physics step
Fixed: Crash in destructibles
Fixed: Persistent loading widget in deploy menu for reconnecting a crashed client
Fixed: Crash in respawn handler
Fixed: Audio - Removed call queue calls for respawn and spawn music, which caused a crash when the player quickly disconnects or gets kicked
Fixed: Possible crash in respawn menu handler
Fixed: Another crash when computing a very small angle
Fixed: Assertion/crash during portal volume loading
Fixed: Crash on undefined BattleEye callback
Fixed: JSON - Crash during the processing of missing script object (non-intended Api use)
Fixed: Crash on game cleanup while backend communication with workshop is pending
Fixed: Crash on deleted Resource name of Behavior tree that was stored in BTmanager
Fixed: Possible crash in water caustic when the texture wasn't defined
Fixed: GPU crash when river mesh was not correctly added to underwater surface mesh rendering
Fixed: Crash on navmesh rebuild when entities got deleted before query and generation
Fixed: Crash where if a DestructibleEntity had less than 2 destruction phases it would crash
Fixed: Crash when reading ragdoll init data when there is no physics controller
Fixed: Crash when entering turret compartment without turret controller/component
Fixed: Crash when shooting a character
Fixed: Explosions - Crash when an entity would be destroyed by multiple explosions in the same frame.
Fixed: Possible GPU crash as an index in CB could point out available CB memory
Fixed: Crash without BaseWeaponManagerComponent on a turret
Fixed: Passing unverified text as a format string to print, leading to crashes and errors when there are references to non-existent format string arguments.
Added: Audio - SoundMap API to get basic map values at a certain position
Added: Audio - New callback to indicate when a SoundEvent has ended in CommunicationSoundComponent
Added: Audio - New sound event SOUND_BODYFALL_TERMINAL for terminal fall damage on character
Added: Frequency_Base config.
Changed: MusicManager - Added custom fading parameters on musicmanager when terminating sounds for interruption or forceplay
Changed: Audio - RadioBroadcast full rework to use MS instead of S, optimized entire networking part, way fewer calls over the network, and better synchronization
Changed: Audio - Moved binding BaseItemAnimationComponent events from WeaponSoundComponent to SoundComponent
Changed: - Modified timings to correctly portray the new system using milliseconds instead of seconds
Changed: Update samples for inventory open/close
Changed: Update banks volumes for inventory open/close
Changed: Weapon reloads use a maximum 15-10 attenuation curve.
Changed: Custom curve for reloads.
Changed: LP frequency on exterior reverb
Changed: Direct VON less audible over distance
Changed: Audio - Removed unnecessary check in SpawnMusic causing it not to play on clients
Changed: Audio - SoundSource, BaseSoundComponent and AudioSystem destruction now supports custom FadeOut time
Changed: Audio - SoundEvents replaced with SoundEventTransform where necessary in scripts to support new activeness changes
Changed: Audio - Removed including inactive on UGL and Throw Base, should not be needed anymore due to activeness changes
Tweaked: Added weapon handgrab sounds when unequipping left-hand gadgets (via animation graph)
Tweaked: Added 100ms NoRepeat time to weapon handgrab sounds
Tweaked: Distance attenuation.
Tweaked: Hum loudness.
Tweaked: Distance attenuation.
Tweaked: Samples are a bit darker
Tweaked: Exterior reverb
Tweaked: Removed 40-35 curve
Tweaked: Sinking and leaking sounds
Tweaked: Distance attenuation curves
Tweaked: Exterior reverb reduced
Tweaked: Character attenuation curves
Tweaked: WaterEnter improvements added
Tweaked: Grenade collisions, unpin, throw use config for frequency weapon handling.
Fixed: Audio - SOUND_HIT changes to stop current SOUND_HIT from playing and restarting it after consciousness was set
Fixed: Multiple UI sounds being played in the Hotkey menu
Fixed: Overlapping HDR/SMAA PP priorities causing HDR to flicker and SMAA not to work
Fixed: Radio static final mix routing.
Fixed: Audio - Activeness fix for WeaponSoundComponent to only assume weapon range if the weapon is active
Fixed: Audio - SoundComponent Activating/Deactivating causing an infinite loop in sound system
Removed: Audio - SOUND_WPN_TOUGL sound event
Backend, Workshop, Server Hosting
Added: Check of file size and resolution of uploaded images with addons
Added: Unlisted visibility option for addons
Added: SessionStorage Scheduler for periodic saves
Added: Configurable period of automatic player save "operating.playerSaveTime" in the server config
Added: ownerToken.bin file for dedicated servers (replacement for dedicatedServerId)
Changed: Server max player limit to 128 player
Changed: Server default player limit to 64 player
Changed: Use server name instead of dedicatedServerId in A2S_INFO Name (T171463)
Fixed: Addon delta patching when downloading updates
Fixed: Addon updates on Linux servers
Removed: dedicatedServerId from server config
Known Issues
Server performance can be greatly reduced when replicating a high number of characters (players + AIs), and this issue becomes more prominent with increased limits, making it difficult to handle 128 players and 200+ AIs.
Playing Everon Conflict with 128 players is not recommended, while Arland might be more feasible due to its smaller size and fewer AI spawns. Pure PvP without AIs could be a potential alternative for larger player counts.
Initiating PiP scope during weapon-switching animation results in the scope view being blacked out.
PiP scope turns black when switching between prone and crouched stance while aiming down sights (ADS).
Visual and audio effects of shooting might not be replicated for other players after picking up a dropped weapon.
Problems with looting dead bodies were encountered during testing and require investigation.
Players clip into the roof of a vehicle when exiting it if the server has low FPS.
In the event of a kick, the player returns to their previous character, potentially causing replication issues with shooting until they reconnect.
Base callsigns may be missing after reconnecting.
Issues with an inability to respawn at a specific base after death were encountered during testing and require investigation.
The spawn point of the radio operator may disappear from the deploy screen when they switch seats in vehicles.
Passengers in a vehicle may be invisible to other players after switching seats until they exit the vehicle.
Vehicle previews in the vehicle depot do not display properly while selecting a vehicle.
The game window briefly switches to full screen during loading screen transitions.
Attempting to unbind the "Rest Weapon" action in keybindings causes a crash.
The filter for modded entities in the Editor Entity browser is not functioning.
After enabling a previously disabled add-on, included missions are not displayed in the "Scenarios" tab until the game is restarted
Add-ons required for joining a modded server may be incorrectly displayed after opening the server browser for the first time after disconnecting.
Addon downloading gets sometimes stuck or fails when connecting to a server.
Addon download might get stuck if you try to download an older version of an addon you already have downloaded
If you are certain your download got stuck:
First, try to restart the game and connect to the server again.
If it doesn't help, cancel the download/connection process.
Try to initiate the connection to the same server again → You will see a list of addons that need to be downloaded/updated → Those are likely the addons causing the problem.
Go to Workshop and find the addons from the previous step and delete them.
Restart the game and connect to the same server again. The download should finish successfully.